I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Holy Crap on a Cracker!! This book!! Mari is some kinda FIERCE woman!! Javi is not supposed to be the man you love and yet….I. LOVED. HIM!! #AntiHeroLover
When book 1 of this duet ended, I was devastated much like Mari was. Her entire reason for being was dead by her horrible brother’s hand no less.
Seeing the fire and passion burning in her eyes and also in Javi’s, I knew this was going to be amazing!!! Granted they need to clear the air on what happened in the past. Javi is so lost as to WHY she left, and Mari Belle is so conflicted as to WHY she believed Javi really cared for her when she was “just a Cartel order”.
These two have traveled some roads to finally be together. Their passion is only fueled by the hatred for Mari’s brother. Dude has no clue what he has unleashed in his sister, but she is not going to be the passive Mari of the past…helllllla no. She is going to rise and be a new and improved Mari.
Javi is so possessed by his love for this woman yet so destroyed by her. The chemistry of their first kiss after all the years apart….HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t get me started on their fist of their things after being part *Wink*
I loved seeing the conflict they both feel over loving the other when so much has happened and so many lies have ruined what could have been. But man, both characters stand out for so many reasons. Mari is just FIERCE. I mean you just don’t mess with a momma bear or her cubs…you just don’t if you want to live. Javi is so hard but gets so squishy for the woman who has owned his heart since he was a teen.
Such an amazing duet and the cross overs by the Hellions and Devil’s Due was perfect for any fan of Chelsea’s books.
I received a copy of this for an honest review.
This is the conclusion of Cartel Bitch where we pick up right were we ended. Holly crap I am in tears and just as lost as Mari is. Vengeance is strong in this book let’s just say never ever cross a mother or there will be hell to pay no matter if you are blood or not.
I loved Mari every time she was knocked down she gets back up stronger than she was before. Javi and Mari have a love hate relationship. Which will prevail the love or the hate?
This was a short one but so intense and pack full. My emotions were all over. The story line was good and the plot twist was amazing.