Category Archives: Vampire

#WOTR2018Attending #BadGirls #Vampires Karma’s Revenge (A Bad Girls Novel) by Teresa Gabelman

In a world where human’s and vampires coexist, one woman with only one name and a score to settle has a hefty price on her head. She call’s herself Karma, other’s called her the Slayer of Vampires. Karma didn’t care what she was called as long as she got her revenge.

Axel Walker, also known as the Assassin, was a half-breed so his loyalty lay with the highest bidder. Who had the most money to hand him at the end of a job was the side he was on whether human or vampire. His highest pay day was yet to come and all he had to do was kill the one they call the Slayer of Vampires.

The Slayer and the Assassin become players in a tangled web of deceit. It is Karma and Axel who have to decide whether killing each other is the best plan of action or joining forces to take out those who dare make them pawns in their dangerous games.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book.

The Bad Girl series is a 2018/2019 collaboration between 13 authors releasing one book a month about kiss-ass women with a penchant for being bad, Teresa Gabelman gives us May’s Bad girl with Karma’s Revenge.

OMG!!! If anyone knows how to write about hot Vampires it’s Teresa Gabelman.

Someone is going around town and killing vampires and now the Slayer of Vampires has a price on her head.

Sophie Deluce is looking for the vampire that killed her sister and left her stuffed next to the toilet in a public bathroom.  In doing so she has made the vampires so nervous that they put a contract out for her and assassin Axel Walker has her number, however once he she’s her and finds out her reasons he returns the money and decides to help her get her man.

I was  excepting some of Gabelman’s VC Warriors to show up, the story was so good!!!!

Sophie is one kick a** woman who needs this to get justice for her sister and no one is going to stop her.  I love how she sticks to what she wants even knowing there is a price on her head, so with the help of a half-breed assassin and her drag queen best friend she continues on her mission.

I swear Gabelman does vampires like no one else and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Axel and Sophie.



Teresa Gabelman is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the ‘Protectors Series’. When not writing about sexy alpha vampires and the women who drive them crazy she can be found on a lake with a fishing pole/Kindle, at a MMA event or spending a fun evening with family.

Being a full-time writer has allowed Teresa to connect more with readers which is what she loves most about writing. If you find the time she would love to hear from you!


#Review – Hunter (Standalone in A Vampire’s Thirst #8) by Bella Roccaforte

Hunter (A Vampire's Thirst #8)


A Vampire’s Thirst: Dark, Dangerous and Undeniable. A stand-alone HEA

Hunter Webb, an ancient Viking Vampire wants one thing: to be with his one true love…an impossibility seeing as he is refused entry to Valhalla for being a Vampire. Instead he’s dedicated his life to finding a “cure” for vampirism so that he may die in battle as a human and feast in the hall among the gods and find the other half of his heart.

While working in the lab he is struck down by a mysterious illness that shakes the very foundation of his entire existence. The desire to feed ALL of his urges drives him to the edge of insanity. After thousands of years of control, his craving for warm blood and hot sex take over all of his reason…until a tiny vial of blood changes everything. One taste and he remembers what it’s like to feel, hope and live again.

Now he must find the owner of the blood or they will both be in grave danger. Will Hunter find his bloodmate before they both lose themselves to the Thirst?

The hunt is on, the battle fierce…only the strong survive a Vampire’s Thirst.




Ok, here is ALL you need to know about this book. It’s A MUST READ! I have to tell you that sometimes books with insta-love push me the wrong way. Sometimes it feels that two people (or vampires, shifters, etc) see each other and boom….they are having their way with each other the entire book. NOT THIS ONE! Hunter and Rook are the love interests in this story. Hunter was a Viking from the old world who found his true love. He is now a vampire and has lived many, many years without his love. He is constantly researching a cure for vampirism. He wants to go down in battle with a win and be with his one true love again. We also meet Rook. She left her small town to go to New Orleans. She never really felt that she belonged back home. She can’t be scented by supernaturals and is found to be an asset on gaining information for the Directive. The Directive basically polices the supernatural community and things are going down. Rook is in trouble and everyone warns her to leave the area. While Hunter is diligently working on a cure he finds that he can’t satiate this hunger and the intense sex drive he has and starts feeling like he is going crazy. This is as much of a book report that I can give you, haha! The back story and the additional characters that are in this particular story give it a ton of depth with the characters that really make you want to root for the insta-love that these stories bring. By the time these two finally find each other there is so much intensity building that when they do meet, their worlds collide with a bang! And then their intricate web continues to be woven.  These two are one of my new favorite book couples. I can only imagine what kind of shenanigans they got into before they meet or even further past this book. Loving me some Hunter and Rook!!








Bella Roccaforte

Award Winning Author!

Bella’s motto has always been that you can choose to watch life pass you by or your can be the one spinning the world. You have to get out and live, life won’t come to you!

Bella has always seen things in the world with a different view and has been an avid story-teller. She is enjoying putting her crazy musings into print for others to enjoy.

To her, one of the most exciting parts of writing is getting a chance to interact with readers. It is truly her hope that readers will reach out and tell her what they like and even don’t like about her stories. She’s looking forward to a relationship with the readers to better write stories they will love.

To stay current on new releases please click the “Stay Up To Date” option on the right side of the profile and consider joining my mailing list here:…

Keep in touch with me here:


#Review – Victor (A Vampire’s Thirst #1) by A.K. Michaels

Victor (A Vampire's Thirst, #1)


A Vampire’s Thirst: Dark, Dangerous, and Undeniable!

Victor Strong, ancient Vampire and hard-as-nails businessman, has enjoyed centuries in the human world by following one simple rule: Keep a steely control over your dark side. Then it comes, like a thief in the night, overtaking him mind, body, and soul… a strange, unexplainable ‘Thirst’ that not even he could deny.

With the craving for blood, and other darker, more enticing desires, rapidly growing out of control, Victor suddenly fears not only for his sanity, but his very life.

Holding on by a thin, unraveling thread, Victor is pulled from the brink of madness by a sweet, tantalizing aroma. So hypnotized by the scent, he is forced to find its owner, compelled to find the most elusive of all things; a mere myth among his kind. The Vampire’s Bloods-Mate.

Can he reach her in time? Can she save him from himself? Or will Victor be lost to his dark side forever?

The hunt is on. The battle fierce. Only the strongest survive A Vampire’s Thirst!

Book 1 in A K Michaels’ brand new series A Vampire’s Thirst full of hot as hades alpha males in this smoking paranormal romance story.




Yes please! Vampires and shifters (all kinds of shifters) with suspense and full of hotness… need I say more? In this world people know of the supernatural society. It is not flaunted by any means but it is not secret. Victor is a strong and wealthy business man. He is in the middle of making deals and what not when this insatiable thirst for fresh blood and sex consumes him. He has no idea why this is so strong. There is a scent that he picks up on and that is how he finds Kimber. He smells her but cannot find her. She is the scent that is pulling him into this madness. One thing that he does not know is that Kimber is a dragon shifter who is being hunted. As fate will have it, Victor saves Kimber but she is reluctant to stay. They are both incredibly drawn to each other and they have this insta-love that blood mates have.


I am crazy about my paranormal and love vampires and shifters. The story was well written and tons of chemistry between the two. They NEED each other. The one thing that I didn’t particularly like was that they “met” very near the beginning of the story. The back story of the two finding each other felt a tad rushed but the intense love they feel for each other completely make up for it. The majority of the story was more about them getting to know each other (wags eyebrows*) and when our evil villain finally comes forward I was surprised by this particular villain and very surprised about who really helps Victor and Kimber in the end. Again, the ending felt a little rushed as well. But overall, Victor’s and Kimber’s story of love and the will to fight for it was super heartwarming. This is a first of AK Michaels’ books for me but won’t be the last. I am looking forward to others in this series.








A K Michaels

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author, A K Michaels lives in Scotland, spending her time with family, pets and writing, writing, and more writing. She writes Paranormal Romance With A Bite. She has smoking hot Dragons, sexy Highland Shifters, and smoking Vampires aplenty with a host of other paranormal beings, her stories filled with hot Alpha Males, suspense, action and thrills to keep you turning the pages. Ava took up writing later in life and is always thinking of the next story to indulge herself in. She loves reading, chocolate, Rosé wine and Luna who is a German Shepherd and mad as a hatter, and Jinx, a black Lab that is more than a little nuts. She has twitter, website and a Facebook page where she loves chatting to folks. She has her Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan where you can sign up and get a Bonus Freebie in your welcome email and keep up to date with her news.

#Review – Blood Courtesans Boxed Set: Awakenings

Blood Courtesans Boxed Set by Michelle Fox


Darkly decadent and sinfully sensual. Enter a world where vampires are real and meet the women who become their blood courtesans. Come let the fangs slip into your throat and awaken you to a whole new life. A boxed set of ALL NEW stories in this popular series.


***This review is for Refrain by Susan Griscom***





***This review is for Refrain by Susan Griscom***

Vampires! Yes! It’s so hard to take a vampire story and make it unique. I often find that there is a lot of monotony with them. But this is hardly the case for the Blood Courtesans. In this world vampires are real and out in the open. They are normal people like you and me but they drink blood…maybe they are not what you consider completely normal, lol! Neriza is our female lead in Refrain. She lost her parents in a horrible car accident and this accident has left her sister paralyzed. Neriza is the sole provider for herself and her sister along with taking care of her parent’s debt. She decides to apply to be a Blood Courtesan. She tries to do this quietly as her uncle doesn’t agree with vampires paying for blood. Basically she gets rented for sex and blood. She has a unique quality about her that makes her a bit more valuable and she is accepted right away. She is essentially “rented” by Lyric (through his assistant) so that she can go on tour with the band and keep him sustained. Lyric happens to be the lead singer of the band Crimson Rivers, also her childhood crush, also a total hottie with an accent! He wants her gone and gone ASAP!  She can’t figure out why so she puts all of her effort into getting him to keep her so that she is not in trouble with the Madame at the agency. As these two are learning to work together she gets some terrible news and finds that her dad was in the middle of some shady dealings, and here is where the real fun begins. Neriza and Lyric do form a friendship and confide in each other about their pasts. As things heat up both of their pasts come to the present and we find that the world may not be as large as we all thought. I can’t give you ANY more of the story without giving away tons of spoilers. The intensity between Lyric and Neriza with the witty banter is enough to make you want to read the book. But all the crazy twists in between are what makes this story amazing!




Michelle Fox (Goodreads Author)

Julia Lake Mills

Kristen Strassel(Goodreads Author)

Gwen Knight (Goodreads Author)

Susan Griscom(Goodreads Author)

Rosalie Redd (Goodreads Author)

Tami Lund (Goodreads Author)

T.L. Reeve (Goodreads Author)

Ever Coming

Skye Jones (Goodreads Author)

Rebecca Rivard (Goodreads Author)

#Review #PRN #Vampires #Giveaway #Excerpt- Caressed by the Edge of Darkness by Amanda J. Greene

Paranormal Romance
Date Published: 10/10/17
Hardened by centuries of torture, former blood slave, Gabriel Erhard, is driven by an insatiable need to destroy his enemies. Violence darkens his battered soul, leaving no place for mercy in his world. Gabriel’s only desire is vengeance—until he finds her.
Seized by vampires, bound as a slave, and placed on the auction block, Jordan Culver is instantly entranced by the dangerous male who claims her. Jordan’s new captor vows to set her free, but his haunted gaze burns with savage desire and his wicked kiss makes her crave his touch and…complete surrender.
While Gabriel battles his enemies, he will break every sacred law to achieve his ultimate goal—uniting the Outcast Society and creating a new vampire Clan. But the distracting human with mesmerizing violet eyes jeopardizes his plans. With very soft whisper she evokes his tormented memories, testing his sanity and challenging his every boundary. Can Jordan help him overcome the miseries of his past and find a future with her?

Gabriel set her on the edge of the tub before turning to the cupboards lining one of the walls. He began to rummaging through their contents, searching for something.

Steam rose from the water and Jordan couldn’t resist dipping her fingers into the warmth. Bad idea. She tumbled and fully anticipated to meet the water. A large hand gripped her shoulder and pulled her upright. “Can’t leave you for a second.” Though Gabriel’s tone was sharp, his eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Sorry, I haven’t recovered my balance yet.”

He shrugged then tossed two pink discs in the water. They instantly began to fizz and the room filled with the scent of midnight blooming jasmine. The water foamed over, billowing clouds of bubbles took shape.

Gabriel reached over and turned the faucet off. “I should give you some privacy, but I’m afraid of leaving you alone.”

She smiled. “I promise to stay in the shallow end.”

That earned her a chuckle. “See that you do. I’ll be right back. Try not to slip or drown in my absence. I’d hate to have spent so much energy saving you only to have you perish from an accident in my home.”

How is a girl supposed to respond to that? She shrugged. He’s a sweetheart.

Jordan’s fingers trembled as she unsuccessfully worked the buttons of the shirt. This was going to take forever. After another futile moment ticked by, frustration got the best of her. Gripping the material with both hands, Jordan tore it apart. Buttons flew like tiny missiles, some binged off the mirror over the double sinks while others bounced and rolled across the floor.

Once free of the shirt, she scooted her bottom back and gingerly slipped into the welcoming heat of the water. “Oh, yes,” she sighed, her eyes closing. This was exactly what she needed. She sank further under the bubbles and rested her head on the rim. The warmth eased her aches and twinges and chased away the cold that permanently settled in her bones.

“Good. You survived while I was gone.”

Jordan’s eyelids snapped open. “Y-your back already.” Did she just squeak like a mouse?

The edge of his lips twitched, but he didn’t smile.

She cleared her throat and eased into a sitting position. Stretching her arms wide, she drew a mass of bubbles to her chest to conceal her breasts. “Not going to lie, it was touch and go there for a minute.”

Again he resisted a smile. Why? He’d be beyond gorgeous if he smiled.

Gabriel set a way too large black robe on the counter then headed back to the wall of cupboards to pull out a stack of fluffy white towels. After placing the pile beside the tub, he said, “That should be everything you need. I’ll remain in the room to grant you privacy.”

“No.” The force of her tone even caught her off guard and the panic that had laced that one word struck her like a blow to the gut.


“Sorry.” She flashed her best I’m-fine smile. “For the last few days…weeks? Damn, it could’ve been months, I’ve been locked away. Isolated. I missed having someone to talk to.”

Anger flashed in Gabriel’s eyes but vanished as quickly as it appeared. He gave her a tight nod then crossed to the counter. Leaning against the granite edge, he folded his arms over his wide chest.

“You’re staying?” she asked, trying her hardest to hold back her surprise.

“Warning, I’m not one for chatting.”

“A man of few words, uh? I like that.” Jordan smiled then dipped below the water’s surface. Slicking her matted hair back, she reached for the bottle of shampoo. Her fingers still trembled. She cursed when the bottle slipped from her grip and banged to the floor. Gabriel abandoned his post to retrieve it.

Studying her hands, she curled and uncurled her fingers. Was it the shock of the night’s experiences, the remnants of adrenaline? Or was it withdrawals? How long ago was her last dose?

“What time is it?”

“A little past eight.”

Her eyes went wide. “In the morning?”

He answered with a nod.

“Shouldn’t you be dreaming of nocturnal rainbows and blood fountains right now?”

Gabriel arched a single golden brow. “Nocturnal rainbows?”

“Yeah, or…whatever vampires like.”

“Such as unicorns.”

Jordan gaped. Had the rough and gruff vampire made a joke?

“The sun doesn’t rule us all,” he added.

“In other words, you’re old and very strong.”

Again, a silent nod was her answer. How interesting, she thought. Her aunt had explained that powerful vampires could resist the call of the sun. Rumor was some could even walk under its rays without becoming as crispy and chard as burnt fried chicken. Could he chill on the beach and not burst into flame?

Gabriel offered her the shampoo. This time, Jordan reach for it with both hands, but still couldn’t hold on to it. The bottle dropped into the tub and water splashed across Gabriel’s shirt. “Sorry. My hands won’t stop shaking.”

He dipped his arm into the water and retrieved the bottle. “Would you like me to help you?”

Heat stung her cheeks. His hands in her hair? Oh, yes. Lord, please! A simple touch could lead to so much more. Did she want more? Was she ready for more? Never had she been so completely attracted to a man. Her interest in the opposite sex normally rated next her love for oral surgery—seriously low. But Gabriel Erhard, the Chief of the misfit Outcast Society, was no ordinary guy a girl would meet walking in the mall. He was a warrior to the bone: lethal, powerful, and sexy as sin. His dangerous aura and I’ll-protect-you-from-everything-but-me gaze called to her wild, base instincts. She wanted him with a ferocity she never knew existed inside of her. Since the night they’d met at the bar, she’d been infatuated with him and while she languished away in Hell, her desire to see him, to hear his voice, to feel his touch one more time was torturous. Gabriel Erhard, the enemy of her enemy, the male who dared to break the laws of his society to save the humans and bring peace to the realm of darkness, was a man she’d fight to possess.

Jordan mentally shook herself. She’d never been the brazen type and short of throwing her naked body at him, she wasn’t sure how to seduce the big, bad vampire. Was he single? Did he find her attractive? She’d felt his erection earlier—hadn’t she?—while she drank his blood.

Whoa. I didn’t drink his blood. That had been a dream. Jordan’s brows pinched into a frown and she began nibbling on her bottom lip. That hadn’t happened. Right? Her hopes dwindled as she realized she’d likely imagined his reaction to her when he placed her on the bed.


At the sound of his forceful voice, she violently flinched, sending water cascading over the side.

“Are you feeling well?”

She met his gaze and the concern she saw there made her heart melt. “I just got lost in here,” she tapped her temple, “and I’m not used to having company.”

Gabriel’s eyes flickered black with rage then return to their serene, normal green. “You’re here now and you’ll never experience that again.” He went to his knees beside the tube. “Turn around. I’ll wash your hair.”

Mouth suddenly dry, Jordan gave a silent nod of her own. She turned in the water and dunked her head under again. When she came back up, Gabriel was ready. His large hands worked the shampoo into her matted hair. His touch was so light, so gentle, and welcome. Her eyes drifted closed and she swore she heard purring, from him or her?

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

I love love love paranormal and lately I am on a kick reading it. When I took this book the cover intrigued me as did the story’s blurb.  I did read book 1 and so I knew Gabriel and his tortured soul.  The brooding ones always get your heart right!!!  Well they do me.

Jordan is raised as a hunter and she is a fierce chick.  She is not going to be a stand around girl or take anything from anyone but when she is drugged, kidnapped and sold at auction, she can’t really fight against everything.

Gabriel will do anything to find and save this woman.  She has become his everything.

So this book I was excited to read but I gotta say it was really slow at the beginning.  Now when a book is the first in a series you understand slow because of world building but this is not the case.  It just seemed to drag a bit and I found myself putting the book down.  The next thing about the story that I wasn’t a fan of is that Gabriel is all about finding Jordan to have her and possess her.  She is throwing herself at him annnd he says no.  He pushed her away.  It got a bit tiresome.

What I did like about the story was the sexy times….*insert bow chicka wow wow music*.  They were off the charts hawt.    I did like the character chemistry between Jordan and Gabriel even if she was insta love with him…being a hunter I was a little shocked at this but the heart wants what the heart want I guess.

Amanda J. Greene creates paranormal romance for ravenous readers. She lives in Southern California, where she enjoys escaping the rewarding but hectic world of writing by spending time in the sun and sand with her military husband and their two dogs.

#Review #PNR #Historical #Vampire – Caressed by Moonlight (Rulers of Darkness #1) by Amanda J. Greene @AmandaJGreene1

Caressed by Moonlight (Rulers of Darkness, #1)

Dorian Vlakhos is no ordinary aristocrat. He is a vampire king, who will do anything to save his clan from complete annihilation, before an ancient curse can claim his immortal life.

Penniless and orphaned, Victoria Kingston has nothing to bring to a marriage, yet she must shackle an unsuspecting gentleman into marriage by the end of the month or forfeit her rights as guardian of her younger sister. With the help of her dearest friend, Victoria begins her hunt, and vows to stay far away from the dark, mysterious, Dorian Vlakhos.

After meeting the beautifully innocent Miss Kingston, Dorian had to have her. He would do absolutely anything to make Victoria his. One sweet stolen kiss would bring them together while a force, more powerful than any vampire would bind them for all eternity. But treachery, war, and death rule Dorian’s dark world and Victoria would be fortunate to survive.


Box set books 1-3 $2.99 – Amazon

I purchased this book.

Ok so I am a bit conflicted by this book.  I really liked it and I loved that it was set in a historical time period but there were inconstancies of the story that I feel should have been caught in ARC copies, proofreading, editing, etc.

Ok what I liked about the story was I felt like it was told in 2 sections.  We get the historical part of the story with our Prince Dorian falling for the orphaned Victoria.  I love historical books so I loved a PNR take on the ton and the balls.  I think they author did a great job with the light and airy story of them meeting and falling into the beginning stages of love.

The 2nd part of the story is when the real paranormal aspects take place.  Our hero is going to fight for his lands because someone is trying to over take his crown.  We see action and romance between our main characters.  We see Victoria accepting and still loving Dorian even though he is a vampire.  We also get to meet new characters who I see will be getting other books.

I really did like the story and I am a huge PRN reader.

My really big issue/inconsistency with the story is that of Victoria’s “transition”.   I hate spoilers so if you don’t want any then please scroll past….but we are told that the H/h only swap blood once and she will not have to drink blood again yet at her transition she needs his blood to sustain her during the transition?  Then we are told she will not be a vampire but will live as an immortal essentially BUUUUT after her transition she grows fangs????

I liked the story a lot and I will read book 2 because I bought the boxed set of books 1-3 but I am just hoping that these inconsistencies get cleaned up in further novels.

Amanda J. Greene creates paranormal romance for ravenous readers. She lives in Southern California, where she enjoys escaping the rewarding but hectic world of writing by spending time in the sun and sand with her military husband and their two dogs.


#TopTen #WOTR2018 #Paranormal, #Mafia, #Contemporary, #NonFic, #BDSM – Twinsie Kristi’s 2017 Top Ten: @ShaylaBlack, @TeresaGabelman, @StacyGail, @JennaJacob, @CarrieAnnRyan,@MamrieHart, @JMWalker, @VanessaMarie

Wow, another year is in the books. Speaking of books I read sooo many good ones that it was hard to pick a top ten but I finally did it!! Lol!!
I have a vamp, some contemporary, a hot as hell Russian ex assassin, a funny as hell non-fiction, a MC, and another hot Russian!! Here they are in no certain order, hope you enjoy!!!

Happy-Ever-After has never been so intoxicating… Danger… When a man has beaten it, he becomes a hero. Lust… When a woman tastes it, she is helpless to resist his pull. Love… It won’t come easily, especially between alpha men and their headstrong women. Threats lurk in the shadows, and the price for passion is often exacted with a bullet or a blade…but the sacrifice is worth it when devotion is the reward. Ten bestselling authors, masters of spine-tingling romantic suspense, bring you brand-new stories that will yank you to the edge of your seat and have your heart pounding as you turn the pages. Best of all, the proceeds will benefit 4 Paws for Ability, a worldwide agency that enriches the lives of children and veterans with disabilities by training and placing quality, task-trained service dogs. Stories Contributed to Alphas of Danger: 1. SHAYLA BLACK – FRISKY BUSINESS 2. LEXI BLAKE – COUNTDOWN 3. MARI CARR – POWER STRUGGLE 4. KRIS COOK – CIA COVERT TEAM: RAINBOW KNIGHTS (M/M) 5. ANISSA GARCIA – WITH A VENGEANCE 6. KYM GROSSO – HARD ASSET 7. JENNA JACOB – REVENGE ON THE ROCKS 8. KENNEDY LAYNE – SEDUCING DANGER 9. ISABELLA LAPEARL – ENFORCE HER – A LEATHER, PIPES & PASSION SHORT STORY 10. CARRIE ANN RYAN – EXECUTIVE INK – A MONTGOMERY INK SHORT STORY


My review of these 10 awesome authors


I need to get my motor running.
All I want is to learn how to build engines,
Cars, motorcycles–anything.
You name it; I want to feel it rev in my hands.
Fabricate it into something mine,
Bend it to my will,
Create what hasn’t been built before.

But nobody takes me seriously,
And I’m no damsel in distress.
I can and will get my hands dirty,
Very dirty.

And now, I have that chance,
Working with Jesse Valentine,
Top motorcycle and hot rod fabricator.
But he’s got a reputation for more,
Much more.

After all, he’s nothing but a cocky,
Overinflated jerk,
And I’m just interested in mechanics,
Cold, hard, machines.
I was born to bend, build, create,
And I won’t change for anyone,
Not even him.


My 5 star Review


I’m Griffin Reed—cutthroat entrepreneur and competitive bastard. Trust is a four-letter word and everyone is disposable…except Britta Stone. Three years ago, she was my everything before I stupidly threw her away. I thought I’d paid for my sin in misery—until I learned we have a son. Finding out she’s engaged to a bore who’s rushing her to the altar pisses me off even more. I intend to win her back and raise our boy. I’ll have to get ruthless, of course. Luckily, that’s one of my most singular talents.

Sixty days. That’s what I’m asking the gritty, independent single mother to give me—twenty-four/seven. Under my roof. And if I have my way, in my bed. Britta says she wants nothing to do with me. But her body language and passionate kisses make her a liar. Now all I have to do is coax her into surrendering to the old magic between us. Once I have her right where I want her, I’ll do whatever it takes to prove I more than need her.


My 5 star review


They say first impressions mean everything. Either Maximus “Max” Gunn didn’t get the memo or he didn’t care. The gorgeous, muscle-bound Dominant’s assumption that I, Mistress Sammie, was a submissive set my blood boiling. I wanted to drive the toe of my coveted Louis Vuitton stilettos between his legs—and bring him to his knees.

But anger wasn’t the only burning emotion Max ignited inside me. The potent sexual attraction we share threatened to burn me alive, too. Unwilling to cede our Dominance, the battle for control raged like a third world war, both in and out of the dungeon. It would take a coup d’état for love to conquer our drive to command.

But when Max learns the secrets of my past, and attempts to heal my scars, I don’t know if I’ll be able to still the battle…or fall willingly to my knees.


My review of this WOTR Author


He doesn’t remember.
In the beginning, women and alcohol were one in the same. Until he met her.
The pain and heartache he caused her died when he was shot and fell into a coma.
Waking up is the only way he can get back to Maxine Stanton while she does everything she can to push him away.

She hates him.
Every fiber of her being loathes the man she fell in love with but she can’t control her heart and wants him just the same.
When Dale Michaels finally wakes up, she realizes they need to end this once and for all, before it destroys them both.

When an unexpected source rips through what they’ve worked hard to maintain, only then do they realize the full potential of their love.


My review of this WOTR Author


***TRIGGER WARNING: This is a MAFIA romance. In addition to several scenes with strong sexual content, there are also scenes involving violence, death, gun play, mention of sexual abuse, and adult language. Due to the nature of this book, it is intended for 18+ audiences only***

My name is Dash.

The Vitaliev Bratva had always been a part of my life, but I was never a part of it. My father built it from the ground up, and while he never hid what the family business was, he never wanted my life to be tainted by it.

But my father forgot one thing.

I’m also a Vitaliev.

Everything I hold dear has been targeted since my father’s death—my business, my friends, and the peaceful world I’ve built for myself. But it wasn’t until the love of my life, Polo Scorpeone, was struck down by a sniper’s bullet that I realized being a Vitaliev isn’t a curse. It’s a strength.

I will face my hidden enemy with the Vitaliev fire of old, and I’ll do it with the most powerful lethal weapon Chicago’s underworld has ever known by my side.

Come to find out, the legendary Scorpio is hard to kill.


Check out my review of this yumminess


The riotously funny debut from the drinking star with a YouTube problem.

Since launching her YouTube channel “You Deserve a Drink” in 2011, comedian Mamrie Hart has built an intensely devoted following of more than half a million viewers. Like her bawdy and bacchanalian show, Hart’s eponymous debut pays tribute to her boozy misadventures with an original cocktail recipe accompanying each hilarious tale. From the “Leaves of Three Martini,” commemorating the hookup to whom she accidentally gave poison ivy, to the “Bizzargarita,” in honor of the time she and a friend were approached by two uber-Republican couples who wanted to “swing” while on vacation in Mexico, You Deserve a Drink is as useful as it is entertaining.


Check out my 5 star review of this non-fic


The Montgomery Ink series by NYT Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan continues when the final Denver Montgomery sibling refuses to fall for his brother’s former flame—the company’s new plumber.

Wes Montgomery watched his entire family fall in love, and now finds himself ready to settle down. Except the one person he seems to find chemistry with is not only his twin’s ex, she also works for Montgomery Inc. But when the two find themselves in one compromising situation after another, Wes realizes he’s having second thoughts about the dynamic woman who’s burst her way into his life. Sure she sets off his temper, but she also makes him hot in every other way possible.

Jillian Reid never loved her best friend like everyone thought she should, so she pushed him away so he could have his future. Now, despite fighting it, she finds herself attracted to the one man she shouldn’t. When her father’s health takes a turn for the worse, and a danger no one saw coming show its face, she’s forced to turn to Wes for help. The two of them have fought off their attraction long enough, and each cave to the desire. But this enemies-to-lovers tale might have an ending no one ever dreamed of.


Check out my 5 star review


Steve, the self-proclaimed Invisible Warrior, has not had a typical life. Trained by the VC Warriors, he still has to prove his worth, but with humor and sheer will, he refuses to give up.

In one afternoon, his life changes, as do the lives of three others. Steve Richardson has a serious choice to make between two women and someone who holds his heart like no other.


Check out my review of this WOTR Author


TRIGGER WARNING: This book contains flashbacks of violence and drug abuse, and the impact of these factors on family members. If you have issues with these elements, this book is not for you.

Chicago’s premiere tattoo studio, House Of Payne, is across the street from the Mad Cow diner, but it might as well be on another planet as far as waitress Paradise Simone is concerned. She’s a good girl from Waukegan with a past she’d rather forget, and a future that goes only as far as the next day. What does she know about superstars and paparazzi?

But Pari does know danger when she sees it, and tattooist Max Kulagin has it written all over him. A proper Waukegan girl should know to steer well clear, but she can’t resist Max when he leaves beautiful, intimate art sketched out on cheap diner napkins.

Beautiful, intimate art…of her.

Max knows ugliness. He was born in it. Raised in it. Had it shoved down his throat every goddamn day. So when he stumbles across true beauty, he worships it. There’s a deep sensuality in the waitress who likes to suck on her pen whenever he’s around, and he’s just the man to bring that beauty out in her. She might be a lady in the street, but one look at Pari tells him she’s going to be a freak in the bed.

And in the shower.

And while he’s driving with her head going to town in his lap.

The life Max leads might be in the spotlight, but it’s Pari who gets caught in the glare. When her past catches up to her, it’s her life that holds all the excitement, and not in a good way. But there’s no force on earth that can take Max’s beautiful Paradise away now that he’s finally found it.

93,000 Words

***This standalone, mildly erotic contemporary romance contains a woman with an oral fixation and a man who’s happy to encourage it. There are multiple sex scenes that include oral sex. No cheating, no love triangles, no cliffhangers. HEA guaranteed. Due to adult language and sexual content, this book is not intended for people under the age of eighteen***


Check out my 5 star review of this Hot AF Russian


Alpha’s of Danger 

Fabricating Jada

More Than Need You

Resisting My Submission


Year of the Scorpio: Part Two

You Deserve a Drink

Inked Memories

Invisible Warrior

House of Payne: Max




#Review – Grey (A Vampire’s Thirst #2) by Bella Roccaforte

Grey (A Vampire's Thirst, #2)


Grey has always enjoyed the finer things in life. He maintains control over his darker, blood-thirsty side by being “human” as much as possible. He’s immersed himself in the daily life of the living, as a history professor, and art historian. He has no patience for the seedier parts of humanity and revels in honor and propriety. That’s what keeps his thirst at bay, along with the threat of The Directive.

He’s been enjoying his mundane life, until he’s contacted by member of The Directive and ordered to complete a task, one he he’s been dreading for centuries. A favor he must repay for a time when he exercised less discretion.

There’s a Supernatural wreaking havoc in Atlanta and he has to stop them. That’s when it strikes: The Thirst. Like a bolt of lightning crashing into him and rendering him powerless to resist the allure of his target. His control has deserted him and his power has increased beyond his comprehension. He’ll defy anyone and everything, including The Directive to fulfill his desire for his blood-mate.

Will anyone survive Grey’s dark thirst?

Bella Roccaforte brings you book 2 in A K Michaels’ brand new world, A Vampire’s Thirst full of hot as hades alpha males in this smoking paranormal romance story.




Hang on for this ride! Literally! This is a super-hot story that is action packed and never slows down. Hold on to your hats, folks! Right from jump we meet Grey. Even as a vampire he is an incredible gentleman. Very genuine and cares about humanity but super sexy! He is sent on a task for The Directive, against his judgement. However, when he arrives the Thirst is overwhelming him, to say the least. He can’t get satiated. Someone is out causing a ruckus and there are bodies piling up everywhere. His judgement is clouded with the Thirst. This is when he meets Mila. She has family issues and is topside looking for someone special. But when we find out exactly what Mila is that the true problems starting coming out. I was a little worried about how I, personally, would like the book because I don’t normally read some of the sexier types of books because sometimes they get out of hand. But dayum! Bella rocked this one out! The storyline never slows down and never a dull moment. The supporting characters are incredible. There is the perfect amount of action, fighting, blood drinking, and LOVE ~wags eyebrows~! This is truly an unforgettable story and I look forward to more like this from Bella. **Get it girl**!!!!




Bella Roccaforte

Award Winning Author!

Bella’s motto has always been that you can choose to watch life pass you by or your can be the one spinning the world. You have to get out and live, life won’t come to you!

Bella has always seen things in the world with a different view and has been an avid story-teller. She is enjoying putting her crazy musings into print for others to enjoy.

To her, one of the most exciting parts of writing is getting a chance to interact with readers. It is truly her hope that readers will reach out and tell her what they like and even don’t like about her stories. She’s looking forward to a relationship with the readers to better write stories they will love.

To stay current on new releases please click the “Stay Up To Date” option on the right side of the profile and consider joining my mailing list here:…

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#WOTR18 #Paranormal #Review #TwinsieFavAuthor The Invisible Warrior (The Protector Series 11) by Teresa Gabelman

Invisible Warrior (The Protectors #11)

Steve, the self-proclaimed Invisible Warrior, has not had a typical life. Trained by the VC Warriors, he still has to prove his worth, but with humor and sheer will, he refuses to give up.

In one afternoon, his life changes, as do the lives of three others. Steve Richardson has a serious choice to make between two women and someone who holds his heart like no other.





I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book

Steve has been in everyone of the Protector series book and now he has finally come into his own. We have watched Steve grow from a angry half breed to a fully turned warrior. He is the jokester of the warriors even if he doesn’t mean to be. He’s always making me laugh whether he is talking about ant balls, driving a pink scooter like a bad a**, to now having a “porn ‘stache.
He’s always been a fun loving man child until Mira.
Mira is pregnant and in labor when she meets Steve and the warriors for the first time. She also has brought a hail of gunfire to the warrior compound. She is also a witch, which is a new group in Gabelman’s Warrior world.
When Steve meets Mira and helps her give birth to her daughter, he is a totally different person, like they were who he was waiting for a his life. Mira, her sister, and now her daughter are the last of the Dragon Fly coven and the one who is their mate are cursed to die, they also have a wizard that their ancestor bound trying to kill them off.
I love how Gabelman introduced the witches to the series, love new characters!!
I also adore how before he would even think about going to Mira with his new feelings he went straight to Leda, from the Lee County Wolves, to break things off even though they were friends more than dating. This is how a real man does things, not by text and not start another relationship before ending the current one.
Steve, Mira, and their daughter Drew are going to be a great family!! The way Steve is with Drew is amazing to see, right from the start he knew that these two girls were his.
The next book is going to be awesome, seeing the cowboy warrior and Mira’s witch sister together is going to be good.


Teresa Gabelman is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the ‘Protectors Series’, Lee County Wolves Series and Rodeo Romance (Contemporary). When not writing about alpha vampires, sexy shifters, hot cowboys and the women who drive them crazy she can be found on a lake with a fishing pole/Kindle, at a MMA event or spending a fun evening with family.

Being a full-time writer has allowed Teresa to connect more with readers which is what she loves most about writing. If you find the time she would love to hear from you!


Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
Jared (The Protectors Series) Book #2
Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book #3
Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5
Slade (The Protectors Series) Book #6
A Warrior Wedding (The Protectors Series) Book #7
Jax (The Protectors Series) Book #8
Sloan (The Protectors Series) Book #9
Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10
The Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11 PREORDER NOW

Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves) Book #1
Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves) Book #2
Forbidden Desire (Lee County Wolves) Book #3
Forbidden Temptation (Lee County Wolves) Book #4 COMING SOON

****Paranormal Single Titles****
The Enforcer

Rodeo Romance
Blind Faith


#WOTR #Paranormal #ThrowBack Slade (The Protectors 6) by Teresa Gabelman

Highly trained VC Warrior, Dr. Slade Buchanan’s, role between lifesaver and lifetaker has been a constant battle, but nothing prepared him for half-breed VC Warrior trainee, Jill Nichols. Slade realizes his struggles from the past were nothing compared to the difficulty of resisting the woman who could never belong to a man like him.

Being the only female VC Warrior recruit, Jill Nichols, has an uphill battle. Falling for the sexy doctor, Slade Buchanan, has not made the battle any easier, especially when he constantly reminds her and others there will never be anything between them. Working harder than any male recruit, obstacles are thrown in her path, and with each challenge, it becomes clear that the two things she wants most may never be.

So, I personally have been waiting for Slade’s book since he was introduced in book three and he was well with the wait! For those of you who are joining the Warriors for the first time let me tell you a little something about Slade.
Slade Buchanan is a doctor, VC Warrior and all around MAJOR HOTTIE!! Jill Nichols is a half breed in training to be a warrior, is the only female in the program, and isn’t afraid to kick a little of male ass to prove that she deserves to be there.
Slade and Jill have been circling each other for a while, Jill is so sure that she is not good enough for him and he is sure that she is too innocent for him.
The training for Jill and the other half-breeds is in full force because the test to be warrior is soon and guess who is one of Jill’s trainers? Slade!! Jax, the other of their trainers, thinks she’s a liability and shouldn’t be there while Slade knows she can do it, but is trying not to show how much she’s getting to him.
This book is full of laughs when Jill out shoots the guys in one scene and has to be taught, by the mates of the other Warriors, how the pole dance for an undercover op in another.
Jill shows what a strong female she is by taking the hide road when she goes to check on her father, since she was put out after being turned. Slade stands by her even when he wants to be strong for her when she’s hurting.
Teresa keeps the story down to earth with Jill learning to drive, but she keeps it hot with Slade being the one that helps her!! Let’s face it, any scene with Slade is hot!!
There’s lots that I could tell you about this story like, you’ll need tissues, you’ll laugh your ass off, and there’s lots I’m leaving out but, when in comes down to it, this is not a story of how the hot doctor gets the girl, this is the story of how a strong, kickass, woman of power, who doesn’t know just how strong she is, gets the man of her fantasies.
Teresa Gableman does a great job with her characters and let’s them tell their own story I feel, and in doing so she always leaves me waiting on pins and needles wanting more!!


The Protector Series 1-10

Also by Teresa Gabelman

Lee County Wolves 1-3

The Enforcer

Rodeo Romance

Blind Faith


Teresa Gabelman is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the ‘Protectors Series’. When not writing about sexy alpha vampires and the women who drive them crazy she can be found on a lake with a fishing pole/Kindle, at a MMA event or spending a fun evening with family.

Being a full-time writer has allowed Teresa to connect more with readers which is what she loves most about writing. If you find the time she would love to hear from you!!!

