Review by Twinsie Melinda
I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.
Where to start with this one. To be honest I was never an Isobel fan, or Romero fan, and definitely not a Finn fan. Now Rain oh yes give me more of him I want to uncover everything about him. Let me tell you after reading this I am a huge Isobel, Rain, Romero and yes even Finn fan. I have to say I saw a side of Ariel that I was not impressed with and thought she could go kick rocks.
Watching these characters develop and grow made my heart happy. To see another side of Rain and seeing his interaction with Romero and Isobel was great to see. Learning more of Romero and even having Finn open up was amazing. I had to laugh when Rains green monster came out I really loved seeing that. The whole you kissed him before you kissed me was amazing. Let’s talk about Finn I really disliked him up to this point. I really liked seeing his and Isobel relationship go from friends to something more. Seeing Finn’s vulnerability when going on their “first” date and when he meet Baxter for the first time. I really wanted to jump on the book give him an hug and tell him it will all work out.
Thing group of hot mess express will make a great coven if they every get the chance. Really they all have so many holes in their hearts and just want to love and be loved. With their extended family the Alexander’s they will be a powerhouse but they have some things to work through and overcome. There were so many feel goods in this book, like what Isobel does for the teenage boys warmed my heart. Really they all have been through so much they all need one another to watch out for each other. Mary you are killing me with this ending I cannot wait for the next book. You really changed me from a non Isobel fan to I need so much more of her, she is so complex.
A few of my favorites:
I liked this about her as well. She had a strong stomach and seemed to enjoy the gory bits. She’d fit perfectly into my life.
I might have been beautiful, gorgeous even, but I was a goddamn nightmare underneath all of that pretty packaging.
We might not have grown up together, but there was no doubt in my mind that we definitely belonged together.