Category Archives: Romantic Comedy

#WOTR2020 – #Review – Tallulah’s Temptation (Sea Shenanigans #1) by Robyn Peterman

Tallulah's Temptation (Sea Shenanigans #1)

Pirate Doug

What in the Chicken of the Sea was I thinking to agree to this half arsed Otherworld Defense Agency mission?

I’m the most absurdly good looking Vampire Pirate of the High Seas. Being on the run for my life is very important work… and a freaking full time job. Defending Mermaids from some vicious Sea Hags is going to cut into my pilfering time.


Even though this is a very bad move on my part, I know I’ll eventually agree—too many bounties on my arse to refuse, and the thought of a certain Mermaid makes my roger quite jolly.

However, Tallulah, the leader of the Mystical Isle Pod of Mermaids, isn’t going to be happy to see me… at all. The horrible, sexy, breathtaking woman has been starring in my dreams for too many years to count. Sadly, just when my mind wanders to the really good nookie part, the dream ends with her lopping my Johnson off.

I just hope to Hell and back that the Sea Hags have some outstanding booty to steal. If I’m going to have to regrow my tallywhacker, the treasure had better damned well be worth it.

Running a tourist trap for humans in the Bermuda Triangle had sounded like a fine plan—until it wasn’t. With the Sea Hags gunning for our island and ruining our questionably successful business, I did what any desperate Mermaid would do. I called for backup.

Of course, getting help from the Otherworld Defense Agency is risky as they don’t usually deal with ocean creatures. Whatever. Desperate times call for crappy measures. Chances are they’ll send freaking Pirates. I hate Pirates…

Well, I hate one Pirate in particular.

Hopefully, it won’t be the one seafaring jackhole I despise more than any other. Pirate Doug would be an idiot to show his face here after what he’d done. Not only did the dumbass abscond with our treasure, the son-of-a-bitch took my heart with him as well.

I’ll tear his sorry ass to shreds if he so much as steps even one hairy toe on my island.




A total riot! If you need a crazy pick me up, this is for you! I was in sort of a slump with the books I had been reading and I knew that one of Robyn Peterman’s books would cure that. I listened to this on audiobook and it was the best! Just listening to Pirate Doug, the most handsome vampire pirate ever, and to Tallulah, the beautiful mermaid that wants to chop off Pirate Doug’s jolly roger for stealing from her and taking her heart with him, was hysterical! These two have the best banter! The narrators were both incredible and perfect for this story. I literally laughed out loud so many times while listening to this story. Some of the situations that they got into it were just plain crazy. I just couldn’t get off of the crazy train. It’s ridiculously funny! I can only imagine the rest of the books in this series and how their stories will go. I’m ready for the next!

Robyn Peterman

#WOTR20 – #Review – How to Spell Disaster (Unfortunate Spells Book 1) by Jennifer Laslie

How to Spell Disaster (The Unfortunate Spells Series 1)

Being careless with magic is the best way to spell disaster.

Tucker didn’t think his love life could get any worse, until he comes across an antique spell book. When the translation goes awry, instead of finding one girl, he’s bombarded by women left and right. Now it’s jeopardizing both his job and sanity.

Tucker seeks answers at the occult shop, but the witchy owner advises him magic can’t always fix his problems. This time, only true love’s first kiss can lift the spell.

As the magic grows stronger, Tucker isn’t sure how much longer he can survive. But finding the right woman to kiss shouldn’t be too hard. Right?




OMG, if you want something that is funny with a ton of crazy shenanigans, then I absolutely recommend How to Spell Disaster!

Who’d a thunk that a crazy old book would turn into such a disaster?! Tucker attempts a love spell and it blows up in his face. Women are throwing themselves at him left and right. At first, he thinks this will end his dry spell and decides to go on a date. But as he continues, the women get crazier. This poor guy has to watch out for his well being too! He goes back to the occult shop to get some advice or possibly another spell to break this one but is told that sometime’s magic won’t work and the only way to break this spell, or curse, is to find true love’s first kiss. Ok, so cliche’, right? Well, when the women start going crazier he has to find something to fix this and the book just sits there….staring at him…. flips to another page… shocks people….the book just taunts him. When he thinks he finds a “nice” girl they end up being some sort of psycho. This story had me dying laughing all the way to the end. Love is always found in the most unlikely of places and poor Tucker has hellish luck. This was a super fun story and rooting for Tucker was the best part! I look forward to continuing this series. 

Jennifer Laslie

Jennifer Laslie is a crazy cat lady who lives in Utah with her wonderful family. Her office affords her a mountain view that she loves! When she’s not thinking about cheesecake or cats, she can be found in the bookstore in the Young Adult section, coffee in hand.

#Review – The Golden Pecker by Penelope Bloom

The Golden Pecker

I never planned to tell Andi who I was.
Hell, I never planned to meet her.
But her grandfather’s will changes everything.
That, and the shockingly intimate to-do list he left for us.


I’ve known about Andi Wainwright my whole life. Until now, I’d done a damn good job of keeping my distance. No photos. No social media.

But that changed when I learned about the old man’s death. I had the misfortune of being his business partner, and now the keys to my future are tangled up in his ridiculous will.

First, I had to personally bring Andi down to his club, The Golden Pecker to show her some mysterious video. I may be in the dark about what’s going on, but I know one thing:

I don’t care what’s on that tape. Nothing is going to change the fact that Andi Wainwright is the enemy.



Fun Rom Com with light BDSM, sure. Why not? So, I personally, am not into BDSM but I sure am of the sarcastic sort. When I saw the title of the book and the cover, I one-clicked not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I was pleasantly surprised and actually laughed quite a bit throughout the story. 

“As the saying went, when in The Golden Pecker, do as the peckers do. In this case, Landon was the Pecker King. The peckeriest pecker of all, you could say.”

Andi and her sisters are mourning their grandfather’s death and his will still needs to be read. What they didn’t know was their grandfather has secrets and has stipulations to have the will read. This where Landon comes in. Landon has it in his mind already that Andi is the enemy and that he completely hates her but now he has to escort her to have her portion of the will read. This is where Andi finds out about her grandfather’s secret of owning several BDSM clubs. And now the fun begins. These rules involve Andi and Landon in the club. Landon is very professional and brooding while Andi has a defense mechanism of being snarky and sarcastic at all the right, and wrong, moments. Pairing these together brings a ton of fun into this light BDSM world. The chemistry between the two are great while they are unraveling all the secrets. The story is intriguing but with the right amount of funny. I recommend this book to just about anyone and look forward to reading others by this author. 

Penelope Bloom

I’m a USA Today Bestselling Author and have written nearly a dozen top 50 amazon bestsellers, including four books that have hit the top 10! Despite all that, I’m still a nervous wreck before I release every new book and I still feel like I have so much more to learn about writing and publishing than I can even wrap my head around.

I’m just beyond honored and humbled that so many readers have embraced me and found enjoyment in my words, because I can’t think of any better opportunity than this.

When I’m not writing and stressing about what I’m going to write, I’m trying to wrangle my two little girls who are 2 and a half and 1 and a half. When I’m not wrangling them, I’m trying to keep my husband in line.

Writing and helping run the family aren’t easy, but I’d never trade it for anything!

#Review #PartofaSeries Ring Ready (Hotline Hookup 2) by Cary Hart

“I do.” Two little words I’ve always wanted to say…

You know before I turned into a perpetually single, TV-dinner-eating party of one with thirty cats and a worn-out BOB. Wink. Wink.

I’ve swiped left, right, up, down. I’m over it! Now I’m taking matters into my own manicured hands and changing the dating game with my guaranteed to set a date love app.

The only thing standing in my way? Owen Decker. And his huge…ego.

With his perfect hair, perfect teeth, and less than perfect proposal. Not the down-on-one-knee kind. Oh no. A business proposal to merge my dating app with the Hotline Hookup brand.

What harm could it do? Owen is the last person I would walk down the aisle to. After all, he’s my brother’s best-friend and business partner.

Been there. Done that…literally!

I guess you can say we’re frenemies with benefits.

But I’m looking for the one. And this app is going to help me find him. Just not in the way I’d planned.

It’s easy to fall for the enemy when you’re ring ready!



Omg where do i even begin this book  is amazing and as always leaving me wanting more. Mal is trying to prove too herself that she is more of an assistant to her asshole of a boss who she may have hooked up with a few years ago and he completely broke her heart. Owen Decker is a hot shot producer for a big radio show Hotline Hookup and is trying to do everything he can to hold his feeling for Mal in even if it makes her life a living nightmare. When Mal come up with an idea to pitch a new app to her brother to take Hotline Hookup to the next level he makes her work with Owen and they have to try and get along for the sake of the app. Can these two put the past behind them and make this app the next best thing or will they get caught up in their feelings for one another and get tangled up in the sheets once again. You will definitely be swooning over Owen and Mal’s chemistry.  I freaking love this books os much and the characters that we met in the first book. Kramer is back and just as hilarious as before. CJ and Clover are there for Mal proving just how amazing it is to have a core group of friends that you can tell anything to.

Review by Twinsie Dee

Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. Soccer mom in all sense of the word to two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband. In addition to writing full time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix, laying around in her hammock and baking up cookies for her family and friends.

Cary writes real, raw romance! In her stories the characters deal with life’s everyday struggles and unwanted drama, they talk about the ugly and they become the broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, but sometimes before you can appreciate the light, there has to be darkness.

Growing up, if someone would have told her she would become a writer, she wouldn’t have believed them. It wasn’t until she got her hands on her first romance novel, that the passion grew. Now she couldn’t imagine her life any other way – she’s living her dream.

#WOTR19 #SeriesReview #KU #Novellas – Love in Scrubs Series, books 1-3 by AJ Renee

Joshua – 

From the author of the St. Fleur series comes a fun tale of finding love in the emergency room. 

The single life had been treating Hazel Rivera better than she’d anticipated. With no one to report to, she did as she pleased, which included if and when she’d have a man in her bed. She felt no shame in satisfying her own needs, but when toy-play goes wrong, she earns herself a visit to the emergency room.

Squirming in pain, the last thing she expected was to find a sexy nurse assigned to her room. She could lose herself in a man like him—sinful eyes, full lips, and a kindhearted attitude—but before she can catch Joshua Bradley again, she’s sent home.

When life hands them a second chance, will they risk their hearts?


Being stood up for a first date was the last thing on Ava King’s mind. Yet Mr. Wrong opened the door to Mr. Sexy, who’s already sitting next to her at the bar. One drink becomes two, and going against her own code, she goes home with the charming stranger.

Waking in Jason’s foreign bed sends her into a panic, and she escapes before any morning-after awkwardness can ensue.

Can fate bring them together again to see if their chemistry transcends one steamy night of passion?


Nurse. Mom. Daughter. Natalia Kruze wore many hats, but mom was the role she was most proud of. As a single mom, she couldn’t be everywhere at once, but she had been blessed with a patient son and helpful parents. Dating wasn’t high on the priority list, so it was safe to say it had been years since she’d experienced any kind of electrifying spark from a man.

With her defenses low after missing another soccer game, a patient catches her eye. Sexy and decidedly stubborn, Wes Wilkins succeeds in leaving his ER visit with her number.

Had they finally found the love they deserved, or will they put their dreams second to their kids’ needs?


Joshua 4 Star Review – HERE

Jason 5 Star Review – HERE

Wes 4 Star Review – HERE

AJ Renee is the author behind the St. Fleur series, Beauty Unmasked, Winter’s Surprise, Surviving Paris, and Finding Love at the Falls…. She’s a military wife and mother to three young girls. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with her Masters of Science in Criminal Justice and a Bachelors of Science in Psychology while working at the library.

She loves to write steamy romance with suspense and a happily ever after. When she isn’t writing or interacting with her readers, you can find her spending time with her family or reading. AJ enjoys traveling, researching family history, and all things New Orleans.








B+M Bites:


St. Fleur Belles Reader Group:


#WOTR19 #AttendingAuthor #NewRelease #TwinsieDee #Review #SeriesStarter Unlucky in Love (Hotline Hookup Book 1) by Cary Hart

Getting lucky’ is a phrase I could barely say without blushing…

Yep! I’m that girl. The one my friends call goody two shoes…

But…good girls don’t finish first. THEY—GET—DUMPED. Even after investing—no, wasting—six years of their life on the guy who was supposed to be the one.

So…I traded in my halo for a pair of horns!

Hello, world…Clover Kelly is single and ready to mingle!

Then it happened, I suddenly found myself starring in the dating game to beat all dating games.

While pouring out my heart to my best friend, my new quest for lust is accidentally broadcast live…ON THE RADIO! Yay, me!

Did I mention my best friend is an uber famous radio personality…and a guy? A really hot guy? Yeah, his face isn’t plastered all over town simply for his name…

When the requests to win my heart came pouring in and became date after horribly bad date – I couldn’t help but wonder…

Could he? Could we? I mean I’m already breaking all the rules.

What’s a girl gotta do to get lucky?


Amazon ebook/dp/B07TJY2964/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Cary+Hart&qid=1564240820&s=gateway&sr=8-5

How far is to far to go with your best friend? When Clover had her entire life planned out down to the wire every detail well the night she thinks she getting engaged to her boyfriend of 6 years well lets just say her life got flipped upside down and her perfect life plan got thrown out the window. Austin her best friend since they were kids swoops in and saves the day with letting her crash at his place and calling his driver to go pick up the rest of her stuff from her ex so she never has to see him again. When Clover take Austin lunch at work she ends up sitting on the on air button at his radio show and ends up letting all of New York City know she’s single ready to mingle and is looking for that perfect man and that perfect O. With the help of her best gal pals and Austin will Clover be able to find the one, or has he always been right in front of her. This book is down right hilarious I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. If the conversations don’t have your rolling on the floor Kramer definitely will. You are not going to want to miss this one at all. 

Review by Twinsie Dee

Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. Soccer mom in all sense of the word to two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband. In addition to writing full time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix, laying around in her hammock and baking up cookies for her family and friends.

Cary writes real, raw romance! In her stories the characters deal with life’s everyday struggles and unwanted drama, they talk about the ugly and they become the broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, but sometimes before you can appreciate the light, there has to be darkness.

Growing up, if someone would have told her she would become a writer, she wouldn’t have believed them. It wasn’t until she got her hands on her first romance novel, that the passion grew. Now she couldn’t imagine her life any other way – she’s living her dream.

#WOTR19Authors #NewToMeAuthors #AntiHero #Paranormal #Shifters #RH #Wolves #Dark #Contemporary #Series #Comedy #Over30Romance #Apocalypse #Zombie #Dystopian – Twinsie Angie’s Top 5….eeerrrr…Top 6 from January to June 2019

The beginning of the year I have been swamped in real life.  When I looked back, I was like WOW!! I did read a lot more then I remembered reading.  The books I have picked aren’t really all over the place like in previous years.  I have done lots of Paranormal/Dystopian reading as of late and so it seems to have taken over my top 5….errrr….6

I am going to start my top 5…errr…..6 with my authors who will be attending Writers on the River.  This is the charity event my blog supports each and every year.  We are the main blog hosts.  More information or ticket information on the event held in Peoria, IL on Jul 20th is HERE 

Melanie Jayne, Mary Martel, Maggie Adams, and Valerie Twombly

Feel Me (The Novus Pack Series Book 2)

Feel Me- M Jayne/Melanie Jayne

Goodreads HERE


This is book 2 and you must read book 1 to follow the story.

Sometimes, Goodbye is the Only Way

Raider Black, Leader of the Novus Pack, will do anything for his people. His word is his bond no matter the sacrifice. Novus has always come first.

Theodora Morrissey is a gift from The Goddess to the Lycan world. It doesn’t take someone with her psychic abilities to see that her future is in jeopardy.

When Theo is discovered bloodied, beaten, violated, and broken, Black must find a way for her to be healed or his dream for their future will be destroyed.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Lord. I finished this book last night and I am still having a hard time trying to figure out how to word my review. This book is absolutely everything a person who loves paranormal will want and need to read. The emotional build of this story is so overwhelming I was in tears by 7% of the story and again I was bawling by 30%. There is so much that happens to Theo and Raider. SO much happens to the Novus Pack plus all the friends of the couple in this story. It is impossible to read the story and leave it without being utterly stunned by the genius writing and flow.

I KNEW going in this book would have hard and difficult content. Melanie kept apologizing to me for what I was about to read. But the journey the couple takes IS needed for them both to realize they need the other to complete themselves.

Raider is so selfless in worrying for his people first he does the hardest thing he has ever done by letting Theo go. Theo knows Raider and the Pack will not be ok unless she leaves so she makes the decision to leave for another Pack. These two make the ultimate sacrifice, putting aside their love and desire for the other for everyone one else so Raider can keep his promise to another Pack. When that sacrifice ends up costing Theo, she pays the highest price a women can pay, Raider and the pack come to aide THEIR Seer.

The couple deal with A LOT. They deal with the guilt they both have. They deal with the inability to express themselves for fear of what the other might be thinking or wanting. They deal with miscommunication over everything they have been through.

This book is absolutely about love and the price people pay. It’s about commitment and how you don’t turn your back on those you love when times get hard. It’s about loving people even when they don’t love themselves. It’s about FAMILY and how even when you fight, you never really turn your back on those you love.

The emotions run deep in this story. The laughs are hard to come by at times, but the bonds of love and family are throughout the story. I will say seeing the set up for Lore’s mate……my heart was going pitter patter. That mass murdering wolf, personal guard and tutor of Theo’s has a special place in my heart. Also seeing Tex will be having a story later on down the road too made me happy.

I cannot wait for another book in the series. I cannot wait for more from this pack and the characters. It makes me so happy to be privileged to get early copies even if life sucks and I have to wait 2 weeks to read it.


Ashes (The River Ash Pack, #1)

Ashes, The River Ash Pack Book 1 by Mary Martel

Goodreads HERE


Cordelia has never known anything but the safety of her fathers guarded compound where she’s lived her entire life. A life that, as the alphas daughter, has always been a privileged one, albeit an incredibly sheltered one.
Until one night, life as she knows it, is flipped entirely upside down when she’s promised to another alpha in order to buy safety for her father’s pack. This doesn’t exactly sit well for Cordelia seeing as she has different plans for her life, even if she doesn’t know what those plans are just yet. Out of fear of what she doesn’t want her life to become, she does the unthinkable and tells her father the one thing he’ll never tolerate from anyone in his pack, especially not his daughter. She tells him no.
As a result, Cordelia learns just what kind of depraved man and alpha her father is and is left a broken, bleeding mess because of it.
After finding kindness and compassion from two strange men who show up at the compound and help her when she is no longer capable of helping herself, Cordelia does the only thing she thinks she can do in order to survive and not be stuck in a world of abuse and misery.
She runs.
Unfortunately for Cordelia, she doesn’t make it very far before she finds herself in trouble again and at the mercy of another male with alpha tendencies. This alpha also comes with a brother by blood and one by choice.
The problem is, Cordelia’s not so sure she could ever find a place in a pack again after everything she’s survived. She won’t have long to figure it out though because, no matter the cost, her father is determined to find her and bring her home.

Warning – Due to certain sensitive sexual subject matter and abusive situations, this book may contain triggers for some people.
It’s also a Reverse Harem book.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Jesus lemme get my head straight after reading this book. If there are a few things you need to know about Mary and her stories here they are…..Her men love FIERCE, Her Women are NOT WEAK, The chemistry is crazy in all the right places, and there will be blood…LOL …but I am serious!!
Now if you read the trigger warning I will say it’s not AS ROUGH of a scene as I was expecting or have read in the past but friends, its hard. Its hard because how can someone who should love and protect you, do that to you!! Its also quickly done and done well so we feel for Cordelia, but mainly so we can understand the shape that Cal and Luca find her in…it was bad…….
Cal, Luca and Darius……they are all so special to Cordelia for their own reasons, but this book is owned by Darius. Dude, he was so scary and then so sweet but so fierce. I mean I don’t think I knew how menacing he was until we see him with his old pack….dang he was hawt!!!
Cal and Luca long for their time for Cordelia but understand and show true patience to be with their girl because make no bones about it, SHE. IS. THEIR. GIRL!
Seeing the story of the impending war due to everything that plays out in the book is making me on edge because the 4 of them need to be on the same page to stick together and to make sure no one feels left out of this unusual mating!!


Uprising: Dark Horizons 1 (Eternally Mated Book 7)

Uprising: Dark Horizons Book 1 (Eternally Mated Book 7) by Valerie Twombly

Goodreads HERE

“We can’t fight evolution, only ride it out and hope the ending is in our favor.” Ryder Mattis

As a former Navy Seal, beating the odds is something Ryder excels at. However, the world has changed and his transformation into a vampire gives survival a whole new meaning. If that isn’t enough to ruin his life, a plague unleashes utter destruction on humanity. He knows he has what it takes to protect those who survive even if they don’t like his rules. What he doesn’t count on is a female with stormy eyes and a will to live getting under his skin.

Kayla has lost everyone she loves to the red death. Surviving the plague is one thing, but a vow made to her dying father puts her under the protection of a predator. Surprised at how her body reacts to Ryder when he feeds, she has a hard choice to make. But when tragedy strikes and forces the vampire to give her his blood, she morphs into something no one could ever predict.

The new world doesn’t come with a handbook and when fate brands them as potential mates, they are not prepared. They can either battle each other, or band together in a fight for survival. The future holds no guarantees, but being alone might be worse than death.

This is a spin-off series and can be read as a standalone or, with the Eternally Mated series.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
I know I saw this every time I read a paranormal but It’s my JAM!!! I love love love me some paranormal. I love shifters, vampires, demons, angels, and all the possible additions to a storyline. This book, which is a spin off series, was just what I needed and loved.
I am going to start by saying I have NOT read the Eternally Mated series. However, I will be rectifying that soon. I did not feel I missed anything or was lost at any point of the story. I think the storyline was filled in during this book about what happened in the other series. SHEW right!!!!
So this book is taking place during the end of the world essentially. Ryder and his group of Navy Seals are set to protect the last few remaining humans to help repopulate the world after The Red Death has destroyed everyone. He is one of the original vampires and he has turned a few of his trusted men into vampires to help get the job done. He only asks that females who do stay with them, help feed his men to keep them alive. Pretty decent trade off…surviving death for a few sips of your blood right???
Ryder is getting ready to leave when a sassy, pink haired beauty who is also a pain in his ass shows up and informs him he needs to protect her. Seems Ryder and her dad were Navy buddies. From the start of Kayla and Ryder meeting, the sparks and chemistry sizzle!! I mean they are so hilariously attracted and annoyed by the other it makes for great reading.
Kayla has lost everyone and is bound and determined to make it to this Ryder guy for protection. She surely did not plan on the attraction to the alpha male and his over the top protection of her.
Kayla and Ryder plus another couple soon find a strange mark that they have no clue what it means. Kayla and another soon find out they too have another secret about why they have survived the Red Death when everyone else has died.
On top of all the couple drama, we are dealing with rogue vampires, gross looking demons running amuck annnnd the portal to hell being opened to rid the Earth of humans in general….Yup LOTS happening in the story!!!
I can not wait to read the next story but I will be trying to get the other 6 books of the other series read ASAP too.



Minx by Maggie Adams

Goodreads HERE

A romantic comedy about friendships, flirtations, and the elusive “Fantasm!”

Hi! I’m Miranda Blake and this is my story. Well, sort of. It’s more like a twisted fairytale, if you believe in them. Except there’s no beautiful, young princess with perky breasts, perfectly coiffed hair and a sassy attitude. I’m closing in on fifty, thirty pounds overweight according to Weight Watchers, and, after nursing two kids and that bitch, gravity, doing her job, I’m lucky the ladies don’t hit my knees. The gorgeous brown mane of hair is slightly frizzy from my ridiculous attempts to recapture my youth by dyeing the hell out of it. As for sassy attitude, well, it wasn’t so long ago that I was a doormat. And the charming prince who sweeps me off my feet into the life of my dreams? I have a dog called Prince, German Shepherd, who knocks me on my ass if I’m in the way when the doorbell rings. Does that count?

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

OMG this book was hilarious!!! I seriously LOVE the characters of the story. Miranda and her crew of best friends were so awesome to read. But the temptation tug of which brother, Reed or Ritter, was great too! Miranda’s friends are seriously the best people around. They lover her 110% and are going to do anything and everything to make sure she gets the HEA with a good guy this time around.

Miranda legit is told by her DB future ex its over. They are getting ready to leave for a cruise when he drops the bomb, she is being replaced by a younger woman and she is to get outta their family home ASAP. Miranda rallies her troops and they set to help her find herself and pick herself back up after 20 years of marriage.

What skills does an outta work housewife, stay at home mom have? Well she has enough to charm a playboy named Ritter into hooking her up with a job at his company. When she meets his very stuck up brother, Reed, she is confused as to how they can be so different.

As the story unfolds, we begin to see different sides to both men. Neither is who we thought they were. Is Ritter the good guy or a DB? Is Reed really an uptight jackass or just a guy protecting his heart????

I seriously snickered so many times reading this book and loved, loved, loved how it all played out.


Revenge (Revenge Series #1)

Revenge, Revenge Series book 1 by Christine Besze

Goodreads HERE

Six years they stole from me.
Six years I’ve done my time.
Six years I’ve waited.
Six years I’ve heard her screams over and over.
No more.
It’s time to collect.
And it’s their blood that will be spilled.

Asher Savage spent his life protecting the innocent, taking monsters off the streets. He never thought he’d become one.
Charlee Vega was a pawn in a game she never knew she was playing. An innocent caught up in a war of greed and hate.
Revenge has fed his monster for years, but it comes at a price. Is it one he’s still willing to have her pay?
She’s a means to an end. A complication he never saw coming. And sometimes those are the most deadly of all.
***This book is a standalone and contains mature/graphic subject matter. For readers 18+***

I received this book from the author for an honest review.’

The blurb totally got me for this book. I have never read anything from this author, but the book was so ANTI-HERO that I had to read it. I mean the main dude was going to be totally broken and ruthless so what girl wouldn’t fall in love with him??? I am here to say this book did NOT disappoint at all. I was totally glued to my kindle and could not put it down. The story flowed so well and I was so engaged with each additional characters….gah I need more from this family of brothers!! I mean Ax …come one….Zane…what makes him tick but Asher…holy mother of hotness!!!

So the story starts and we are in picture perfect world. Asher is running home with flowers for his wife and pretty quickly it alllllll turns bad….like real bad. Then we see Asher sitting back and waiting…waiting…waiting. When he is out of prison, he and his brother begin the revenge of Lauren. Poor Charlee is the means to an end for Asher but when he falls for her spirit and fire…he soon realized, with the help of a few punches by his brother, maybe she is more than just the end but maybe she is the beginning he needs???

Charlee loves her papa, but she knows he is an evil man. She knows he is not a good man by any stretch of the imagination but he is her papa!! No matter what, she will love him even when he is a bit possessive of her and over-protective.

When Asher and Charlee meet, the chemistry is oooooooofffffff the charts!! Holy Cow!! The more they trust and respect the other they soon start to care which is totally crazy but then they soon start to lean and rely on the other….People!! This book was crazy good!!!

I LOVED the twist at the end and I cannot wait for more because like I said the brothers need a HEA as well!!


Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor: An After Zombie Tale of Love & Survival (Last of Us Book 1)

by Nikki Landis

Goodreads HERE

The world has gone to shit and the zombie apocalypse is now responsible for wiping out humanity.

One girl believes she’s all alone and the world’s last hope for survival . . . but is she the key, a threat, or something else entirely?

*** Book 1 of a new series, contains mature content ***

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Zombies make my heart so happy. When my blog got a request to share this books release, I was super excited and reached out to ask for a review copy. OMG am I so happy I did. This book hits all my zombie book expectations…..Zombie encounters, feisty heroine, alpha hero, and plot twists and turns galore! Man was I loving it and unable to put it down!!!

Our heroine, Bailee, is alone after the world went to crap for a year exactly when she stumbles into the hands of the local military group (and uber alpha bossy Sawyer) during a failed scavenger mission. The men know a secret about Bailee, but Sawyer is kinda interested in our feisty girl and wont follow orders just yet to turn her over to the main operations.

We see a lot of push and pull between Saw and Bailee which creates a lot of chemistry!!! But what also is amazing to read, the ZOMBIE ATTACKS!! Yes folks there are a lot of zombies in the book and many different kinds of zombies….this totally made my heart happy. We’ve got slow zombies. We’ve got fast zombies. We’ve got tracker zombies!!? Yikes!!

The books momentum and flow were great for reading. I mean the group was always under attack or in conflict, so it was very fast paced, and action packed!!

My ONLY issue with the book….it seems to flip from 3rd POV to 1st POV through the story. At first, I thought I was a weirdo and reading it wrong, but I found it a few times in the story. I am not a fan of 3rd POV so it took me out of the reading element and then it would drop you back in to 1st POV. Honestly this small issue will not stop me from reading the other books in the continuing series because after the way the story ended I NEED to know what happens to our team of misfits.

#WOTR19 #AttendingAuthor #SeriesStarter Love War- Cary Hart

What happens when happily ever after isn’t happy? When everything you thought you knew changes?



Until him. Until her.

Second chances…

Until them.


The past may have won the battles, but can Love win the War?



This story follows Reese and Andie 2 of the very best friends ever, with magic band aids, and who puts Reece’s pieces and Andie mints on their ice cream because that’s what friends do. Wait I’m getting ahead of myself yes those  girls are part of this story but they bring the cute factor. Aubrey is a newly single divorced mom of Reece after 12 years of marriage Aubrey has found herself not knowing who she really is anymore. All she’s known is being a housewife and mom so her best friend Niki makes her dress up find her sex appeal again and takes her to the club. There she’s dancing and having the time of her life when this extremely sexy man comes to her on the dance floor. Is he the knight and shining armor she’s been missing? Well this is were all the roads beginning and all the twist turns and secrets start but how much will be let out and how many hearts will be broken? With children involved how much far will Aubrey go to sacrifice her own happiness?

Review by Twinsie Dee

Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. Soccer mom in all sense of the word to two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband. In addition to writing full time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix, laying around in her hammock and baking up cookies for her family and friends.

Cary writes real, raw romance! In her stories the characters deal with life’s everyday struggles and unwanted drama, they talk about the ugly and they become the broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, but sometimes before you can appreciate the light, there has to be darkness.

Growing up, if someone would have told her she would become a writer, she wouldn’t have believed them. It wasn’t until she got her hands on her first romance novel, that the passion grew. Now she couldn’t imagine her life any other way – she’s living her dream.

#WOTR19 #AttendingAuthor #SeriesStarter Moving Forward -Emily R. Pearson

Six years ago a monster broke Ava Monroe’s soul. She was left with nothing but an empty house and no reason to live. In starting a new life in a new city she finds the strength to carry on, but can she ever erase the demons of her past?

When an act of fate brings Seth into her life, they’ll attempt to discover the truth about their tainted pasts. But Seth Carter has a secret; one even he doesn’t know exists.

Will Ava’s connection with Seth be enough to lift her up, or will it destroy what little she has left?



6 years of living in fear, after her parents were murdered Ava and her best friend Carissa moved to Florida for a new start on life. A night out on the town Ava had been swept off her feet by a sexy man named Seth. But is she strong enough to keep him safe from her past and will he stay or run because it’s too much to handle. This mystery thriller will keep you on your toes and you won’t want to put it down.

Review by Twinsie Dee

When Emily isn’t nose deep in her latest and greatest writing adventure or in over her head with her spitfire daughter, newest addition, and her main squeeze; you’ll find her emerged in the latest book to catch her eye. She doesn’t judge, she reads it all and hungers for more. She has been declared a Pinterest queen by some, and is one of the few people you’ll ever meet to actually pull off those easy looking recipes; the ones that the rest of us burn.

#SeriesStarter #Romance – Kill Devil Hills by Sarah Darlington

He’s twenty-four. She’s eighteen.His life is exactly the way he’s always wanted it to be…stable.She’s quite possibly the very definition of unstable.Noah saved her.Georgina never wanted to be saved.Growing up, Noah Clark was passed from one relative to the next until he finally ended up living with his abusive, alcoholic uncle in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. Thanks in part to the unwavering love and support of his best friend, Ellie Turner, Noah survived those years, escaped his uncle, and grew into the man he is today. Now he runs his own business and lives a pretty normal, no-nonsense life-one where he maintains a high level of control. Georgina is Ellie’s younger sister. Four months ago, Noah saved Georgie’s life, but he thought that was where his involvement with his friend’s sister would end. Now Georgie has returned home from the recovery facility her parents sent her away to and Noah, still haunted by the night that connects them, can’t stop himself from continuously trying to protect this girl he barely knows. But is he willing to give up all of the control he’s worked so hard to build in his life and risk everything for her? Even more importantly, would she do the same for him?**NEW ADULT ROMANCE**Recommended for 18+ due to sexual content, language, and adult themes. This is the first book in Sarah Darlington’s Kill Devil Hills Series. All four books in the series are interconnected standalones, meaning each features a different couple.



One drinking night out with his best friend and ending back up at her house. Noah Clark got a lot more then he bargained for and found out just how quickly you can sober up when you wonder up the stair in the middle of the night to use one of the many bathrooms in her parents house to find her younger sister lying on the floor passed out and bleeding. After losing her brother Georgina couldn’t handle the pain and decided to make some not so smart choices that she would have to come to terms with one day. With the help of her family and the friends she makes at the Cove and one unlikely person that just so happen to save her life. Is Noah the one person who can pull Georgina from the demons within her and is she the possible key to getting him to let his guards down

Review by Twinsie Dee

I write New Adult and Contemporary Romance books that are both steamy and sweet, with a touch of agnst. I love creating book boyfriends you won’t soon forget.

My latest… Joe Coffee☕️

I’m a mom to two young kiddos, both on the spectrum, so my days are never the same and always busy.