![Finding Faith (A Dragon's Fated Heart Book 2) by [Beverly Ovalle]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41Wo7katkYL.jpg)
The apocalypse had been and gone.
Those left banded together for survival, creating safety from the chaos.
They succeeded.
Faith wanted more, she wanted to live, to love, fly free. More than survival, Faith craved adventure. Leaving home, seeking a new life, all that ceased when she witnessed her sister being abducted-by dragons, creatures shrouded in myth. Determined to rescue her, Faith begins an adventure she never wants to end.
Dragon shifter Crag follows his heart, hunting for his fated mate. Once he finds her, Crag is determined to keep her safe, from all threats. Admitting he is a dragon shifter and involved in her sister’s kidnapping may be the end of them.
Until the interference of a race of dragons desperate for survival grasps their only chance, stealing Faith and drawing Crag along to save her.
Crag leaned over, snagging a little piece of pink cloth from the floor. Clenching his fist, he lifted it to his nose, the scent assaulting his nostrils. Inhaling, the spiciness pervaded his lungs, curling inside of him, clenching his gut. Snapping his eyes open, Crag breathed in the scent in again, savoring it. His dick twitched. Lowering his hand, he gazed at the delicate panties. The scent assuring him they belonged to his mate. Lifting them again to his nose, he took another deep sniff, enjoying the spicy bouquet and imprinting the scent of his mate forever onto his soul.
He turned at the gasp behind him. Hope, his brother’s mate looked at him in disgust.
“Is that necessary?”
His lips twitched. “Her scent is strongest in what she wore closest to her body.” He raised his brow, daring her to argue with him.
“Hmpf.” Hope shook her head and gestured for him to leave the room. “Just find my sister.”
Crag shoved the pink panties in his pocket. He didn’t need them, but he wanted them. Pleased with having something of his mate’s, he quirked a grin at Hope. Patting Hope on the head he turned and left. The growl from her was just a bit of icing on the cake. Crag shook his head passing Hope’s grandmother. The twitch of his lips the only sign of his amusement.

Beverly Ovalle dabbled with writing on and off for years when her best friend finally dared her to submit a story to a writing contest. Beverly decided she had nothing to lose and since she’d always wanted to be an author sent it in and agonized for months waiting to hear back. Contract in hand she has never looked back.
Beverly has been obsessed with dragons and romance since she was a young girl, collecting dragon books and reading everything she could find on them even down to the care of real life dragons. She’s always been slightly panicked that the world as we know it will end, so has prepped for it, haunting survivalist pages and prepper projects she felt she needed in the event SHTF.
An avid fan of all romance, Beverly’s goal is to share her love of the written word and write the hot and erotic romances that she enjoys. She writes what she loves to read and it was only a matter of time before her obsessions crept into her writing for her to share. She hopes you enjoy her tales as much as she loves writing them.
A Navy Veteran, Beverly has traveled around the world and the United States enabling her to bring her settings to life, meeting and marrying her husband of twenty five years along the way for her own romance. Reading romances since the fourth grade she’s followed as the genre changed and spread into the vast cornucopia of romance offered today.
Website: www.beverlyovalle.com
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