This would be Lowen Westmon’s first Christimas since the passing of her father. She decides she’ll make the most of it and spend her holiday with nothing more than sappy Christmas movies and a ton of alcohol to get her through it. However, her plans are derailed when the second half of her duplex cabin, gets rented out for the next two weeks by three sexy men that are in town for an all-male, holiday strip show. At first, she’s thrilled to have such hot man candy right next door. But between their loud music, incessant need to use all the hot water, and constant badgering for her to join in on the fun, Lowen might just lose her mind instead. That is, if she doesn’t lose her heart to them first. Naughty Santas, blizzards, and one too many spiked egg nogs, are just a few of the things in store for Lowen on this holiday. But the question still stands; What will happen after Christmas is over? ***Recommended for ages 18+ for strong sexual situations and language***
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I received this book from the author for an honest review.
One of the things I love about this author is her dark humor…her sarcasm is right up there with mine so I get her totally. Another thing I love about her books are the way she writes the perfect men to complement our heroine. Her heroines are always smart, sassy, and a whole lot badassy!!
This book starts with Low missing her father. She is going to drown her sorrows with Jack Daniels and Christmas movies when 3 hotties move in next door. Ez is the sweet boy next door. Tobi is the hot dominant and Jasper is the flirty one of the group.
The guys are all fawning over our girl and she is doing everything in her power to ignore them even if her libido is not on board with it. The guys push Low and soon she is a part of their holiday charity show. This forces her to spend more and more time with the guys and start to grow more and more feelings for them.
We see Low pushing her feelings for the guys away because of her abandonment fears but when she must face everything she has her trusty best friend Sara there to smack her into facing what is really happening. Everyone needs a best friend like Sara!
I loved loved loved the story. The guys all have a special place in my heart just like Low’s.
K.B. Ladnier is from a small city in Southern Mississippi. She has one daughter and three cats who she claims are stealing her soul in only tiny doses so she won’t notice. She is a cyborg and spends most of her time hiding from her tiny human so she doesn’t have to share her snacks as she reads her favorite books. She hates the beach yet lives only ten minutes away from it and daydreams of mountains and snow. She is married to a hot nerd and loves him dearly even though he hordes cookies and occasionally hides her prosthetic leg from her when she’s mad, so he can get a quick escape. She plans to write as long as people continue loving what she does, otherwise she’s going to say screw it and do her second dream of owning a coffee shop. Though, she may still do both.