Category Archives: Teen & Young Adult Contemporary

#YABook #Review – Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson

“Jackson’s characters and their heart-wrenching story linger long after the final page, urging readers to advocate for those who are disenfranchised and forgotten by society and the system.” (Publishers Weekly, “An Anti-Racist Children’s and YA Reading List”)

From the critically acclaimed author of Allegedly, Tiffany D. Jackson, comes a gripping novel about the mystery of one teenage girl’s disappearance and the traumatic effects of the truth.

Monday Charles is missing, and only Claudia seems to notice. Claudia and Monday have always been inseparable—more sisters than friends. So when Monday doesn’t turn up for the first day of school, Claudia’s worried.

When she doesn’t show for the second day, or second week, Claudia knows that something is wrong. Monday wouldn’t just leave her to endure tests and bullies alone. Not after last year’s rumors and not with her grades on the line. Now Claudia needs her best—and only—friend more than ever. But Monday’s mother refuses to give Claudia a straight answer, and Monday’s sister April is even less help.

As Claudia digs deeper into her friend’s disappearance, she discovers that no one seems to remember the last time they saw Monday. How can a teenage girl just vanish without anyone noticing that she’s gone?

I had absolutely no idea what this book was about. Like most books anymore, I like to go in blind and not read the blurb. I find it more exciting that way. But this book…man. Just…wow.

Claudia and Monday are not just best friends. They’re more like soul sisters. Monday is the only friend that Claudia truly has. They spend every minute they can together. They go to the same school, are in the same grade, have known each other for years. Even Claudia’s parents love Monday. Claudia can’t picture her life without her best friend. They even planned on going to the same high school. So when Monday goes missing…

…no one seems to notice. Not like Claudia does.

Claudia starts asking questions. Gets herself into trouble quite a few times. You know, the typical way one gets into trouble when your best friend suddenly disappears.

When questions start getting answered, Claudia’s world is turned upside down. Or right side up. Depending on how you look at it.

I 100% recommend going into this story without reading the blurb.

This book was captivating from the start. Although it’s more age appropriate for teens, it wasn’t written that way. I also wish that I could have read this author back when I was in highschool.

Just like Allegedly, this author weaves a story of teen troubles, a teeny bit of romance, family drama and more.

Kudos to the author because I am obsessed!

I think I’ve found my favourite genre for 2023.

#Review – Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson


Orange Is the New Black meets Walter Dean Myer’s Monster in this gritty, twisty, and haunting debut by Tiffany D. Jackson about a girl convicted of murder seeking the truth while surviving life in a group home.

Mary B. Addison killed a baby.

Allegedly. She didn’t say much in that first interview with detectives, and the media filled in the only blanks that mattered: a white baby had died while under the care of a churchgoing black woman and her nine-year-old daughter. The public convicted Mary and the jury made it official. But did she do it?

There wasn’t a point to setting the record straight before, but now she’s got Ted—and their unborn child—to think about. When the state threatens to take her baby, Mary’s fate now lies in the hands of the one person she distrusts the most: her Momma. No one knows the real Momma. But does anyone know the real Mary?


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Whoa! Holy what the heck did I just read?! I have the worst (best) book hangover! A friend of mine read this and immediately recommended the book to everyone. She said the best way to go in was completely blind. Okay, I’ll bite. I purchase the book without reading the blurb on the back, I have no clue who this author is, and did not check out any of the reviews. I highly suggest doing the same, you won’t regret it. Now, if you refuse to go in blind, please continue on and I’ll tell you a little about the story.

This story is about Mary, who is now 16, but at age 9 was convicted of murdering an infant. The story dives deep into the life she has led leading up to this point. In jail, mostly in solitaire because no one knew what to do with such a young murder. She experienced mental and physical abuse…this will make you cringe. She is trying to survive. She is now in a group home and ends up getting pregnant by Ted. He is another group home convict. Mary is truly trying to make something for herself and with some help she starts advocating for herself. She is smart and wants to keep her baby, but she also must literally watch out for her life while living in the group home. A necessary evil. Some of the people in her life are incredibly terrible, but some are really genuine. The hardest part is trying to figure out exactly who you can trust. I went through most of this story just knowing that she was going to win but then you start to feel the doom and gloom. Then, all of a sudden, this crazy curve ball comes flying from out in left field and I sat here like, I can’t believe that just happened. But then the end actually happens, and I just sat there trying to comprehend what I just read. Like, did that just happen? Yeah, that did just happen…OMG! The twist at the end made my head spin!

Author Logo

Tiffany D. Jackson is a TV professional by day, novelist by night, awkward black girl 24/7. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Film from Howard University and her Master of Arts in Media Studies from The New School University. A Brooklyn native, she is a lover of naps, cookie dough, and beaches, currently residing in the borough she loves most likely multitasking.

#Review – The Improbable Pair – Clara and Damien (Book 1): Delta Underground Operatives by Sarah Noffke

The Improbable Pair - Clara and Damien (Book 1): Delta Underground Operatives by [Sarah Noffke]

A brand new Urban Fantasy adventure from USA Today bestselling author Sarah Noffke — perfect for fans of The Unstoppable Liv Beaufont.

Blood-sucking vampires and vegan psychics dont mix.

But to save the world from a magic-stealing madman, theyre going to have to.

The Delta Underground Operatives, humanity’s last line of defense against evil threats, only enlist the brightest and the best.

Clara and Damien fit the bill.

So when a threat like no other can only be stopped by a perfect assassin team, the organization recruits these two unlikely vigilantes with complementary skill sets.

Too bad they cant stand each other.

He’s dangerous. She’s peaceful.
He’s loud. She’s meditative.

They dont see eye to eye, but theyll have to fight side by side.

As their target hunts the innocent and threatens to destroy the delicate balance of magic, everything rests on the duo’s ability to work together.

Clara wants peace. Damien wants vengeance.

Only they can take down evil.

But first, theyll have to learn to get along….


Review by Twinsie Kelly

The Dodgers should eat magical turnips to win. There, I said it! LOL! (go ahead and read it to find out why, I dare you)

Psychics that are allergic to the sun and vegan vampires….what a pair! Wait, I think I got that mixed up, or did I? Clara and Damien are quite the improbable pair. These two are literally the exact opposite of each other. They are brought into the world of the Delta Underground Operatives and are put on a special mission as the newest assassin duo. The way these two get along is great. In true Sarah Noffke fashion, these two are witty, sarcastic, and aren’t afraid to throw a punch either. The banter is hilarious but will also ground you as they become closer. Awwwww! I think they like each other! Whoa! Maybe not…. Jk!

These two are presented with an impossible mission with little training but come together as a force to be reckoned with. I couldn’t stop turning the pages and ABSOLUTELY need more. I am incredibly happy that Sarah continues to write books for me! 😊

Author Logo

Sarah Noffke is a prolific USA Today Best-Selling Author, who writes YA and NA science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. Most of her stories draw on her experiences living on the West Coast, growing up in Texas or traveling the world.

Her passion for art, culture and literature drives her to create stories that are full of whimsey, humor and philosophy. Her books appeal to readers who enjoy an escape, a bit of magic mixed with science and the unexpected–like a dragon who tells bad jokes and has a video game addiction, but fights for justice.

Noffke’s books are top rated and best-sellers on Amazon. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch and Italian.

To stay up to date with Sarah, please visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter:

For a complete list of books by Sarah and a suggested reading order, please see:

#WOTR23 – #Review – Between the Pines by Jennifer Daniels

Between the Pines by [Jennifer Daniels]

On her eighteenth birthday, Sloan Remson thought it would be just like any other day. She went to school, was excused early to get her driver’s permit, then was taken out for a nice lunch by her mother.

Waking up the next morning was an entirely different story. Shivering and in the middle of the clearing up the road and being warmed by a wolf should have scared Sloan stupid. Instead the beautiful snow-white wolf was calming and gave her peace.

Jump seven years into the future, and after several beers with her BFF Mary, once again Sloan finds herself alone in the middle of a clearing. But this time with the handsome Fletcher Remington watching over her. They were friends throughout school and she’d had a secret crush on him for as long as she could remember. Within a few minutes of catching up, secrets are revealed. After a quick mind-dive from Mary, who also happens to be a witch, Sloan finds out Fletcher is a wolf and that he is her mate.

How can Sloan be anyone’s mate when she can’t even shift into the one thing she should be able to? She is a supernatural dud who is in love with a snow-white wolf. Let the adventures begin.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

One can really start questioning their self, especially when they sleepwalk and wake up in the clearing between the pines…with a wolf. However, the second time this happens, she wakes up with Fletcher watching over her. These two have been friends since they were little, but nothing ever came of it. Ultimately, the more these two are together, the stronger the pull is between the two.

Between the Pines was a really sweet, YA/NA fated mates story that did have a sweet happily ever after. The relationship evolving between Sloan and Fletcher is very cute and the fact that they are learning with each other is super adorable. Chivalry is not dead, folks!

I feel that some parts of the book were rushed and not enough explanation in some areas. There was a sort of restlessness that I felt waiting for some turbulence to happen that would really push our MC, but it wasn’t quite as grand as I expected. I wish it was a bit longer so that we could learn more about the other characters’ pasts and to possibly give the antagonist a bigger part. Overall, this was a cute read.

**********Spoiler Alert***************

There are a few things that I felt needed more explanation and the reason why I am giving this 4 stars, instead of 5. A lot of familial secrets are uncovered and Sloan finds out that her father is a wolf. This was kept from her for her entire life. I was a little confused by this because she knew of her mother and her BFF being witches, so I am not really sure why her father being a wolf, and a high-ranking wolf at that, was being kept from her. Sloan really just sort of “went with it”. She questioned things to herself but there were never any real explanations. So, the entire time I waited for something really crazy to happen so that this would eventually be uncovered, but it never did. Additionally, when Sloan and Fletcher bonded, it was discovered that they are the King and Queen of all the wolves. Things were then very rushed and I think some of the “meat and potatoes” of the story were missed.

An image posted by the author.

#Review – 13 Ways to Midnight (The Midnight Saga Book #1) by Rue Volley

13 Ways to Midnight : (The Midnight Saga, Book #1) by [Rue Volley]


You’ll never miss the sunlight until it’s gone.

Sixteen-year-old Echo Navarri, daughter of world-famous archaeologists, Alice and Peter Navarri, has spent her life traveling from one expedition to the next as her parents unearthed lost civilizations. On their thirteenth dig, Midnight, Echo’s twin sister, disappears without a trace. This prompts a year-long search that leaves the family nearly broken. In an attempt to find some closure they reluctantly host a mock funeral for Midnight without ever recovering her remains. Nearing the one-year anniversary of Midnight’s assumed death, Echo is sent to live with her eccentric Aunt Luna who is the caretaker of the centuries-old Navarri Estate in Port Royal, Maine. Echo attempts to settle into her new life in Port Royal, but soon finds that she’s destined for adventure as the mystery of her family’s history, the sunless town, and its oddly intriguing people teeter on the supernatural.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

First and foremost, I LOVE THIS COVER! Second, I have no idea why it took me so long to read this book!

“Curiosity is for the devil and fairytales.”

 I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love the world that this author has built. It is intriguing, compelling and truly captivating. A beautiful story of loss, love, and some crazy, sprinkled with the perfect amount of humor and teenage angst.

“You’ll be okay. Embrace the journey, little one.”

The fresh take on the paranormal world was amazing. It teetered on paranormal for a good part of the book, so it really kept you guessing and turning the page to figure out what is happening.

“Then I closed my eyes. I could feel a dark presence behind me. Something ancient and evil. Something that hunted without mercy. I turned to face it, and my mouth lay open.”

I sort of started to roll my eyes when it started to go in the direction of Twilight, but the author stopped almost as sudden as it started and went in a completely different direction. This again had me turning to the next page. This is the type of story that kept me saying, “just one more chapter”, well into the early hours of the morning. I truly love Echo’s Aunt Luna. You can always sense that something is a bit off with her but she is an amazing character in the story. The same can be said about Echo’s new friends. There are still so many secrets to unravel that I can’t wait to continue Echo’s journey. Bravo, Rue Volley! You have yourself another fan!


Rue Volley

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#WOTR22 #Review – The Seer (The Aberration Book 3) by Michel Prince

The Seer (The Aberration Book 3) by [Michel Prince]

Since Aberrations started appearing across the globe, the world was trapped in a communal nightmare. Children tossed away, instead of nurtured. Their gifts only seen as dangers, not a blessing, all hitting the teenagers right as they are trying to come into themselves.

At some point we all get lost in our dreams of what will be or what could be, but for Peyton Lark, trying to find the right path in his visions has him slipping into a delirium of insanity. The Seer among those who’ve hidden away on an island knows when visions increase, they are closing in on becoming reality.

While he has the ability to see danger coming, it doesn’t mean he can find the path to avoid it. With his other half, his love Claire Lawrence, being taken from him over and over in painful nightmares his main focus turns to saving her, with the rest a distant second. But the path isn’t changing no matter how much he tries to manipulate the dream.

Can Peyton find the way to save those around them from a weapon created for their complete annihilation? Or will he at least be able to spin the dream to save the one person who anchors him fully?


Review by Twinsie Kelly

I couldn’t wait for Peyton’s story and I am so glad we finally have it! Peyton came from a good home with good parents but because of his birthdate, was sent to an aberration camp where he endured the unthinkable. Once he was able to escape, he found his place with others like him in Satori. They have all, Aberrations and Harveys (the normal), had to run as they are now being hunted by an Aberration Elder that is the current president. Peyton is a computer whiz and incredibly smart but his greatest strength is also his weakness. He is a seer and gets visions of the future. The only problem is that the future is always changing. He sees the same nightmare over and over where Clair is ripped away from him and no matter what he does or how hard he tries; he cannot manipulate anything to make this future change. He is finding that he is starting to blame himself but also questioning who he can trust. He feels like he is literally going insane. These hunters will never stop and finally Peyton has a breakthrough. He is thinking about things the wrong way. He needs to have EVERYONE work together. No prejudices and social classes. No more what ifs plaguing him to the point of madness. The time has come to band together and get ready for the inevitable. However, when the inevitable comes, another crazy twist comes at us and brings an entirely new type of torture to endure and get through. This story is an incredibly well written YA that can definitely get us adults on edge and turning the pages like crazy. I highly recommend this series and cannot wait for the next installment!

Michel Prince

#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter Secrets of the Summer (The Pact Series 1) by Danielle Keil

SECRETS OF THE SUMMER is a series starting novella within the Pact Series. 

Five friends.

Five days left.

When the Camp Wildwood crew gathers at the campfire every night, there’s one thing we won’t discuss: reality.

Talking about life outside the camp bubble is strictly forbidden. We want to have the best summer experience without the burden of our real lives hanging over us.

We came to camp to be free. Free of judgement, of stereotypes, of societal labels.

Which means we all walk around holding in secrets like ticking time bombs.

With only five days left, reality threatens to come crashing down, hard.

Who will crack first?



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this my honest opinion

Five friends that all come from different walks of life but come together at camp every summer. One rule they have made is that they don’t talk about life at home, and they always come to campfire at the end of the evening before bed. Camp brought them together and they look out for each other, but keeping how they handle things back home a secret is harder then some of them thought will their friendships stay true as camp is almost over or will it keep them apart and wishing they never went to camp in the first place. This was such a fun teen story that made you wish you went to summer camp when you were younger or made you remember the times you went if you did.

Danielle Keil grew up and spent the majority of her life in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.

Danielle is happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.

She also is a fur mom to their Corgi, Cozmo, who loves barking, mud, and peanut butter.

Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.

The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

#AudioReview – Ryan’s Bed by: Tijan Narrator: Therese Plummer

Ryan's Bed

I crawled into Ryan Jensen’s bed that first night by accident.

I barely knew him. I thought it was his sister’s bed—her room. It took seconds to realize my error, and I should’ve left…

I didn’t.
I didn’t jump out.
I didn’t get embarrassed.
I relaxed.
And that night, in that moment, it was the only thing I craved.

I asked to stay. He let me, and I slept.

The truth? I never wanted to leave his bed. If I could’ve stayed forever, I would have.
He became my sanctuary.

Because—four hours earlier—my twin sister killed herself.


Review by Twinsie Melinda

I purchased this Audio.

I enjoy listening Theresa Plummer narrating this story. She does a great job with both male and female voices. I was able to tell which female and which male was talking. She really kept me engaged in the story. Tijan has an amazing way of writing a story that guts you and puts you back together along the way.

Mackenzie finds her twin on the bathroom floor in a pool of her own blood. Her other half is gone and Mackenzie finds herself in a new house, a new town and currently a stranger’s home trying to deal with the biggest loss of her life. She somehow manages to find her way into the wrong room and wrong bed, Ryan’s bed, but to her this bed feels so right.
Mackenzie is trying to deal with the loss of her twin but she hears her and sees her and the only comfort she has is when Ryan is near. She is trying to get through everything day by day and dealing with a new school. I love that she still has spunk and does not back down when mean girls are around.

Ryan is drawn to Mac from the beginning he truly gets what she is going through and helps her the best he can. The chemistry between these two is explosive. Love how understanding, compassionate and loving he is toward Mac.
I like that we were placed in Mac’s head and learned so much about both her and Willow. Mac is strong female although she may not always believe it or fee it she is. I loved her spirit and tenacity. Takes a lot to over come what she did and be able to still standup for herself.

Very well written book for such a hard subject of teen suicide to tackle .

Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and Ryan’s Bed among others. She is currently writing to her heart’s content in north Minnesota with an English Cocker Spaniel she adores.

To find what to read next of hers, go to