Tag Archives: Lacey Black

#WOTR #AttendingAuthor #SeriesStarter My Kinda Kisses (Summer Sisters 1) by Lacey Black

Life never goes as planned. Jaime Summer learned that lesson the hard way when her fiancé wreaked havoc on her carefully constructed life plan. Now, Jaime’s back in her hometown, working at her sister’s flower shop and living with her family once again, swearing off dating and men for the rest of her life. That is, until Ryan Elson walks through the door.

Ryan has been in Jupiter Bay for a year now, and has worked hard to make this new town his home. His construction business is growing and while his personal relationships with the fairer sex are lacking, he’s more content than he’s ever been.He doesn’t need a woman, but a chance meeting with Jaime has Ryan ready to pull out all the stops to have her.

Exhilarating. Intoxicating. Consuming. Ravenous. Passionate.What happens when those kisses lead towards something more? Something that looks a lot like forever.

Note: This book is intended for those 18 and over due to graphic language, descriptive sex, and the world’s most inappropriate grandparents.

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32068020-my-kinda-kisses

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Kinda-Kisses-Summer-Sisters-Book-ebook/dp/B01LZ4380S/ref=sr_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=Lacey+Black&qid=1592853062&sr=8-11

I bought this book and this my honest opinion

Ohmygawd where to begin Jaime was trying to find herself again after getting dumped the week of her wedding she’s found herself moving back home in her childhood home with her dad and grandparents. She has sworn off men for a while she doesn’t want anything to do with them, well until one night once she started helping her sister in her flower shop when at closing time this super sexy construction worker came in looking for flowers and well he might have found something else he needed once he laid eyes on Jaime. Ryan was bound determined to capture Jaimes heart even if it meant jumping through many hoops he was gonna do whatever it take. Will these two make it last could love at first sight really be real, you definitely won’t want to put this book down  without finding out what happens. Ps your going tot be crying from laughing so hard grandma and grandpa just saying

Review by Twinsie Dee

Avid reader, writer, mother, and wife! I love to read contemporary romance. Add in a little “spice” or hot guys in uniform pants, and I’m a happy woman. There’s just something about diving into a book and engrossing in the magic of your hero and heroine getting their happily ever after.

#wotr #attendingauthor #coverreveal Too Young to Fall in Love (Burger Brews and Crews 7) by Lacey Black

Title: Too Young to Fall in Love
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #7
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Fake Relationship/Workplace Romance
Cover Design: Melissa Gill Designs
Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography
Model: Chase Roback
Release Date: May 23, 2023
I love my job. Bartending is more than just serving drinks to customers at the hottest bar and restaurant in Stewart Grove. It’s the people I work with and those I meet along the way. I know how to have a good time. Just one flirty little grin and the ladies are like putty in my hands. But they know the score: I’m a one and done guy, not looking to ever fall into the trap of love.
Then, a sweet, gorgeous coworker needs help, and I find myself offering up more than I should.
With Cameron Wright temporarily living with me, pretending to be my girlfriend, the lines begin to blur fast. She’s in my space and I suddenly have free rein to hold and kiss her.
Helping her might very well be my downfall.
I keep to myself. Despite working as a server at the popular gourmet burger joint, I make sure my eyes are always ahead, focused on the prize: make enough tips to pay off my debts. When you carry around this much guilt every day, the weight slowly starts to drag you down, but I’m determined. My past will not define me.
Until one day, that past returns and is ready to rekindle our old relationship.
Cocky playboy Kellen McGregor steps up, not only offering a place to stay, but also a way to put space between me and my ex. Problem is, in no time, I find I like being with him.
I just need to remember he’s not the forever kind of guy.
Only available at the following
retailers for a limited time
Kickstart My Heart (Book 1)
is 99c for a limited time!
All free in Kindle Unlimited
USA Today Bestselling Author Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens.

#WOTR23 #attendingauthor – Lacey Black

Lacey Black

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

I am from Central Illinois, born and raised. I live about 10 minutes from my own small hometown, which might be why I love to write small town stories. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, and we share two kids.

When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?

Definitely the latter books!

When writing a series how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?

I like to brainstorm with my book team and do so almost daily with my writing partner, Kaylee Ryan.

Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

Just write the book. Tell the story the way you feel it should be told. Then, find yourself a team of betas, editors, and proofers to help perfect it. It takes many sets of eyes to find the little things. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last nine years, it’s not to skimp on good covers (photo and design) and editing.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

3-5 hours, spread through the day.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

Meghan Summer from the Summer Sisters. She was the hardest character I’ve ever written. I was terrified telling her story because I was scared readers wouldn’t like it. It was outside of my comfort zone, but I powered through and wrote one of my favorite books every. It took almost the entire series to shape her storyline, and I couldn’t be prouder of it!

If any of your books were to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it? What book and who?

I’d LOVE to see the Brew Crue turned into a movie. I see Liam Hemsworth as Walker and Natalie Portman as Mallory.

What is your definition of success?

Loving what I do. Life’s too short not to find joy in what you do day in and day out.

What are your social links?

Website: www.laceyblackbooks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorlaceyblack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laceyblackwrites/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lacey-black
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthLaceyBlack
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8414783.Lacey_Black

What are your buy links? (Provide links to your Amazon/iBook’s/Koko/etc Author Home Page if you have quite a few. Also include audible links if applicable.)

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lacey-Black/e/B00MW2UGZI
Audible: https://www.audible.com/author/Lacey-Black/B00MW2UGZI

Want tickets to Writers on the River #2023?

They are available starting November 4th at Writersontheriver.com

$45 VIP sell out quickly – 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included.

$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party.

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.

#wotr23 #SingleParent #Audio #Bar #Family #Excerpt #review- Kickstart My Heart , The Burgers and Brue Crew Book 1 by Lacey Black

Title: Kickstart My Heart
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #1
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
There’s nothing better than a packed house on a Saturday night, and co-owning the hottest restaurant and bar in town with my best friends, isn’t so bad either. We put everything into Burgers and Brew. My job is to keep the alcohol moving and the patrons coming back for more. I won’t let anyone break my focus.
That was until I saw her.
As much as I try, I can’t fight it. Mallory makes me crave a future I never wanted for my own.
Now, I want it all.
When I started my new job at a local specialty burger restaurant, I wasn’t expecting to find a tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome distraction in the form of Walker Meyer. He’s one of the owners, which means hands off. Only problem, it’s a lot easier said than done.
Especially when he’s so good with my daughter.
I try to keep him at a distance, but he’s insistent, slowly breaking down every one of my walls. He’s fighting to convince me I can trust him with not only my heart, but my daughter’s too.
I pray he’s right.
Review by Twinsie Angie

 I purchased this audio book.

I want to start by saying OMG did I love the audio,  Both voices did a great job with each of the characters they voiced but they both did a great job with Lizzie and her baby speech.

Walker was the single guy loving his life.  He was a ladies man but he lived by a strict code…Don’t shit where you eat IE Don’t date where you work. He is quite happy to pick up a depressed woman at the grocery store in front of the ice cream aisle grabbing rocky road to heal her heart.  Walker is not about to do monogamy and then…….

Mal is starting all over. She and her daughter need a fresh start as far away from their home town.  She needs to prove to herself she can take care of her daughter.  She makes a great friend in the complex to watch her daughter when she lands a much needed Monday through Friday day shift job at a burger restaurant.

The heat between Walker and Mal is pretty intense right away.  Seeing Walker get jealous when he sees Mal talking to his business partners was hysterical.  Hut staking his claim over her with the other workers was also a great read. Mal is pretty oblivious to his eyes because she doesn’t think a guy like walker would be interested but also once he finds out about Lizzie he would be gone.

Walker and the guys, for real I loved them all, step up to the plate for Mallory.  They all understood and respected what she was doing for her daughter.  They all knew where she was coming from and pulled her into their little homemade family.

I think my favorite was when Lizzie was sick and went to see Walker vs mommy over the yuks.  I also loved when Lizzie told walker she loved him…sigh…she is the cutest.

Of course there is drama with jealous snatched who don’t respect Walkers “taken” vibes and of course there is baby daddy drama but I was loving this story.  I am so excited over the series.  Lacey needs to get the other audio books done ASAP!!!

Chapter One
At exactly eleven o’clock, I slip a quarter into the old jukebox on the back wall. The bar is silent as they await tonight’s selection. My bar, my choice, and tonight, I’m feeling a little rowdy. The opening melody of “Dr. Feelgood” blasts through the speakers, resulting in a loud cheer from tonight’s patrons. As I make my way back behind the bar, I get a few high fives from the guys and even more phone numbers slipped into my palm from the ladies. I wish I could confirm they’re all single, but the truth is they’re not.
Just a typical Saturday night at Burgers and Brew, the place I co-own with my three best friends. We all have our forte within the business, and mine’s behind the bar. Mixing drinks and slinging beers. That’s my life, and damn, what a life it is.
I slap Jasper on the back as I slide under the bar and jump right back in to filling drink orders. Everyone’s singing along, word for word to the ol’ 80’s hair band tune, as part of our weekend ritual. It’s an ode, a salute to our college days and the band we all grew up listening to. We built this business, taking an old brick building in downtown Stewart Grove and turning it into a staple.
Jasper’s the man in the kitchen, the one who comes up with the mouthwatering burger creations we’re known for. Isaac is the numbers guy, the man who keeps us in the black and our taxes completed on time. Jameson’s the muscle because he’s big and tattooed. But he’s more than that. Jameson is talented as fuck with a guitar and serves as our house musician Friday and Saturday nights. Then there’s me. Walker Meyer, bartender extraordinaire, who keeps the beer flowing, the panties melting, and the tips rolling in.
We’re the Brew Crüe, and damn proud of it.
“Dance, dance, dance, dance,” the crowd starts to chant, encouraging me to do what I do every weekend when we play Mötley Crüe.
When I glance over at Jasper, he’s already shaking his head, but there’s no missing his wide grin. He knows what’s coming. Placing my hands on the bar top, I jump, hoisting myself up on the aged oak. Patrons erupt into cheers as I grin down at them. Mostly, at the ladies. The single ones and even the not-so-single ones. No, I’m not taking any of them home, but that doesn’t mean I can’t give them one hell of a show.
I twist my ballcap around so it’s on backward and start to swing my hips. Mama blessed me with moves, which helps almost double my tips every night. Women go crazy for a man who can dance. That’s evident by the number of panties that’ll be thrown behind the bar in a matter of moments.
Swaying my hips, I do a little dip and grind, popping my ass out and sending the ladies in the front row into cardiac arrest. They scream and reach for my pant legs, digging their nails into the denim. Instead of shaking them off, I wink and carefully walk a few steps away. Then, when we get to the refrain in the song, I throw my arms out to the side and belt out the words, everyone singing along with me.
It’s like karaoke.
But better.
As the song winds down, I steal the drink in Jasper’s hand and hold it up over my head. Everyone in the bar does the same. We sing. I dance and drink. The panties start flying.
(Excerpt – Kickstart My Heart, Burgers and Brew Crüe book 1 © Lacey Black)
Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading and writing. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves shooting guns and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.

#WOTRAttendingAuthor #SeriesStarter Trust Me – Lacey Black

After all of the devastating betrayals by the one she loved, Twenty-two year old Avery Stevens has spent three years raising her daughter alone, with her family and best friend as a support system, never leaving her small hometown of Rivers Edge, Missouri. Though Rivers Edge holds the pain of her past, it also holds the one person she wants but can’t have – her brother’s best friend, Maddox Jackson. When she learns the attraction might not be one-sided, will Avery be able to trust Maddox with the one thing she’s held onto tightly for the past few years?

Police officer Maddox Jackson is a ladies’ man with one foot out the door. Never planning to settle down, Maddox fights the attraction he feels for his best friend’s little sister, Avery. But can he continue to fight it when his body and his heart are leading him to the one woman he shouldn’t want?

When secrets are finally exposed, can Avery and Maddox trust each other enough to overcome the past, handle the present, and preserve their future? Can Avery trust Maddox with her heart? Will Maddox be able to convince Avery to take the chance?

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23007481-trust-me

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Me-Rivers-Edge-Book-ebook/dp/B00MV4DHAS/ref=sr_1_3?crid=IR09TZVRRJ3W&keywords=lacey+black&qid=1556756412&s=gateway&sprefix=Lacey+%2Caps%2C494&sr=8-3

When the youngest girl in a family with 4 older brothers finds herself pregnant by her douchbag of a boyfriend at 19 becomes a teen mom with the help of her supportive family and amazing best friend she finds herself doing what she can for her and her daughter. When she catches the eyes of her big brothers best friend that she’s had a crush on for over 10 years they find themselves in more then just an awkward position. This book will have you laughing, crying (happy tears), smiling, heart broken, and every emotion in between.

Review by Twinsie Dee

Avid reader, writer, mother, and wife! I love to read contemporary romance. Add in a little “spice” or hot guys in uniform pants, and I’m a happy woman. There’s just something about diving into a book and engrossing in the magic of your hero and heroine getting their happily ever after.

#WOTR22 #Audio #SeriesFinale – Love and Neckties by Lacey Black

Love and Neckties (Rockland Falls Book 4)

For Samuel Grayson, everything is black or white. As a funeral director, there’s no room for in-between. He’s accustomed to dealing with life and death, though he’s definitely more comfortable with the latter. Especially when it comes to a chaotic, petite, feisty ball of energy. Freedom Rayne. Samuel’s pretty sure her goal is to make his life hell, or so it appears. When Samuel boards a flight to Las Vegas for his sister’s wedding, the last thing he expects is to share it with the one woman who drives him crazy.

Freedom is eccentric and completely content with it. Floating around from job to job, she finds peace and tranquility in everything she does, including tormenting poor, uptight Samuel Grayson. When she finds herself on the same flight as him for her best friend’s wedding, she sees this as the perfect opportunity to get under his skin, something she tries to do every chance she gets. The problem is the more time she spends with him, the more she likes him.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? Not for Samuel and Freedom. Will they be able to forget about their trip when they return to Rockland Falls? What if one mistake turns out to be the best thing ever?


UK: https://amzn.to/2LworTZ
CA: https://amzn.to/2LxtFyJ
AU: https://amzn.to/3cAG1Cj
B&N: https://bit.ly/3fQDNAB
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2T8Se9v
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2WxJdc5  

 #1 Love and Pancakes 

US: https://amzn.to/2LaxdHR
UK: https://amzn.to/2Lia84R
CA: https://amzn.to/2Zuoybi
AU: https://amzn.to/2PzYNlU
B&N: http://bit.ly/30MT6SX
Kobo: http://bit.ly/32heQqw
Apple Books: https://apple.co/34fc5Yk
Google Play: http://bit.ly/32l09Tn

#2 Love and Lingerie

US: https://amzn.to/2ZFFfN0
UK: https://amzn.to/34bKQOv
CA: https://amzn.to/2NIINvw
AU: https://amzn.to/32bRxy4
B&N: http://bit.ly/30N1m5g
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2ZnFxN7
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2Uji35X
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2UgD01z

#3 Love and Landscape

US: https://amzn.to/2MIz20R
UK: https://amzn.to/2HzzGJK
CA: https://amzn.to/2ZIdvqN
AU: https://amzn.to/2L9sp5t
B&N: http://bit.ly/2LbR2Pc
Kobo: http://bit.ly/33ZilmZ
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2ZwqRX8
Google Play: http://bit.ly/325pErx

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

LAWD!!!  Sammy and Free!!  You two have been killing me this series!!  I mean GAH!!  I was so excited when I learned that Free was going to be Samuel’s HEA because honestly, I cannot imagine anyone else with him.  As opposites as they are, they fit together perfectly in so many ways.

Samuel has always been annoyed yet intrigued by his sisters’ best friend who was essentially adopted into the family.  He, however, also couldn’t stand her constant teasing and chaos of a world.  Samuel is Mr. White and Black.  Everything has a place and life isn’t messy.  Life is orderly.  Boy does Free rock his world right off its axis.

Freedom is the queen of the hippie life.  She doesn’t eat meat.  She doesn’t believe in animal testing on products.  She is the most reliable if not slightly late friend you can ever want so why is she so attracted to her sister older brother.  The man who wears ties to family functions…never mind what those ties do to her libido!!!

These two have fought the chemistry so long so when they are thrown together in the Vegas for Samuel’s sister/Free’s best friend Harper’s wedding as the only single friends, they kiiiinda lose control and kiiiind awake up a mess.  Apparently, what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas!!

I loved seeing Free be so sure in the decision to stay with Samuel and convince him she was the right person for him.  Seeing Samuel so conflicted but stepping out of his norm to TRY this life with Free was adorable.  I loved the scene with him in the shop…hilarious!!  The entire scene cracked me up.

The conflict of the story made my eyes a bit leaky because we all wanted to punch Samuel.  He has lived by his strict controlled world.  He is having a hard time learning to trust his heart and not follow his brain.  Free is the most amazing character in the series and when we finally got to SEE what her life was before this meeting Harper and her family, it was sad.  We understand why family is so important to her and why she clings to those she loves so fiercely.

The epilogue was amazing, and the bonus epilogue made my heart sing!!  I was so happy by that little chapter because …well we all needed to see this happen and see the HEA!!

Avid reader, writer, mother, and wife! I love to read contemporary romance. Add in a little “spice” or hot guys in uniform pants, and I’m a happy woman. There’s just something about diving into a book and engrossing in the magic of your hero and heroine getting their happily ever after.

#wotr #newrelease Don’t Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brews 2) by Lacey Black

Title: Don’t Go Away Mad
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #2
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 29, 2021
The kitchen: it’s my domain, where I create the best burgers in the Midwest. I’m the man behind the grill at Burgers and Brew, the restaurant and bar I co-own with my best friends. Every night, we’re packed, the demand has never been this high. It’s the only way I want it, thriving and pushing myself to be the very best.
Then she started her new business across the street from mine.
The one woman who always got under my skin, who pushed me to be better. Lyndee was my biggest rival in school and my biggest regret.
Now, she’s in town, and as much as I try, I just can’t stay away.
I want her.
A new start: that’s what Stewart Grove means for me and my brother. He’s the one who pushed me to take the chance on opening my own bakery. I am ready for the long hours, the grueling schedule, and the hard work it will take to be successful.
I wasn’t at all prepared to come face-to-face with the man across the street.
An almost kiss in college with the world’s most infuriating man has haunted me for the last decade. Now Jasper’s here, and I don’t think I can resist him.
Things are about to heat up in and out of the kitchen.
I just pray I don’t get burned.
Only available at the following
retailers for a VERY limited time
99c for a limited time!
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading and writing. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves shooting guns and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.

#WOTR21 #CoverReveal – Don’t Go Away Mad by Lacey Black

Title: Don’t Go Away Mad
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #2
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Melissa Gill Designs
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Model: Lucas Loyola
Release Date: June 29, 2021
The kitchen: it’s my domain, where I create the best burgers in the Midwest. I’m the man behind the grill at Burgers and Brew, the restaurant and bar I co-own with my best friends. Every night, we’re packed, the demand has never been this high. It’s the only way I want it, thriving and pushing myself to be the very best.
Then she started her new business across the street from mine.
The one woman who always got under my skin, who pushed me to be better. Lyndee was my biggest rival in school and my biggest regret.
Now, she’s in town, and as much as I try, I just can’t stay away.
I want her.
A new start: that’s what Stewart Grove means for me and my brother. He’s the one who pushed me to take the chance on opening my own bakery. I am ready for the long hours, the grueling schedule, and the hard work it will take to be successful.
I wasn’t at all prepared to come face-to-face with the man across the street.
An almost kiss in college with the world’s most infuriating man has haunted me for the last decade. Now Jasper’s here, and I don’t think I can resist him.
Things are about to heat up in and out of the kitchen.
I just pray I don’t get burned.
Only available at the following
retailers for a VERY limited time
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading and writing. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves shooting guns and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.

#BookBlitz #NewRelease – Bachelor Swap by Lacey Black

🌟 Bachelor Swap is NOW LIVE + #FREE in Kindle Unlimited!!!
US: https://amzn.to/3rMCTKz
UK: https://amzn.to/3qjGz68
CA: https://amzn.to/3b3NcDc
AU: https://amzn.to/3rFlXpo
I’m in trouble.
On the brink of losing everything I’ve worked for, I have a choice to make. Sit back and watch it all evaporate before my eyes, or accept a deal with the devil himself, my identical twin brother, Matthew.
He has agreed to fund my floundering cattle ranch if I do three things:
1.Oversee the redecorating of his apartment in the famed Bachelor Tower in Boston.
2.Make sure his latest business deal proceeds without a hitch.
3.Break up with his girlfriend, Kyla.
Seems easy enough, right?
Pretending to be my brother is hard enough, but tossing in an instant attraction to my brother’s girlfriend adds an extra layer of complication I wasn’t prepared for. All I have to do is get through three weeks portraying my brother, and I’m home free.
Shouldn’t be too hard, as long as I can keep my heart out of the deal.

Twinsie Dee’s top 4 pick book series

Each of these books are standalone but in my opinion they are great for a binge read

Lacey Black’s Summer Sisters Series

Each book is a standalone

1.) My Kinda Kisses – https://amzn.to/3kxV0js

2.) My Kinda Night – https://amzn.to/36EOYIH

3.) My Kinda Song – https://amzn.to/3f4fZJI

4.) My Kinda Mess – https://amzn.to/2IEiK8p

5.) My Kinda Player – https://amzn.to/3f0v2DU

6.) My Kinda Forever – https://amzn.to/3lwHqy0

7.) My Kinda Wedding – https://amzn.to/3eXupLy

C.E. Johnson’s In The Dark Series

Each book is a standalone

1.) Done – https://amzn.to/36Fz9l0

2.) Just One – https://amzn.to/3lKlgIA

3.) Buried Hearts – https://amzn.to/3pCXAbR

Chelsea Camaron’s Hellions Ride Series

Each book is a standalone

1.) One Ride – https://amzn.to/2UzLMIJ

2.) Forever Ride – https://amzn.to/3nnjRIw

3.) Merciless Ride – https://amzn.to/3eYZPB2

4.) Eternal Ride – https://amzn.to/3nqiwRo

5.) Innocent Ride – https://amzn.to/32NNISu

6.) Simple Ride – https://amzn.to/3kyAcZc

7.) Heated Ride – https://amzn.to/2IDjrP8

8.) Originals Ride – https://amzn.to/2UzMc1L

9.) Final Ride – https://amzn.to/3eYX174

10.) Ride With Me – https://amzn.to/3nipLuy

Brandy Slaven’s White Trash Trilogy

1.) Reviving Kendall – https://amzn.to/3eYF9cD

2.) Refusing Kendall – https://amzn.to/2IvSkWK

3.) Reclaiming Kendall – https://amzn.to/3pvsT8g

4.) Logan (novella) – https://amzn.to/3eYZw9m