Ava Cuvay
About the Author
I reside in central Indiana with a hubby who makes me laugh, kiddoes who are growing up way too quickly, and two precocious kittens who like to use me as a scratching post. I enjoy the world of wine & spirits, amusement park thrill rides, and laughing at my own foibles. I believe life is too short to surround yourself with negative people, Han Solo shot first, and the Holy Trinity of food is bacon, champagne, and chocolate. I write hot Sci-Fi romance… Think “Star Wars” meets “Firefly,” with more sex and no Jar-Jar Binks.
When and Why did you start to write?
I’ve kind of always written, though the three-ring binder with my fledgling attempts during middle and high school has for some odd reason *cough*cough* been lost. While on a milestone birthday trip to Las Vegas, I made the off-handed (and poorly-educated) comment that I could write a romance novel. It might have been the margaritas talking, but my friend concurred, and I spent the next few years giving it my best effort… which turned out to be really awful! But with the generous help from my fellow Indiana RWA writer peeps, I’ve learned a thing or two or million, and will soon to publish my first book!
What authors do you always read or suggest to others?
There have been times in my life when I have simply read whatever fell into my hands. Or had a pretty cover. Now that I’m trying to write my own books, I focus my reading on local writers and my fellow Romance Writer friends… There is some really awesome stuff out there by these writers, and I wish I had more time to read! Off the cuff, I’ll name Jillian Jacobs, TC Winters, Anya Breton, Donya Lynne, Cheryl Brooks, and Nan Reinhardt… it’s a wide range of romance genres, but I’ve read them and have enjoyed them all!
What is the most surprising thing you have found out with the writing process?
How much editing sucks. The first draft is the easiest and the most fulfilling, because it’s a honeymoon stage where writer and the story love each other. But once a writer has to take a long, hard, critical look at the story, and nit-pick it to death… well, it’s disheartening to say the least. Fortunately in this creative process (as with our genre), there is ultimately a happy ending. By contrast, the most wonderful part is how supportive authors are with each other… This is a game we want EVERYONE to win (and not just get a participation trophy)!
What are you working on now?
I’m a couple short months (maybe less) away from publishing my first book, “His Precious Cargo.” Which is sooooooo exciting!! At the same time, I’m editing my second book (see above for how I feel about editing 😉 That book won the RWA FF&P chapter’s On the Far Side contest for unpublished writers, which is awesome beyond imagining, and I’m hoping it will be even better by publication date.
When writing are you a pantser or plotter?
Total Pantser. I have a very large backside and can pull all kinds of stories and characters out of it.
Social Links
Website: http://avacuvay.com/
Facebooks: Ava Cuvay Author (https://www.facebook.com/AvaCuvayAuthor/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel)
Buy Links
Don’t have any yet. But hopefully within a couple short months (maybe less)!