#WOTR #Spotlights – Teresa Gabelman @TGabelman

Teresa Gabelman

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Teresa Gabelman. I like to take long walks while thinking of hot, sexy vampire warriors. HA! No, seriously I’m just some chick, old chick, who likes to write stories that people will enjoy. I love reading and my favorite genre is paranormal, but you will find me reading about anything when I have time to read. Spending time with my family and dogs, fishing, reading and writing are pretty much on my top most favorite things I like to do. I love my readers and connecting with them is probably my favorite part about being a author.

When and Why did you start to write?

Years and years and years ago. You know I get asked this a lot and there are a few different reasons, but I think the one that really got me to give it a go was when I would read I’d want the guy to do this or the girl to do that. I always thought what if. In no way did I think I could write a better book, nope, that had nothing to do with it. I just wondered what it would be like if I could make the guy and girl do what I wanted them to do.

Plus I’ve always had a vivid imagination as a little girl, still do as a old chick and writing is my outlet. No, I didn’t daydream about sexy vampires as a little girl, but Donny Osmond did save me a few times as did Leif Garrett. I’m sure a majority of you are going to say…’who in the hell is Donny Osmond and Leif Garrett?’ Well I will just tell you, they were HOT back in the day…nuff said. 🙂

What authors do you always read or suggest to others?

I love Sherrilyn Kenyon, but I always and I mean always suggest my indie author friends such as Kym Grosso, Victoria Danann, Theresa Hissong and the list goes on and on. Writing so much it’s hard to read and I miss it so much.

What is the most surprising thing you have found out with the writing process?

The writing process itself would probably be the characters talking to me, meaning, I write a lot in my head so I have the story going before I even hit the computer. So there I am with my Diet Pepsi just minding my own business and typing away when all of a sudden I read what I wrote and it is not what I thought of an hour ago coming home from the grocery story. So, my characters like to screw with me in that way and just between us….their ideas are sometimes better than mine.

There was a panster or plotter question below and this is why I answered that question as I did. Can you guess which I am?

What are you working on now?

I am working on Blaze, the 10th book in the Protectors Series. Then I will be finishing the third in the Lee County Wolves. I also have a book that was released in the Taming The Vampire Box Set called The Enforcer which, because the readers asked that it be a series, is going to be a series and the second book will be written after the third in the LCW. What the readers want the readers get. I also have something a little ‘hush hush’ going on that I am working on. 😉

When writing are you a pantser or plotter?

Oh, I’m a big pantser….a BIG pantser. Wish I was a plotter, but oh no, my characters totally stopped that process.

What are your social links?





What are your buy links?

AMAZON: http://amzn.to/2jEeOpZ

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/teresa+gabelman?_requestid=1087755

Damon Book #1 HERE

Forbidden Hunger HERE

2 thoughts on “#WOTR #Spotlights – Teresa Gabelman @TGabelman”

  1. Absolutely love every single book by Teresa Gableman. The Protectors Series is edge of your seat, panty wetting amazingly brilliant
    One click her every single time ❤❤❤❤

  2. I LOVE this series!! Teresa Gabelman’s packs her series with action-laughs and steamy scenes!! Blaze blew me away! He almost made me forget my devotion to JARED!
    If you have time for a reading binge or an addiction then this is the series to start!

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