When one man can’t reconcile with the wolf inside of him, he knows all he can do is run. Take thewolf with him and run away from those he doesn’t want to hurt. But will that be his greatest mistake?
The pack is coming together, but one wolf would rather be alone with his demons than united as a team. In the second installment in the Olento Research series, Connor runs from the Lucidite Institute and his pack, fearful of what the wolf will make him do. All of the men describe feeling the impulses, thedesires that are unquenchable, coursing through them. But Connor knows he has a lesser chance of resisting those impulses due to his background. And after what he almost did to Adelaide, he can’t risks it happening again.
However, Mika hasn’t given up and he’s more driven to retrieve the werewolves he knows belong to him. He plants a mole in the Institute and thengoes to work creating a werewolf meant to catch other werewolves. One that is stronger, faster and bigger than those in the original pack.
Meanwhile Zephyr is quickly following leads and tracking down members of the pack, but will he be one step behind Olento Research? Can he rescue his team and stop Olento Research before they capture their would-be assassins?
Lone Wolf is darker and more grueling than its predecessor. However, it’s also a story about characters who are so beautiful with all their many flaws. It’s a story about how the very best intentions can still lead to the worst scenarios. When one intends not to hurt another, they may find that’s exactly what they’ve done.
A must read! This series gets better and better with every word read, every page written, and every emotion that the author provokes. “Loners take the risks that leaders can never afford.” *sigh* So true! I am a sucker for shifters but most stories are similar in nature. NOT THIS ONE! It is very unique and completely sucks you in to this incredible world of Dream Travelers and Werewolves. And lets not stop here…the Dream Travelers have special abilities (kinda like superpowers!). There is plenty of snark and sarcasm (and I require a lot!) all mixed in with real life emotions of these werewolves that will….that just….that give you ALL THE FEELS! Action, adventure, feels….what more could you ask for? These werewolves were abducted and experimented on. The werewolves escaped in the firsts book and are now trying to come to terms with what they are and what happened to them in this book. The pack is split up. Many of them still don’t know what happened to them or the fact that these abilities they acquired have made them a hybrid of human, dream traveler, and werewolf. It’s a combination that let’s you, as the reader, know that anything is possible and anything can happen. This series and the author are truly amazing. This is one heck of an adventure that you don’t want to miss as they try and get the pack back together while being picked off by another experiment. It’s wild! Check this out, you won’t be sorry.
To get a free book from the author, go here: http://www.sarahnoffke.com/free-book/
Sarah Noffke, an Amazon Best Seller, writes YA and NA sci-fi fantasy and is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, Vagabond Circus and Olento Research series. She holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters. Noffke’s books are top rated and best-sellers on Kindle. Currently, she has fifteen novels published. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
To stay up to date with Sarah please subscribe to her newsletter: http://www.sarahnoffke.com/connect/
Books by the Author:
The Lucidites Series:
Awoken, Book 1
Stunned, Book 2
Revived, Book 3
The Reverians Series:
Defects, Book 1
Rebels, Book 2
Warriors, Book 3
Vagabond Circus Series:
Suspended, Book 1
Paralyzed, Book 2
Released, Book 3
Ren Series:
Ren: The Man Behind the Monster, Book 1
Ren: God’s Little Monster, Book 2
Ren: The Monster Inside the Monster, Book 3
Ren: The Monster’s Adventure, Book 3.5
Ren: The Monster’s Death, Book 4
Olento Research Series:
Alpha Wolf, Book 1
Lone Wolf, Book 2 (June 2017)
Rabid Wolf, Book 3 (July 2017)
Bad Wolf, Book 4 (August 2017)