Have you ever looked at someone and just knew,
knew that they were put in your life for a reason?
The one person that would be not only your best friend,
but would be your absolute everything?
That’s how I felt the first time I saw him.
That one day when a few little words changed our entire lives forever…
Don’t be Afraid, he said.
Life can change so quickly.
One moment you can be smiling and feeling as if you’re walking on clouds and the next, everything you love, everything you treasure crumbles at your feet.
I told him to fight, I told him I needed him.
We needed him.
But there are just some fights that can’t be won…
He was my angel then, and he’s still my angel now.
In a way, I believe he’s still looking out for us, giving us a future.
Sometimes it’s as if I can still feel his presence,
guiding us and keeping us safe.
So, I won’t be Afraid.
I’ll live. I’ll fight.
It’s what he would have wanted.
I’ll do it for him…
Don’t Be Afraid by CA Harms
I receive this book from the author for an honest review.
I don’t know if I will be able to get through this review without stopping to blow my nose or wipe the streams of flowing tears from my eyes. Sweet Baby Jesus I am completely destroyed in the most beautiful of ways.
This book is such a simple idea but CA writes it with such depth of emotion if you don’t cry you must be a heartless person! LOL The story is all about love. Pure and simple love. The love of a man and wife. The love of 2 brothers willing to do for each other and their family. The story is about what happens when one person loses the love of their life or the person they consider to be their brother. How do the remaining two continue on without their missing link plus what happens when feelings begin to develop between the remaining people?
Sawyer has had a sad life and when she meets Pat everything clicks for her. She seems to have a golden life with the man of her dreams. When Cancer tears her happily ever after apart she learns to lean on Gage. Gage and Pat have grown up together and are brothers. When Pat asks Gage to watch out for his family. Gage does it because his feels Sawyer is his family too.
The story has me sobbing through most of the beginning of the book. Chapters 14 and 21 had me a hot mess so be warned!! But as the middle to end of the story is being told we are facing life without our Rock Pat but also looking to Gage for MORE. The end of the book throws a few amazing scenes that made my dried eyes begin to leak full force again.
The emotion and depth of story totally knocked me for a loop. I was stunned at how well CA Captured the emotion of each character in the story. The anger Pat felt. The sadness Sawyer felt, and the guilt Gage felt. Such a raw and emotionally gritty story this book is intense so be ready with the tissue. Be ready to have some Tylenol to help with the raging headache you will have from the snot sobbing tears you will be shedding!!
C.A. Harms is a lover of HEA stories, mixed with a little heat and drama make it perfect. She needs some excitement, some angst, and moments that make her fan her face are always good too. She’s an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true, it honestly doesn’t take much to make her happy. She loves the little things; they truly mean the most. She may have a slight addiction to her Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. She is the mother of two children who truly are her very best friends, and their faces never fail to put a smile on her face. She has been married to her husband for eighteen years, and looks forward to many more. Even after all these years he is still able to make her heart skip a beat.
She is one of those authors that adores her fans and loves to hear from them. After all, it is because of each one of you that she continues to write.
Be sure to follow her to stay up-to-date on all her upcoming releases and news.