Hey friends! We, The Twinsie Girls (Angie, Melinda, JM, Kelly, Tenise, and Dee) talked to some of the readers attending Writers on the Rover to see what they had to say about the event. As we come down from our book signing highs from July and start to prepare for 2025, YEAR 10, we wanted to see what some of the attendees are saying about Writers on the River.
Today we are talking to Polly Barreto. I look forward to seeing and squeezing this lady every year. I would also like to add that appreciate Twinsie Angie for allowing us to be friends. 😁 In all seriousness, Polly is an amazing human and I’m so lucky to call her friend. I’m a firm believer that everyone needs a Polly in their lives! 💗
📚Was this your first WOTR? If not how many have you attended?
2024 was my 6th year attending.
📚How far did you travel to get to the event?
4 hours
📚Did you go to the event with anyone?
This year my daughter Katie and granddaughter Charlotte and Harper. Otherwise know as Bestie #1 and Bestie #2.
📚How many new books did you bring home?
10… I think??
📚Did you participate in the raffle? If yes, did you take any baskets home this year?
Yes! I won one basket, Katie won one basket and Charlotte won two.
📚Did you get a chance to hear the Dorris talk? If yes, what are your thoughts?
Yes. She is a powerful speaker, it wil give you the feels and maybe even shed a tear.
📚Do you have a highlight or special memory from the event you would like to share?
Just love to see all the friends I have made throughout the year and seeing and meeting all the authors. Book people are the best!
📚Anything else you would like to add?
Keep up the great work ladies! See you in 2025!
Well that is all for today! Check back all month long for more Writers on the River Reader and Volunteer Spotlight
Tickets for for the 10th annual Writers on the River go on sale November 4, 2024!
For event location, dates, times, list of 2025 attending authors, and other important information, please follow the link below to the event web page.
Aww Tenise sometimes I share my friends!!! LOL
And other times you throw them in my face. It’s all about balance. Am I right? lol