Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.
Rochelle Bradley
I try to put an artistic spin on everything I do but there are two things I continually fail at miserably:
1. Cooking (seriously, I can burn water)
2. Sewing (buttons immediately fall back off)
I consider myself undomesticated, though I love baking and make a mean BTS (Better than Sex) cake. When in observation mode I’m quiet, however, my mouth is usually open with an encouraging glass-is-half-full pun or, quite possibly, my foot.
I am a Bearcat, an interior decorator, a cat mom, and I’m fluent in sarcasm.
Where is your favorite place to write and what food must be present?
I write in coffee shops or cafes. Dayton has a new place called Epic Coffee Shoppe and it’s, well, pretty epic. Chai lattes are a go to when I’m out but at home I love a glass of red wine when I edit. Cookies or brownies are nice too.
What are you favorite things about attending signings?
Meeting new people (both readers and authors) and BOOKS!
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
James Rollins. I found one of his books at a yard sale and it jumpstarted my drive to write (after I read his currant books of course). I want to say thank you and have him sign my shelf of books.
What author would you love to write with?
This one is hard. A Dayton author I would love to collaborate with would be Aliya Dalrae even though she writes paranormal and I don’t (yet). We have similar senses of humor and would be snort-laughing throughout writing process. I’d also be happy to collaborate with Carolyn Brown. She’s nice (I met her and her hubby at the RWA national con last year) and knows what she’s doing.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
There are many memorable things I could list: the feeling when I was first live on Amazon, my first library event, when a paperback arrives and I hold it for the first time… but my favorite so far is the first time a reader contacted me and talked about my characters as family. She knew my story almost as well as I. It was awesome to know I lifted her spirits and made her giggle.
What are your social links? (Fan Group)
What are your buy links?
Thank you for hosting me. See everyone in September.