Scream Queens is a horror anthology raising money for #PutTheNailInIt, a charity focused on helping domestic violence victims. Now get ready to dive in, and Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word. Stella will read you a horror tale.
**This anthology’s proceeds will benefit #PutTheNailInIt Charity which aids in the awareness of domestic violence.***
Twinsie Jo’s Review:
Well this anthology is definitely not for the faint of heart. While I was one of the contributing authors, I decided to read the rest of the stories and wow. Just wow. I gasped so many times, I lost count. I’m a huge fan of horror movies and I love horror stories just as much but these stories blew me away.
If you love horror stories, this is definitely the anthology for you! I even messaged Emery LeeAnn after finishing her story, Stella, and asked her for more. If you loved the movie, “I Spit On Your Grave”, you’ll like this little book.
These stories are gruesome and have people getting revenge in the most depraved way possible.
Enjoy and happy reading! Oh and don’t forget to turn on the lights.