Our Love is Epic…
My name is Brie, and I am a submissive.
This is my HEA.
In a world of kinky passions, I have found true love with Thane.The sex is incredible, the level of passion unreal!
My heart completely melts when I look into the eyes of our baby.
This is the beginning of my happily ever after, but it will be a fight because there are those who seek to destroy it.
It seems my life is fated to reflect the sensual play I crave.
To enjoy the pleasure–I must face the pain.
I received this book from the authors for an honest review.
I have been waiting, as all the fans have, for the birth of baby……………*shakes finger* Did you think I would let that spoiler outta the bag? That is a negative!! Wanna know? Then read the book!!
This book was a great jump back and forth in time from Brie’s POV. We get to see scenes from Sir’s book and how she was feeling plus we get to see her thoughts about coupling with Sir annnnnd our favorite Russian….MMMM Rytsar. I know I love seeing the dynamic of their friendship and *Wink* MORE. The More is ALWAYS GOOD READING and Red didn’t let us down *Blushes*
WE get a lot more in this book too. WE get to see a happy and in love Lea. After EVERYTHING she went trough with Mrs. Clark I was so happy to see Love in the air for her. Granted I had HOPED it would be with Rytsar but she is happy so I am good……Or is she?
Mary….Oh Mary….What is going on with you? I never thought I would say this, but Mary REALLY DOES LOVE Brie and Lea. After what she does in this book for the girls, I seriously hope she gets an HEA because she does deserve it.
Seeing scenes with Master Anderson and Tono are always great additions to any book of course. I love getting to see the old gang in any capacity.
Lilly, Oh friends she is still causing trouble for our couple. Unfortunately, our couple doesn’t know her evil is still out there causing havoc on their lives.
More evil from the past in the form of Brie’s bully comes back into play. I wonder what is going to happen with this story line because Brie is pretty shaken up with memories of her past with Darius.
This book does a great job setting up more plot for more books plus letting us reconnect with our old story lines and characters. I love this series and stop whatever I am doing to sit and read. Sir and Brie’s love story is truly EPIC like the Blurb suggests. #CondorLove
Yes!!! I have been waiting for this book. We have seen Brie grow from a young woman to a glowing mom to be to now seeing her become a mom. I absolutely love the way this book takes us from present to past.
There were so many great things in this book. WOW I love Brie’s imagination the scene Brie thought about to keep her mind off the labor pains was well yeah you will need to read that. The photo shoot was a great scene also I loved seeing pregnant Brie. The pranks Rytsar and Brie pull on Master Anderson I was giggling the entire time. Rytsar was amazing he is the best Dyadya ever.
It was great to see everyone from the training center again. I have to say seeing Brie, Lea, Mary, and Autumn together and them having one of their girls night was great. Oh gosh Lea your crazy jokes just kill me oh heck you in general kill me. Everyone needs a friend like Lea. I have to say I go back and forth with disliking Mary to liking Mary and this was a like time.
I am so in love with this series and these people. I cannot wait for more of Brie and Sir to see how their lives continue to grow and intertwine with all of their friends. No matter how far they go from one another they always end up back together for one reason or another even if it is just for a short time.
USA Today Bestselling Author
Red Phoenix is an award-winning romance author who gained popularity with her BDSM series, Brie’s Submission.
To join in the Brie experience begin with the 1st Boxed Set (Books 1-3) and start your journey into a sensual world…
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