#Horror #dark – Nemesis by Mary Martel

Opal is a very talented artist. She paints the most lovely images of horror that her fans find absolutely grotesque and fascinating.

Because they don’t know where these images come from and think it’s simply her disturbed imagination put to paint on canvas.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

Mary said she was tipping her toes into horror, and I was like “Cool Boo I got you.”  Then I finally was able to read it and am like “Boo you ok??”

So by that you should be ready for some stuff.  This book was almost like the movie American Psycho in parts. Pearl is a psycho.  LOL  Wait who is Pearl you ask?  Well, that is one of the many personalities that live in Opal…sweet, kind, boring Opal.

This book was pretty dark in spots and a little bit confusing initially until you understood the swapping of personalities in Opal’s mind.  I would have loved the backstory on WHY Opal is so messed up.  I mean we know a smidge but nothing that would make her this messed up.

The story was a quick but wild ride for me.

Mary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent the majority of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her husband, and her two beautiful daughters. She’s an avid reader, and when not writing she can be found with her nose stuck in a book.

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