Category Archives: Sci Fi

#WOTR – #Review – A Touch of Frost by Terry Maggert


A Touch of Frost

Gideon Frost is the last survivor of Ravenwood, an orphanage scheduled for destruction at the hands of a vicious politician. Over the past century, hundreds of children have vanished, lost forever to witches who use their souls as fuel for life everlasting.

On the run and alone, he’ll find help in an unlikely place, when the missing children reach out to him from the land of the dead, asking him for the one thing he can deliver.


But Gideon won’t fight alone. Samira Alexander is a sorceress who can bridge the worlds between life and death, and she’ll stand beside him as they fight against the killers who want far more than just Gideon’s silence.

They want his power. They want his soul. But Gideon won’t give up either without a fight, and the witches of Ravenwood are about to learn a painful lesson.




A Touch of Frost is a super creepy story with plenty of greed and magic to go around. This is an intense story between good and bad, light and dark, and the battles between both. Gideon is the last orphan from Ravenwood and has been hiding since he “escaped”. He has barely been making it and barely getting by while hiding on the grounds of Ravenwood. Then one night, he has been found. But not just by anyone but by a ghost. Actually the ghosts of Ravenwood. He has never belonged to himself and has found a purpose by trying to help the ghosts. Then we get the villains. The ones who kill to continue life as they please, the bad witches. Marina is a witch who is trying to cover up the past of Ravenwood as her mother was the one responsible for it’s demise. As the Society gets involved to help Gideon, the witches are moving forward to get stronger. Again, it’s down to good versus evil and who will come out on top. Overall this is a very intriguing story but it moves slower than I expected. It took me a while to figure out what part Gideon and the Society were going to take in this and exactly how the witch coven would come into play as well. But as the story moved forward it all came out and we are left with a need to want more of this story and to see what direction it is going to go in. I am definitely intrigued and am looking forward to book 2. I need to know more about Gideon’s story and exactly how he is going to play a part in the future installments.




Terry Maggert

Left-handed. Father of an apparent nudist. Husband to a half-Norwegian. Herder of cats and dogs. Lover of pie. I write books. I’ve had an unhealthy fascination with dragons since the age of– well, for a while. Native Floridian. Current Tennessean. Location subject to change based on insurrection, upheaval, or availability of coffee. Ten books and counting, with no end in sight. You’ve been warned.

#WOTR – #Review – The True Death by R.K. Gleason


The True Death (The True Death Series, #1)

Headed for some well-deserved shore leave, Shepard is gunned down in the streets of Seattle, a victim of “a mugging gone stupid”. He awakens, not in a hospital bed, but in the surreal world of Purgatory.

Within seconds of his arrival, he is saved from a gruesome and painful end, by his new best friend Horace. That’s Quintus Horatius Flaccus, the philosopher, to you Roman history buffs. Horace explains to Shepard the cold, hard rules for surviving in Purgatory. More than just the walls have ears, and he’s not sure how long Shepard will last.




This is a sensationally twisted roller coaster in Purgatory! I loved every page of this story. It is full of…..IT….of everything! I often found myself laughing out loud, literally, and reading passages to my husband (and he is NOT a reader) and he would laugh along or ask me “what the hell are you reading?”  because he couldn’t believe the things that were coming out of this story (in the best possible way). By the way, I could totally picture The True Death as a movie. When Shephard dies he ends up in Purgatory and Horace finds him and gives him a quick rundown of the rules as to not end in a true death. As with people in the living realm, there are jickholes in Purgatory. Horace, with the help of Matthew, have made it their purpose to help those who end up in Purgatory so they can live in peace and not end up with a true death. Shepard takes on this role when Horace saves him. As the story continues these two just can’t stay out of trouble. They are definitely trouble magnets, haha! They ultimately get their noses put in places that they probably shouldn’t be and the real villain makes himself known. This story gets under your skin! It’s gory, it’s freaking hilarious, and wrong on so many levels, LOL! It’s one of those trainwreck type things that you just can’t get enough of. You have to turn the page and find out what is going to happen and just when you think things can’t get any more screwed up….well, they do. Even in the worst situations Horace and Shepard try to make things light and are still going back and forth with their witty banter. This is an absolute, don’t screw yourself over, must read! I am thankful that I found RK a little late as there are plenty in the series that are out. I can’t wait to see what other types of crazy shenanigans these two are capable of getting into…these trouble magnets will absolutely keep you on your toes! Bravo, RK Gleason! You have a new fan!





R.K. Gleason

R.K. Gleason was born in Grand Island, Nebraska in 196-something. He grew up, and spent most of his adult life living in Seattle. In late 1999, he met the love of his life, left his home in Seattle and moved to Ohio. Currently, R.K. lives in Columbus, Ohio with his best friend, and gorgeous wife, Petra. They have four children, currently two grandchildren, and ABSOLTELY no pets.

While R.K. grew up with a naturally vivid imagination, although his friends might argue some of it was self-induced, he seldom put his thoughts to paper. At the age of forty-eight, after the inspiration came to him in a dream, he began his first novel. On that day, The Truth Death and The Michele Shepard Series came to life.

#Review – Shade (Oracle of Senders, #1) by Mere Joyce

Shade (Oracle of Senders, #1)

Fourteen-year-old Callum Silver sees dead people. It’s not a gift. His family thinks he’s crazy. Sometimes he thinks he’s crazy. He has no friends. He’s forced to live his life surrounded by nothing but the searing pain, sickening smells and desperate moans that accompany the murdered ghosts who seek him out.

When he’s offered a place at Camp Wanagi, the ten weeks in the French countryside isn’t a vacation, it’s a lifeline. A way to meet others like himself and prove his ability can offer more than years of loneliness and expensive therapy bills.

Run by a mysterious group known as the Oracle of Senders, Camp Wanagi brings together teens from around the globe who all possess the unique ability to see the dead. While Cal is relieved to find others like him, he learns quickly that not everybody experiences the spirits as he does. Some of the campers revere their abilities and don’t understand his hesitation, while others—like quiet bookworm Meander Rhoades—have good reason for wishing they could get rid of their ‘gifts’.

While researching their final project, Cal and Meander find an unmarked grave which reveals aspects of their abilities neither knew existed, forcing Cal to decide if the torture of seeing ghosts is worthwhile and, more importantly, if being a part of the Oracle of Senders is necessary, dangerous…or both.





“I see dead people”….One of the best lines ever! In this case, Callum, doesn’t feel like this is the best thing to happen to him.

First, I love this book and can’t wait for the next installment. Second, Cal is such a relatable character, of course he would be if you could see dead people too…or can you? Third, the supporting characters and the world building are perfect!

This is a YA paranormal story. Cal is the main character and sees dead people. But he sees only those who have been murdered. They have an interestingly difficult effect on him. Everyone thinks he’s crazy, his family has dumped tons of time into therapy, but with an offer from Camp Wanagi he may be able to put some of this to rest. He doesn’t get much info on what Camp Wanagi is all about and it is run by a secret organization but he has high hopes of trying to find someone like him or to shed some light on why he sees the dead. This story follows Cal and a group of 14 year olds that all have special abilities with spirits of all sorts. Each person’s ability is different and some of the others feel that it is a gift while others feel it is a curse. The summer for all the campers is quite the experience for all of them. As they hone in their abilities and the spirits come forth, they find that they all need each other more than they realized. This is an incredible story watching the campers changing. No, transforming into the young adults they want to be.

I can’t tell you how good this book is as I just can’t get the words right. Mere Joyce is a new author for me and I am hooked. I can’t wait to check Mere’s other books and I can’t wait for the next installment in this series!







Mere Joyce

Mere Joyce is a Canadian author of books for young adults. Her writing includes contemporary tales, high-action mysteries, and her personal favorite—ghost stories. When she’s not writing, Mere can be found recommending books as a librarian, or spending time at home with her husband and two sons. She’s also been known to be a selective, yet highly enthusiastic fangirl.

#Review – Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon

Monsterland Reanimated


After Monsterland has been destroyed, the entire world is thrown into chaos. Wyatt Baldwin and his friends must go beyond the boundaries of their small town to reestablish contact with the outside world. During their journey they discover a new threat released from the bowels of the defunct theme park. The danger of werewolves, vampires and zombies pale in comparison to an army of relentless mummies, Vincent Conrad’s reanimated monster and the menace of a life-sucking ooze they call The Glob.  Wil Wyatt and his friends survive when they reenter the scariest place on earth?




Just when you thought the world couldn’t get any worse than Monsterland…well, Friday the 13th rolls around and we are faced with the aftermath of Vincent Conrad’s craziness that was Monsterland! Evil is as evil does. Nothing will be the same. All the monsters were let loose and exterminated. The army has left the area and people are trying to deal with the aftermath of losing many loved ones. Wyatt and his friends are set on a task to try and establish contact and to find out what is going on outside of Copper Valley. He and his friends find that they have to grow up rather fast as they are faced with monsters of the human variety. One of my favorite parts is that he finds Melvin!!!! I will say no more as to his role in all of this but it was very exciting for me. J This rag tag group of teens face the Glob and slowly but surely figures out what is going on while joining up with another group that is going back to Monsterland to try and stop what is being re-started. Now we have mummies and Area 51 to deal with along with a re-animated Vincent Conrad. Some parts felt a little far-fetched to me with the introduction of some characters/monsters but it all fits into place at the end. With so many other “monsters” coming out in this installment I can’t wait to continue Wyatt’s journey after Monsterland Reanimated!






Michael Okon

Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English, and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

#Review – Exploration: Age of Expansion – A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron #2) by Sarah Noffke, J.N. Chaney, and Michael Anderle

Exploration: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron, #2)


Kill the bad guys. Save the Galaxy. All in a hard day’s work.

Eddie and Julianna are hell bent on tracking down Vas and making him pay for his crimes. He’s armed and dangerous, and to make matters worse, he’s on the hunt for a devastating weapon that could bring destruction to the Federation and all its people.

Someone has to stop him.

Eddie and Julianna, along with her trusty E.I. named Pip, must seek out the expertise of specialists who can break into the enemy’s network. That’s the key to beating Vas. They’ll also need more pilots and better ships.

But as Ghost Squadron grows, so do the dangers on the fringe of Federation space. They still don’t know who is behind all the attacks—the one pulling the Brotherhood’s strings—but no matter what, they’re going to bring this faceless enemy down.

Whatever it takes.

Experience this exciting military sci-fi saga and the latest addition to the expanded Kurtherian Gambit Universe. If you’re a fan of Mass Effect, Firefly, or Star Wars, you’ll love this riveting new space opera.

*NOTE: If cursing is a problem, then this might not be for you.




Whatever needs to get done, will get done! I am really engaged in this series. The first book had me hooked at the beginning. I thoroughly enjoyed Exploration with all the crazy stunts and gadgets that the crew continues to get. There are lots of over the top stunts and it is very action packed which, if you are like me, will keep you glued to a book. The difference between this book and the previous is that there are a bunch of “smaller” type missions that the crew has to carry out to gather more intel and additional crew members. While these kept me on my toes I felt it was missing a little something with the buildup of the “big” mission. The crew members are all different and the witty banter between them all is incredible. The writing is awesome and the world building, or space building, is incredible. You can feel how close the crew are coming together and being more of a family unit. I am in no way discouraged about how the series will continue and am jumping into the next book soon. I can’t wait to see what happens with this rag tag Ghost Squadron and the crazy stunts that they are sure to get in to!





Sarah Noffke

Get a FREE book from the author right here:

Sarah Noffke writes YA & NA sci-fi, fantasy and dystopian. She is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, and Vagabond Circus series. She’s been everything from a corporate manager to a hippie. Her taste for adventure has taken her all over the world. If you can’t find her at the gym, then she’s probably at the frozen yogurt shop. If you can’t find her there then she probably doesn’t want to be found. She is a self-proclaimed hermit, with spontaneous urges to socialize during full moons and when Mercury is in retrograde. Sarah lives in Southern California with her family.


J.N. Chaney

You can join the Facebook group, “JN Chaney’s Renegade Readers” for the latest news and discussions (copy and paste the following link):

J. N. Chaney has a Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and fancies himself quite the Super Mario Bros. fan. He migrates often, but was last seen in Avon Park, FL. Any sightings should be reported, as they are rare.


Michael Anderle

Michael Anderle (ok, weird talking about myself in the 3rd person) (1967-Hopefully a long time from NOW) was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble – a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read!

Ok, done with all of that 3rd person stuff.

In the first 20 years, I mostly read Science Fiction and Fantasy. In the last 10 years I have enjoyed Urban Fantasy and Military Fiction. With this background, I’ve been blessed with creating The Kurtherian Gambit series, a well-selling, and fan loved, collection of stories.

The fans have propelled these stories beyond my wildest imagination and they should get all of the credit for sharing with friends, family and occasionally the random person on the street. They are fantastic!

#WOTR18 #Review – Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters #1) by Rebel West

Alexis Alverez writing as Rebel West

Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters, #1)


A filthy rich, ripped alpha who also happens to be royalty? Yes, please.
Only problem? He’s an alien.

When a confidential mission sends Doctor Cali Taylor to Luminar, her project is thrown in jeopardy and more than one life, including her own, is at risk.

The one constant? The alien prince and a scorching interplanetary rendezvous. But can their budding romance withstand the danger that threatens to tear them apart?

Enjoy the first book in the Luminar Masters Series by Rebel West. The books are interconnected and can be read in any order. Guaranteed HEA and no cheating!

Note: This book contains elements of dominance, submission, BDSM elements including corporal punishments. If this material offends you, please do not buy this book.




Hot Sci-Fi anyone? Yes please! This is the first Rebel West book for me but definitely won’t be the last. In the description of the book it says that it contains elements of dominance, submission and BDSM. These things are generally not at the top of my “to read” list….now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a hot read and this book is way more than that! The back story of both planets, the world building and the amazing characters that are brought to life through the author, Rebel West, are intoxicating. It’s the perfect mix of hotness and suspense! Cali is from Earth and gets to travel to Luminar on a top secret mission, but doesn’t know what the mission entails until she arrives to Luminar. She has some very strict restrictions with whom she can talk to and where she can go, for safety reasons. Cali is then presented with her delegate for her stay there and it is none other than Lock, the hot as hell prince who she has dreamed about. As they are alien to each other they both try to restrain themselves, but oops, sometimes things don’t go as planned *wags eyebrows*. Cali is set on a task to save Maxxon, Lock’s brother and ruler of their world, as he is very sick. As Cali discovers more about herself and Luminar she is discovering that things aren’t always as they seem. As she gets close to discovering more about the illness things go awry. Let me tell you, this book has a little bit of everything. And did I mention a terribly sexy alien prince??? The trials that these two face being from different planets (literally) and trying to get to the bottom of the Maxxon’s illness will keep you turning pages until the very end. I am looking forward to checking out more of Rebel West’s stories!





Rebel West is a team of writing sisters: Alexis Alvarez, Maria Monroe and Adrienne Perry.

As Rebel, the sisters create futuristic sci-fi stories set on the planet Luminar. Their aliens are handsome and well-endowed, with ripped abs, midnight blue eyes, and a dominant streak that will leave you breathless.

You can find each of the three sisters on Facebook, or on their website, Graffiti Fiction.

As Rebel West, Alexis Alvarez co-writes the Zandian Brides reverse harem series with Renee Rose.

#Review – Hunter (Standalone in A Vampire’s Thirst #8) by Bella Roccaforte

Hunter (A Vampire's Thirst #8)


A Vampire’s Thirst: Dark, Dangerous and Undeniable. A stand-alone HEA

Hunter Webb, an ancient Viking Vampire wants one thing: to be with his one true love…an impossibility seeing as he is refused entry to Valhalla for being a Vampire. Instead he’s dedicated his life to finding a “cure” for vampirism so that he may die in battle as a human and feast in the hall among the gods and find the other half of his heart.

While working in the lab he is struck down by a mysterious illness that shakes the very foundation of his entire existence. The desire to feed ALL of his urges drives him to the edge of insanity. After thousands of years of control, his craving for warm blood and hot sex take over all of his reason…until a tiny vial of blood changes everything. One taste and he remembers what it’s like to feel, hope and live again.

Now he must find the owner of the blood or they will both be in grave danger. Will Hunter find his bloodmate before they both lose themselves to the Thirst?

The hunt is on, the battle fierce…only the strong survive a Vampire’s Thirst.




Ok, here is ALL you need to know about this book. It’s A MUST READ! I have to tell you that sometimes books with insta-love push me the wrong way. Sometimes it feels that two people (or vampires, shifters, etc) see each other and boom….they are having their way with each other the entire book. NOT THIS ONE! Hunter and Rook are the love interests in this story. Hunter was a Viking from the old world who found his true love. He is now a vampire and has lived many, many years without his love. He is constantly researching a cure for vampirism. He wants to go down in battle with a win and be with his one true love again. We also meet Rook. She left her small town to go to New Orleans. She never really felt that she belonged back home. She can’t be scented by supernaturals and is found to be an asset on gaining information for the Directive. The Directive basically polices the supernatural community and things are going down. Rook is in trouble and everyone warns her to leave the area. While Hunter is diligently working on a cure he finds that he can’t satiate this hunger and the intense sex drive he has and starts feeling like he is going crazy. This is as much of a book report that I can give you, haha! The back story and the additional characters that are in this particular story give it a ton of depth with the characters that really make you want to root for the insta-love that these stories bring. By the time these two finally find each other there is so much intensity building that when they do meet, their worlds collide with a bang! And then their intricate web continues to be woven.  These two are one of my new favorite book couples. I can only imagine what kind of shenanigans they got into before they meet or even further past this book. Loving me some Hunter and Rook!!








Bella Roccaforte

Award Winning Author!

Bella’s motto has always been that you can choose to watch life pass you by or your can be the one spinning the world. You have to get out and live, life won’t come to you!

Bella has always seen things in the world with a different view and has been an avid story-teller. She is enjoying putting her crazy musings into print for others to enjoy.

To her, one of the most exciting parts of writing is getting a chance to interact with readers. It is truly her hope that readers will reach out and tell her what they like and even don’t like about her stories. She’s looking forward to a relationship with the readers to better write stories they will love.

To stay current on new releases please click the “Stay Up To Date” option on the right side of the profile and consider joining my mailing list here:…

Keep in touch with me here:


#NewRelease – #Review – The Sphinx by Jessica Cage

The Sphinx


Some stories are told, others are not, the best ones are reimagined.

Stories are told of the sphinx—a monster with the head of a woman, the body of a lioness, the wings of an eagle, and a tail tipped with the head of a serpent. This beast was told to have been made to guard the entrance to the Greek city of Thebes. For each traveler to cross her path, a riddle was presented. If they could answer it correctly, access would be granted. What was her riddle?
“What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the evening?” The price to pay for answering the riddle incorrectly, which of course they all did, was not a simple denial of entry to Thebes. Instead of turning them away, the sphinx, monster that was, strangled them with her tail and devoured them whole.
The story goes that when it finally came to pass that someone could answer her riddle and the consecutive ones to follow, she committed suicide. What else was a girl to do? Some say she threw herself down from the high rocks and fell to her death, while others say that she devoured herself, subjecting herself to the same punishment she dished out to all those who had failed before, a talented feat.
However, the question remains … what really happened to her?




This has it all! Greek Gods, Sirens, Vampires, Shifters….all things paranormal! LOVED this book! As you read in the description this is about the Sphinx and what really happened to her when she dies. As all stories are told over the years they change, just like the game of telephone that we all grew up with. Asa is our main character here. She was, or still is, the Sphinx. She was cursed to be the Sphinx when she denied the God of War, Ares. She was bound to be cursed forever but she found her loophole and went into hiding. She continues to hide and plot just waiting for the day that she faces Ares again. She is out for the ultimate revenge….but come to find out that she may not be the only one that is out for revenge (not telling you who!!!!) She has lived a lonely life preparing for the moment that she can seek her revenge but there are always speed bumps as she has been living in isolation for so long. I believe Asa meets her match with Carter! When the two of them meet the sparks fly! They are attracted to each other but they both have wicked trust issues. As the story unfolds and truths are revealed they are going to have to decide if revenge is worth it or if they can survive….together. This has the perfect mix of paranormal mixed into the retellings of Greek history. Action packed with a love story! Jessica Cage is a new author to me and I look forward to reading more of her stories. This is definitely an intriguing page turner. You won’t want to miss The Sphinx!





Jessica Cage

Born and raised in Chicago, IL, writing has always been a passion for Jessica Cage. She dabbles in artistic creations of all sorts but at the end of the day, it’s the pen that her hand itches to hold. Jessica had never considered following her dream to be a writer because she was told far too often “There is no money in writing.” So she chose the path most often traveled. During pregnancy she asked herself an important question. How would she be able to inspire her unborn son to follow his dreams and reach for the stars, if she never had the guts to do it herself? Jessica decided to take a risk and unleash the plethora of characters and their crazy adventurous worlds that had previously existed only in her mind, into the realm of readers. She did this with hopes to inspire not only her son but herself. Inviting the world to tag along on her journey to become the writer she has always wanted to be. She hopes to continue writing and bringing her signature Caged Fantasies to readers everywhere.

#WOTR18 #BDSM #SCIFI #Review #NewRelease – Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters Book 1) by Rebel West

Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters Book 1)

Rebel West is Alexis Alvarez & Maria Monroe.  Both are attending authors for WOTR18.

A  filthy rich, ripped alpha who also happens to be royalty? Yes, please. 

Only problem? He’s an alien.

When a confidential mission sends Doctor Emily Taylor to Luminar, her project is thrown in jeopardy and more than one life, including her own, is at risk.

The one constant? The alien prince and a scorching interplanetary rendezvous. But can their budding romance withstand the danger that threatens to tear them apart?

This is the first book in the Luminar Masters Series. The books are interconnected and can be read in any order.  No cheating and a guaranteed HEA!

Note: This book contains elements of dominance and submission. If you find such material offensive, please do not buy this book.


I received this book from the authors for an honest review.

Yes!! Sci-Fi Alien type books are like a treasure for me especially when they are a bit naughty *wink*.  When I saw Rebel was looking for a few ARC readers, I jumped because a hot alien who needs your help to save his brother seemed up my alley.

Cali is the best of the best on her field of science on Earth.  When she is hand picked to come to the alien planet to work on a top-secret project, she jumped.  She knew there was going to be a bit of danger because not all the aliens were thrilled to see HUMANS on their planet.  When she arrives and is told the hottie prince, who is always on the news, is HER personal Delegate….she is a hot flustered mess as any women would be.

Prince Lock is intrigued by Cali for her mind and spirit.  He is fascinated by her optimistic mind and will to work on the project of helping his sick brother.  The one thing Lock has issue with is her WILLFUL disobedience…..Snickers….

Cali and Lock are trying to work together to figure out what is happening with his brother when the sparks FLY and the chemistry between the two is super-hot.  When Cali soon discovers what the problem is…well yeah things go haywire.

The secrets are spilled and then the two must make some decisions about a possible life together.

I totally enjoyed this book.  I sat and read it in one sitting.  Cali is feisty and sassy while Lock is dominating and yummy.  The two have great understanding and compassion for their planets plus they really do what to find a balance between their two worlds.  I would love to read more in the series for sure!!!  I am curious about Willow and her Commander….need to go check the rest of this authors books on goodreads.

Rebel West is a team of writing sisters: Alexis Alvarez, Maria Monroe and Adrienne Perry.

As Rebel, the sisters create futuristic sci-fi stories set on the planet Luminar. Their aliens are handsome and well-endowed, with ripped abs, midnight blue eyes, and a dominant streak that will leave you breathless.

You can find each of the three sisters on Facebook, or on their website, Graffiti Fiction.

As Rebel West, Alexis Alvarez co-writes the Zandian Brides reverse harem series with Renee Rose.


#Review – CHANCE (Cyn City Cyborgs #1) by Pearl Foxx

CHANCE (Cyn City Cyborgs Book 1)


Cyn City is crumbling beneath the weight of water and wealth. Old New York is drowning, while Cyn City is building right over it’s crumbling bones. Ocean swells threaten the massive wall holding back the tides, In the skycity transhumanism means implants and virtual reality, but down in the lower depths where rats and mold rule, cyborgs are a hackjob of nuts and bolts, cynked together for strength, not beauty.

Chance has fought his entire life, first for survival in the streets of Cyn City and later for money and prestige in the underground Cyborg Fight League. After losing the love of his life to Rhumitisin, he never thought he’d find love again. Death closes in fast in the Cyborg Slums, and Chance doesn’t even care until he meets a woman who can see past the metal arm on his left side.

Verity has left behind everything she knows to start a new life in Cyn City. But her Ecovangalit upbringing has left her unprepared for the hard realities of life amongst the Cyborgs. When a dangerous man everyone tells her to stay away from proves to be the only person she can trust, can she lower her walls enough to let him in?

When Verity finds herself in debt to the wrong kind of man who will sell her body as fast as he will sell her soul, Chance is the only one who can clear her ledger, but only if he’ll fight in the Cyborg Fight Circuit again, which means killing for the woman he just might love enough to risk his life for.

Each book in the series is fully stand alone and can be read in any order.

Book One: Chance
Book Two: Enver
More To Be Announced!

Note to Readers: This science fiction cyborg dystopian romance series contains lots of action, alpha males, fierce women, and steamy romance. If you love bad boys who love as hard as they fight, then this series is for you! Guaranteed happily-ever-afters with no cliffhangers.




Oh holy hawtness! “Temptation, thy name is cyborg”. Chance is that cyborg. Chance was a normal man and sacrificed himself for the woman he loved. But now she is gone. Chance didn’t have a chance for a long time and was very angry. He in turn made a name for himself on the Cyborg Fight Circuit. Since then he has stopped fighting and mainly organizes and collects on the fights. Being that we are in Cyn City there is always someone that runs thinsg and people to be paid off. Verity comes from a commune where the men can take several wives and if they aren’t wanted the women are sent off for other jobs. Verity can’t take it and runs away to Cyn City. She ends up getting a waitress job at the Ball & Joint, also where Chance works. She is spunky and strong but doesn’t know the ins and outs of Cyn City. For some reason Chance can’t keep from watching her. When she pushes off the advances of a handsy drunk cyborg she ends up in a bad situation and Chance comes to the rescue but not until after she takes care of most of it herself. At this point Verity just ends up being a magnet for trouble. She goes to her boss and ends up owing him more than she bargained for. All in the midst of the madness her friend from the commune ends up on her doorstep banged up and bruised up. Chance is their only chance for survival and both of their lives and souls are on the line. Verity can’t imagine that someone like Chance, who everyone told her to stay away from because he is dangerous, would want to be with her. Chance can’t imagine that someone like Verity, so pure and whole, would be able to want Chance and not be turned away from him being a cyborg. This is sort of like a Beauty and the Beast without the hostage type situation, lol! Cyn City is a helluva place and totally deserves everyone’s attention. If you haven’t read Hollywood you should check it out too. It’s the prequel to this story and at the end of Chance we are set up for the next story perfectly. Love me some Cyn City!!!!




Pearl Foxx is the author of Science Fiction Romances with hot Alpha Males and surprising twists you will never want to stop reading. Join in the fun at