Tag Archives: Mary Martel

#Horror #dark – Nemesis by Mary Martel

Opal is a very talented artist. She paints the most lovely images of horror that her fans find absolutely grotesque and fascinating.

Because they don’t know where these images come from and think it’s simply her disturbed imagination put to paint on canvas.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

Mary said she was tipping her toes into horror, and I was like “Cool Boo I got you.”  Then I finally was able to read it and am like “Boo you ok??”

So by that you should be ready for some stuff.  This book was almost like the movie American Psycho in parts. Pearl is a psycho.  LOL  Wait who is Pearl you ask?  Well, that is one of the many personalities that live in Opal…sweet, kind, boring Opal.

This book was pretty dark in spots and a little bit confusing initially until you understood the swapping of personalities in Opal’s mind.  I would have loved the backstory on WHY Opal is so messed up.  I mean we know a smidge but nothing that would make her this messed up.

The story was a quick but wild ride for me.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her husband, and her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

#NewRelease #HolidayNovella #Novella #MC- Christmas with Duchess, Book 6 of The Dollhouse by Mary Martel

It’s been years since we’ve visited with Duchess with her girls at the Dollhouse. Not to mention, the biker boys in the Mercy Motorcycle Club.

What’s a better time to go back and check on them than during the holidays?

What do people like Duchess actually even do for Christmas? Do they wrap presents with pretty bows on them to hand out to their stable of girls or the bikers next door?

Are all the girls even still there?

Is Franky still married?

Is Willow still a cold bombshell with a shoe addiction?

Are Duchess’s knives still sharp?

Guess you’ll just have to read about it to find out.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this novella.

Duchess and Cap.  I have missed them so freaking much.  When Mary said she was pubbing a novella to check in with our favorite MC President and his Queen, I said holiday prep be damned.  I need to see what’s up.

This is a super short novella letting us see everything with every one is amazing.  We check in with all the couples.  We get a shock and a giant surprise in the book.

I cant really say much except I need to reread after this novella.  I have missed them so much and didn’t realize it until just now.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her husband, and her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

You can sign up for her newsletter here: https://amazon.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=92ebc52e0076d77643d6891b2&id=c70becb1cd

Twinsie Dee’s top 5 July-December 2023 #YA #RH #TrueCrime

BLURB: I thought I’d already lost everything, but life has a way of proving you wrong

The moment I set my scuffed sneaker on Cadieux Island for College, my fate was sealed, but there’s no way I could have prepared for what was coming.

I should have run when I attracted the Morningstar’s attention, ruthless twins that lord over the elite school and everyone in it. I thought I could handle them, or at least survive them, but now it seems I might not live without them.

They demand my allegiance, loyalty and devotion, but I’m afraid I’ll lose so much more to them.

Four founding families, entrenched in secrets and deep-rooted history, are locked in a never-ending cycle for power and domination, and I just became the pawn everyone wants to use, or get rid of.

Welcome to Cadieux Island where the weak get slaughtered and only the strong survive.

Created in Chaos is the second book in the Corrupt Credence series. A dark college MFM romance told on duel POV with mature content for adult readers.

GOODREADS : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/175223592-created-in-chaos

AMAZON: https://amzn.to/3QbOMJe


I was given this book by the author for an honest review

I have waited long enough to dive back into this world with these sexy devil’s twins ugh they are perfect. Anyways our story left off with Lucian and Nox seeing Nova being but, in an ambulance, heading to the hospital. But once things are calmed down and life is back to as normal as possible. Lucian and Nox refuse to let Nova out of their sights, they need to find out who did this to their girl and why they targeted her, also what or if her grandparents played a part in the attack and what their ultimate goal is. Will Nova pick her family side or stay with the Morningstar’s’ and who is really telling her the truth about her parents and new life. ugh these characters and this world omg I just can’t get enough of them Lucian and Nox are swoon and I need book 3 asap.

BLURB: Trenton and Simon are brothers by blood but their connection goes a whole lot deeper than just that. They grew up knowing that they’d spend their lives searching for that one special female witch it was their job to protect. Female witches were rare and they never thought they’d actually find her. But find her they did. And while protecting her they both fell in love with her. She fell in love with them right back. The problem was, she’s a stubborn little witch who’s too afraid to face her feelings head on and embrace them. She’ll run head first into danger, but face her feelings for the brothers? No way, she’s ready to run like a scared little girl. Can the brothers convince Ariel Kimber to take a chance on them or will they have to forever remain on the sidelines, protecting but never touching, what they rightfully consider to be theirs?

GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/197383630-simon-and-trenton

AMAZON: https://amzn.to/45qS9QE

REVIEW: I was given this book by the author for an honest review

oh, sweet mama these bodyguards just make this already spicy dynamic of a group even spicier. Simon and Trenton have searched their whole lives looking for their female witch and they finally found her, Airel Kimber they just didn’t think her 7 husbands were also with her. but they will protect her at all costs, they get along with her family and now they just want to get her to open up to them. but when quinton sends them on a mission to look at a storage unit left by Ariel’s crazy aunt who pretended to be her mom, they started to get closer. the flame from magic isn’t the only thing that’s getting hot. ugh I just love this world and these characters I can’t get enough of them.

BLURB: Everyone at Ryder High knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

For Marley “Sunny” Sorenshine, a Secret Admirer might be just what she needs to put her recent, very public, break up behind her.

Her optimism is dimmed when she reads the first note—her admirer was tricked into participating. He didn’t choose Marley, a dart did. And he wants her to quit.

But if Marley is good at anything, it’s seeing the silver lining and standing up for herself. She decides to throw her Sunny disposition into the game to challenge her Admirer’s grumpiness.

The guy can’t be all that bad—he carefully crafted a crossword puzzle just for her. And as the month goes on, he shares more personal details that intrigue her.

Will Marley stick it out until the end, or will her Admirers morose attitude get the best of her?


AMAZON: https://amzn.to/3rK3w8I

REVIEW: i bought this book here is my honest review

Marley is miss sunshine at Ryder High, so her nickname Sunny is a perfect fit. She is so thoughtful and generous that she brings Mr. Thompson a retired teacher his blueberry muffin top that reminds him of his late wife. So, when she was giving her first teal envelope, she thought it was a complete joke. After finding out it wasn’t she was starting to get excited then for first clue came and it was a total let down, for Marley now she was thinking her admirer, was forced into the game. will she make it the whole month, will it get better or is this the cloud that brings downs the schools sunshine.

BLURB: Are you ready for the hottest summer of your life? I certainly wasn’t when I arrived at Daddy’s resort with my sister. I was the nerdy, slightly shy boss’s daughter and the last thing I thought was that love would change everything for me this summer. Things heat up quite literally. I’m not just talking about my relationship with the surfing instructor, the chauffeur and the resort’s chef as we get closer than ever. The rivalry between my three guys and my sister’s fiancé becomes explosive. When all our hopes and dreams are shattered by a fire, I put everything on the line for my team. If we don’t win that surfing competition, our dreams will go up in flames. But is winning enough when everything is stacked against us and our relationship? At the end of the summer will our dreams come true or will we be left with a pile of smoldering ashes? this is a story where the heroine won’t have to choose between her different love interests. This story is the conclusion of a duet and ends in a HEA. Suitable for readers 18+

GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/192872117-summer-nights

AMAZON: https://amzn.to/3rKTPH3

REVIEW: i was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Greer is just seeing the flames of one of her guy’s cabins and she doesn’t know if Drew is the there or not. Matt and Brady are freaking out as well, but they have a surfing competition to win and now they need to find money to replace the gear they bought once that is now ash from the fire. Greer is trying to think of everything she could do to help I mean she can’t ask her dad for more money she already asked for ten grand, if she asked for more, he would surely want to know what she needs it for this time. the competition is getting closer, the feelings between Greer and her guys are also getting stronger, and they all are worried about what will happen between them when the summer is over, and Greer goes to college. Will they get to surf for the prize money to fight for their future. Will all the drama from Greer’s family stay away from them, and will they find Drew? this was the perfect end to this group, I’m obsessed and totally need more from Mary and Melissa, this had just the right amount of drama, hilarious moments and lots of SPICE and not just from the chef in the kitchen.

BLURB: Laci Rocha Peterson, 8 months pregnant, was last seen by her sister, Amy, in the late afternoon of December 23, 2002. She spoke to her mother, Sharon Rocha, at 8:30 p.m. that night. This would be the last time anyone from her immediate family ever spoke to her.

A search began which lasted an agonizing four months. Sadly, Laci Peterson and her son Conner were found dead on the shores of San Francisco Bay on April 18, 2003.

Her husband, Scott, was eventually arrested and charged with the murder of Laci and Connor. After a sensational, media-saturated trial, Peterson was found guilty of capital murder and was sentenced to death on March 16, 2005.

This book deals with the story in three separate sections: first, Sharon describes the ordinary, loving life her daughter led, including fond memories of her childhood and adolescence. Second, it covers her marriage, disappearance, the community’s moving search for her, and her and Connor’s eventual recovery from San Francisco Bay. Third, it tells the story of the trial in detail not before revealed. Sharon will also talk about victim’s rights, a subject on which she now campaigns regularly.


AMAZON: https://amzn.to/46uU2gQ

REVIEW: i bought this book here is my honest opinion

wow just wow I personally didn’t know much about the case in the beginning, I was just in elementary, but the older I got the more I learned about it, and I always guessed that Scott had killed Laci and their unborn son. So of course, when I seen this book at a thrift store i grabbed it up immediately. But like it states in the book the how, where and the biggest question why needed to be answered and they were never really known. Well after reading For Laci and seeing this case from her mom’s point of view I really feel like Scott did do this terrible crime. There are so many things i heard well-read for the first time that I never knew about this case, but one thing is known Scott is a terrible person and both Laci and Connor didn’t deserve anything that happened to them. This book opens your heart, and mind to really seeing behind closed doors. even if you think you know this case from all the tv specials, or you have listened to every podcast on the case you need to read this and get a new point of view on it all.

#WOTR24 #Review – Simon and Trenton (An Ariel Kimber Novel Book 10)

Trenton and Simon are brothers by blood but their connection goes a whole lot deeper than just that. They grew up knowing that they’d spend their lives searching for that one special female witch it was their job to protect. Female witches were rare and they never thought they’d actually find her. But find her they did. And while protecting her they both fell in love with her. She fell in love with them right back. The problem was, she’s a stubborn little witch who’s too afraid to face her feelings head on and embrace them. She’ll run head first into danger, but face her feelings for the brothers? No way, she’s ready to run like a scared little girl. Can the brothers convince Ariel Kimber to take a chance on them or will they have to forever remain on the sidelines, protecting but never touching, what they rightfully consider to be theirs?


Review by Twinsie Melinda

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

Simon and Trenton are Ariel’s body guards. Always in the background watching over her. They have a protective bond with her but they are also falling hard for her. They are given the chance to bond with her when Quinton has them go with her to investigate a piece of her past. When things go crazy for her they call in her dad.

I enjoyed that this was a book entirely about Trenton, Simon and Ariel. Don’t get me wrong I love all of Ariel’s guys but these three needed this time. I also like that they called in Rain because a girl can always use her dad when things go sideways. Trenton and Simon are so connected to her they know what she needs and who is the best to help her through certain situations.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her husband, and her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

#wotr24 #attendingauthor #partofaseries Simon and Trenton (Ariel Kimber 10) by Mary Martel

Trenton and Simon are brothers by blood but their connection goes a whole lot deeper than just that.

They grew up knowing that they’d spend their lives searching for that one special female witch it was their job to protect. Female witches were rare and they never thought they’d actually find her.

But find her they did.

And while protecting her they both fell in love with her.

She fell in love with them right back.

The problem was, she’s a stubborn little witch who’s too afraid to face her feelings head on and embrace them. She’ll run head first into danger, but face her feelings for the brothers? No way, she’s ready to run like a scared little girl.

Can the brothers convince Ariel Kimber to take a chance on them or will they have to forever remain on the sidelines, protecting but never touching, what they rightfully consider to be theirs?

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/197383630-simon-and-trenton

Amazon https://amzn.to/47SWvmj

Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

oh, sweet mama these bodyguards just make this already spicy dynamic of a group even spicier. Simon and Trenton have searched their whole lives looking for their female witch and they finally found her, Airel Kimber they just didn’t think her 7 husbands were also with her. but they will protect her at all costs, they get along with her family and now they just want to get her to open up to them. but when quinton sends them on a mission to look at a storage unit left by Ariel’s crazy aunt who pretended to be her mom, they started to get closer. the flame from magic isn’t the only thing that’s getting hot. ugh I just love this world and these characters I can’t get enough of them.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

#review #partofaseries Dancing with Darkness (Ariel Kimber 9) by Mary Martel

Isobel finds herself in a place she never expected to be again— living out yet another nightmare come to life.

She thought all the monsters were dead and gone. She thought wrong. And so had everyone else.

Rain, Romero, and Finn are lost and back to being broken men without their female witch. They’ll do anything to get her back. And, fortunately for them, they aren’t alone. The Alexander coven is right there with them in the search, because that’s what family does for each other.

Isobel might think she’s alone but she’s got family looking out for her, people who love her.

Will they find her in time?

Will they get to be happy and all finally together after all?

Or are some things too broken to ever be fixed? And will Isobel end up being one of them?

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/146833563-dancing-with-darkness

Amazon https://amzn.to/3O9SctJ

Review by Twinsie Dee

Isobell wakes up in the dark, not again se thinks she knew she shouldn’t have gone back to the place where her nightmare started but she needed the closer. all the Counsil members should be dead but apparently someone survived and wants to torture Isobel more than before. the guys are freaking out when Finn woke them up and Isobel was nowhere to be found they started thinking, searching and ready to kill whoever took their girl they needed back quickly. after having her back they are all determined to find out who did this and while still trying to stay strong as a new coven. I loved getting a new point of view from my favorite world.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

#review Summer Nights (Dirty Summer 2) By: Mary Martel and Melissa Adams

Are you ready for the hottest summer of your life? I certainly wasn’t when I arrived at Daddy’s resort with my sister. I was the nerdy, slightly shy boss’s daughter and the last thing I thought was that love would change everything for me this summer. Things heat up quite literally. I’m not just talking about my relationship with the surfing instructor, the chauffeur and the resort’s chef as we get closer than ever. The rivalry between my three guys and my sister’s fiancé becomes explosive. When all our hopes and dreams are shattered by a fire, I put everything on the line for my team. If we don’t win that surfing competition, our dreams will go up in flames. But is winning enough when everything is stacked against us and our relationship? At the end of the summer will our dreams come true or will we be left with a pile of smoldering ashes? this is a story where the heroine won’t have to choose between her different love interests. This story is the conclusion of a duet and ends in a HEA. Suitable for readers 18+

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/192872117-summer-nights

Amazon https://amzn.to/3DKETLD

Review by Twinsie Dee

Greer is just seeing the flames of one of her guy’s cabins and she doesn’t know if Drew is the there or not. Matt and Brady are freaking out as well, but they have a surfing competition to win and now they need to find money to replace the gear they bought once that is now ash from the fire. Greer is trying to think of everything she could do to help I mean she can’t ask her dad for more money she already asked for ten grand, if she asked for more, he would surely want to know what she needs it for this time. the competition is getting closer, the feelings between Greer and her guys are also getting stronger, and they all are worried about what will happen between them when the summer is over, and Greer goes to college. Will they get to surf for the prize money to fight for their future. Will all the drama from Greer’s family stay away from them, and will they find Drew? this was the perfect end to this group, I’m obsessed and totally need more from Mary and Melissa, this had just the right amount of drama, hilarious moments and lots of SPICE and not just from the chef in the kitchen.

Melissa Adams is from the UK but was born in Italy and grew up between the two countries. She’s now UK based and her day job is connected her other huge passion after writing and reading: flying. She lived in the US and got herself a super hot Yankee husband who followed her back to Europe.
Her obsessions: Yorkshire terriers and Norse gods!
She’s often heard saying that she never trusts people who don’t love animals.
Her passions have been reading and writing from an early age and her first adventure in writing was in journalism.
Melissa’s stories focus on the romance, on character development and on the sensual aspect of love. Summer romance is her absolute first love but every story she writes has a mystery twist because life is nothing but a mystery.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

Twinsie Dee Top 5 reads for July- December

#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseries Gorgeous Nightmare (Ariel Kimber 8) by Mary Martel 


Gorgeous Nightmare : An Ariel Kimber World Novel by Mary Martel | Goodreads 

Isobel has been through a lot more than the average woman in her short life. 

Family murdered. 

Tortured by the Council. 

Rescued by a beautiful man she’s obsessed with. 

She’s not the average witch. She’s slightly broken, plagued by horrible nightmares, and she’s also just a little bit on the crazy side. 

But broken and slightly crazy women deserve love too, right? 

She sure thinks so. Now she’s got to convince all the men in her life that they should take a chance on her and give love a try as well. 

The only problem with that is they’re all just as crazy as she is, if not even more so. And she is certainly not the only damaged one in the bunch. They’ve all got their own nightmares to face, they just need to learn that it’s much easier to face them together than it is to stand all alone in the dark with no one to hold your hand through it. 

Review- Finally we are getting a looking into a few new characters we have gotten to know later on in the series. Isobel was saved by Ariel from the council she was being held captive in a dark hole chained by her arms and had her eye sight stripped, they used and abused her also they killed her entire family. She is a fighter and now she’s living with Rain, and Baxter in the cabin. They are their own little family with Romero who is Dash’s father who was thought to be dead all theses year surprise a deep dark secret that Ariel was able to solve. Also Finn is now a part of this little group and hes got eyes for 1 female witch that is a first for him a female has never made him feel this way but Isobel does. These lives might have a tragic and traumatic past but together they are each other’s missing links and are the key to each others happiness. MARY has done it again another amazing book in a world im so in love with.  


#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter Seeing Sound (Tasting Madness 1) by Albany Waker  


Seeing Sound (Tasting Madness, #1) by Albany Walker | Goodreads 

I’m starting over. 
Moving to a new town to start college, where I can try to be normal. Or at least pretend I am. 
I’m willing to fake it, because I’m tired of trying to get better. Tired of spilling my guts to doctors and therapists to understand why I’ve heard voices since I was a child. 
The meds are working… for now, but if they stop, I’ll never tell. I just want to live my life, and if that means ignoring why so many people think I’m crazy, so be it. 
She’s the most silent storm I’ve ever witnessed. 
Waylynn is as pretty as a picture, curvy, with hazel eyes that always seem to evade everyone’s gaze. 
She’s been avoiding me since our first encounter, but fate intervenes and brings her right back to me… and my brother. 
Now I need to know more. 
Seeing Sound is the first book of the Tasting Madness Series. This is Reverse Harem novel with adult themes and situations. 

Review- Waylynn is starting college in a new town and trying to be as normal as possible. She got the right combination of medication so that the voices will stop for the time being and she can be as normal as she can. But when she hears the voices that are normally in her head out loud, she starts to get a little freaked out but she isnt going to let that bother her too much. She’s just gotten out of the in-patient treatment center that her parents send her to when the voices get to strong because her medication isnt working again. But this time shes not going crazy the voices belong to faces and they are right in front of her. Maverick is the TA in Waylynn’s english class and they have a pull to each other that is very strange to her shes never felt anything like this before. But she also feels it for his brother too. She cant explain these feelings but she also don’t know what to do about it. None of them do, will they give into these feelings, with Waylynn telling them all about her past or will she keep it a secret. This book was so good a bit confusing to me in the beginning but then the pieces started to go together and I couldn’t put it down. Once again Albany proves why I love her and anticipate all of her words. 


#wotr #newrelease #mm #standalone Rebound by Kate Hawthorne 

Rebound by Kate Hawthorne | Goodreads 


They say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else… 
At least that’s what Ben is trying to convince himself. Ready to put his ex-boyfriend in the rear view for good, he connects with a handsome older man who’s only interested in something quick and casual. Their rules are simple—no strings, no feelings, and absolutely no kissing. 
Thomas has never been with a man before, but in the midst of divorcing his estranged wife, he knows it’s something he is ready to act on. He’s wondered for years if his attraction to men is something real, so hooking up with an experienced and gorgeous younger man seems like a surefire way to find out. Better yet, it’ll kill two birds with one stone: exploring the depths of his midlife awakening and moving forward into a brand kind of new life. 
One time together turns into two times, and two turns into something regular, but the rules still apply… until they don’t. Late night phone calls lead to early evening dinner dates, and one by one the rules are all out the window. 
Ben was supposed to be Thomas’s first time, and Thomas was supposed to be Ben’s rebound…but what if the best way to get over someone is also the best way to fall in love? 

 Review-What better way to get over your ex-wife then sleeping with a man right? Well Thomas did that very thing he always had a curious side of him of what it would be like to be with a man, and after he finally got divorced from his wife who was actually cheating on him, he thought what better time than now he was alone in his new apartment he got on an app he had so hidden no one would find it. Ben was dealing with a narcissist boyfriend who just abused his body, mind and spirit, but a good romp in the sheets seemed to fix it for that moment. Well he finally had enough and finally ended it with him, Ben found himself on the same app, not looking for anything serious just a good lay from time to time. Well Ben and Thomas end up talking and next thing Thomas knew he was at Ben’s door for the first time and his first time being with a man. It was everything Thomas ever though it would be and he was glad he finally did it and Ben was just as impressed with Thomas’s performance even though he didn’t know it was his first time with a man. Will Thomas be able to keep his past in the past and just be able to hook up with Ben without catching feelings and same for Ben who was fine with a no strings attached   hookup or will everything come out of the closet and go up in flames. Wow this story was so spicey and crazy but oh so good.  


#wotr #attendingauthor #standalone Disassembled Creatures by Albany Walker 

Disassembled Creatures by Albany Walker | Goodreads 


It all started with a game. 

It was supposed to be fun, a night with friends. No one was supposed to die, but that’s not what happened. 

There’s a killer on the loose. People I know are dying, and I think I might be next. 

We called the boogeyman, and he answered. 

Disassembled Creatures is a standalone novella intended for mature audiences 

Review- Lethe and her friends wanted to have a little fun, well 2 of the 4 wanted to have some fun so they brought out a Ouija board after all its just a game nothing bad can happen right. Well, they were all very wrong, after one of the girls started calling upon spirit crazy things start to happen, Lethe had, had enough of this game and thinking that 2 of the girls planned this all out to scare the crap out of her and it was working grabbing her other friend she heads for the door and when she’s at her car she notices a shadow in the window upstairs and then the door closing without anyone touching it. Well, the next day she finds out 1 girl was dead and the other wasn’t going to make it. All because of a game the boogeyman has come to play and he wants her, but why does he want Lethe and will she figure it out or will he catch her by surprise. In this lesson never mess with the spirit world and leave the Ouija boards alone, will Lethe make it out of this nightmare come to life alive or will someone be contacting her spirit with a Ouija board in the future? Wow wow wow wow, I could not put this book down Albany has done it again just when I didn’t think I could love her words anymore she writes another amazing story. This book will have you on the edge of your seat and gripping the pages to turn them faster and faster, so many twist that you won’t see coming. 

#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter Summer Heat (Dirty Summer 1) By Mary Martel and Melissa Adams



“A dirty summer fling with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks.”

This is my sister’s recipe to avoid boredom as we spend the summer at Daddy’s newly purchased resort.

I’m not looking forward to spending time with her and our snobby, demanding mother, but hey, at least the view is nice.

Nice and hot. Like the staff.

There’s Matt, the gorgeous chauffeur. Drew, the sexy chef. And Brady, the smoking hot surfing instructor.

Boring goes out the window when I catch their attention and maybe they could give me the dirty summer my sister was talking about, a summer like I’ve never dared to dream of before.

Too bad that the guys have big dreams for their future and that means keeping their heads down, winning the biggest surfing competition Coral Cove has ever seen and most of all, keeping their jobs at Daddy’s resort.

And to do that, they know that they can show the guests a good time on the dance floor and in the water, even flirt a little, but it has to end there.

The guests are off limits and as the boss’s daughter I’m even more out of their reach.

But nothing goes as planned, lines get blurred, and the summer nights heat up.

When we can’t stay away from each other and I make it my mission to help them make their dream come true, will we end the summer with a victory or will we lose it all?

Attention: this is a story where the heroine won’t have to choose between her different love interests. This story is part of a duet and ends in a cliffhanger.

Review- Greer has just got to Coral Cove the new summer home where her dad just purchase a resort. Her family is rather wealthy and her mother and sister prove jut why Greer really could care less about the fancy things in life she would rather stay in and read her book. Well this summer is gonna get spicy she not only does things that she never thought she would do like surf, fall for not 1 but 3 guy her father’s employees none the less, and compete in a surfing competition when the guys need an extra person. But with this fancy life comes lies and secrets, her fathers future business parter’s rude on tries to get in her pant with everything going on the island the guys are the only good thing that could make her summer better its already hot on the island but its gonna get dirty as well. Wow wow wow this is steamy and oh so sexy.


#WOTR22 #reread #Paranormal #RH #Dark #TriggerWarnings #Shifters – Ashes: Book One in the River Ash Pack by Mary Martel

Ashes: Book One in the River Ash Pack by [Mary Martel]

Cordelia has never known anything but the safety of her fathers guarded compound where she’s lived her entire life. A life that, as the alphas daughter, has always been a privileged one, albeit an incredibly sheltered one.
Until one night, life as she knows it, is flipped entirely upside down when she’s promised to another alpha in order to buy safety for her father’s pack. This doesn’t exactly sit well for Cordelia seeing as she has different plans for her life, even if she doesn’t know what those plans are just yet. Out of fear of what she doesn’t want her life to become, she does the unthinkable and tells her father the one thing he’ll never tolerate from anyone in his pack, especially not his daughter. She tells him no.
As a result, Cordelia learns just what kind of depraved man and alpha her father is and is left a broken, bleeding mess because of it.
After finding kindness and compassion from two strange men who show up at the compound and help her when she is no longer capable of helping herself, Cordelia does the only thing she thinks she can do in order to survive and not be stuck in a world of abuse and misery.
She runs.
Unfortunately for Cordelia, she doesn’t make it very far before she finds herself in trouble again and at the mercy of another male with alpha tendencies. This alpha also comes with a brother by blood and one by choice.
The problem is, Cordelia’s not so sure she could ever find a place in a pack again after everything she’s survived. She won’t have long to figure it out though because, no matter the cost, her father is determined to find her and bring her home.

Warning – Due to certain sensitive sexual subject matter and abusive situations, this book may contain triggers for some people.
It’s also a Reverse Harem book.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Jesus lemme get my head straight after reading this book. If there are a few things you need to know about Mary and her stories here they are…..Her men love FIERCE, Her Women are NOT WEAK, The chemistry is crazy in all the right places, and there will be blood…LOL …but I am serious!!
Now if you read the trigger warning I will say it’s not AS ROUGH of a scene as I was expecting or have read in the past but friends, its hard. Its hard because how can someone who should love and protect you, do that to you!! Its also quickly done and done well so we feel for Cordelia, but mainly so we can understand the shape that Cal and Luca find her in…it was bad…….
Cal, Luca and Darius……they are all so special to Cordelia for their own reasons, but this book is owned by Darius. Dude, he was so scary and then so sweet but so fierce. I mean I don’t think I knew how menacing he was until we see him with his old pack….dang he was hawt!!!
Cal and Luca long for their time for Cordelia but understand and show true patience to be with their girl because make no bones about it, SHE. IS. THEIR. GIRL!
Seeing the story of the impending war due to everything that plays out in the book is making me on edge because the 4 of them need to be on the same page to stick together and to make sure no one feels left out of this unusual mating!!

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her husband, and her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

You can sign up for her newsletter here: https://amazon.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=92ebc52e0076d77643d6891b2&id=c70becb1cd

#wotr #partofaseries #review Gorgeous Nightmare (Ariel Kimber 8) by Mary Martel 

Isobel has been through a lot more than the average woman in her short life.

Family murdered.

Tortured by the Council.

Rescued by a beautiful man she’s obsessed with.

She’s not the average witch. She’s slightly broken, plagued by horrible nightmares, and she’s also just a little bit on the crazy side.

But broken and slightly crazy women deserve love too, right?

She sure thinks so. Now she’s got to convince all the men in her life that they should take a chance on her and give love a try as well.

The only problem with that is they’re all just as crazy as she is, if not even more so. And she is certainly not the only damaged one in the bunch.

They’ve all got their own nightmares to face, they just need to learn that it’s much easier to face them together than it is to stand all alone in the dark with no one to hold your hand through it.

Goodreads  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61481086-gorgeous-nightmare

Amazon https://amzn.to/3b2pAms

Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review

Finally we are getting a looking into a few new characters we have gotten to know later on in the series. Isobel was saved by Ariel from the council she was being held captive in a dark hole chained by her arms and had her eye sight stripped, they used and abused her also they killed her entire family. She is a fighter and now she’s living with Rain, and Baxter in the cabin. They are their own little family with Romero who is Dash’s father who was thought to be dead all theses year surprise a deep dark secret that Ariel was able to solve. Also Finn is now a part of this little group and hes got eyes for 1 female witch that is a first for him a female has never made him feel this way but Isobel does. These lives might have a tragic and traumatic past but together they are each other’s missing links and are the key to each others happiness. MARY has done it again another amazing book in a world im so in love with.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her husband, and her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.