Nikki’s been crashing weddings with her bestie Sugar as she tries to find the one. When she least expects it, Dean pops up and he’s on the same page as she is. But a catastrophe involving a piercing, an IUD, and a trip to the emergency room has her running for the hills.
Dean always knew that when he found the woman that was meant to be his, he would know it. And the second he saw Nikki, he was ready for the white picket fence. But when they get separated she takes off… But not to worry – he loves the chase.
Warning: This quick follow-up to Wedding Cake Crasher gives you the whole story on Dean and Nikki. Read their side of the story and fall in love all over again…
Twinsie Jo’s Review:
This story is about 2 side characters from Wedding Cake Crasher. I haven’t read that story but plan on it. Even though this is a follow up, I wasn’t confused and I didn’t feel like I missed anything.
This story is super short but fun and of course, HOT.
Dean and Nikki meet at a wedding. Sparks fly and they feel an instant connection. Well things get moving pretty fast and while they’re getting hot and heavy. They get stuck. Literally.
How embarrassing??
After that unexpected incident, it doesn’t stop them from finding that happiness and love they feel from the very start.