Tag Archives: Miranda Lynn

#WOTR24 – #Review – Love on the River: A Charity Anthology

A 2024 Writers on the River Charity Anthology with stories from A.D. Ellis, AJ Renee, Amanda Zook, Brandy Slaven, C.A. Harms, Danielle Keil, Darie McCoy, H. D’Agostino, J.M. Walker, Jade Waltz, Jamie K. Schmidt, Jen Talty, Joel Shoemaker, Kate Hawthorne, M.J. Haag, Mellanie Szereto, Miranda Lynn, Molly McLain, Nikki Landis, and Vinni George



Review by Twinsie Kelly

I honestly don’t know where to start with this review. I have many anthologies and I will be the first to admit that I have never read every single story within. Well, I made a decision not to do that again. I read and read and read…..




This is a decision that I do not regret in the slightest! There are so many great stories from all sorts of different genres and tropes. I have read stories from a handful of these authors (Nikki Landis, Miranda Lynn, Darie McCoy, AJ Renee, Brandy Slaven, Mellanie Szereto, JM Walker, and Jade Waltz), but I have not read stories from the remaining. I fell in love again with the writing of the authors mentioned above but boy do I have a bunch more that I am going to have to start stalking…just sayin!

Some of these stories are a bit of a teaser and will continue on and others may only be here for the anthology. However, there is a disclaimer at the beginning of each story so if there is a trope that is a hard no for you or perhaps has a trigger that you feel you should pass up, you have fair warning. I have to say, even with the warnings/disclaimers, I am happy to keep touting that I read every single one!

Now the real problem is that I don’t know which author to read next! There are not enough hours in the day. What a conundrum!

H. D’Agostino – Let Me Love You

A.D. Ellis – Reconstructing His Heart

Vinni George – Isaac and Andre

MJ Haag – Demon Sky

C.A. Harms – Starting Over

Kate Hawthorne – Flip a Coin

Danielle Keil – Between Pages and Hearts

Nikki Landis – My HERO Biker

Miranda Lynn – The Mating Cabin

Darie McCoy – Thrive

Molly McLain – It’s Always Been You

AJ Renee – The Boy Who Left (A St. Fleur Short Story)

Jamie K Schmidt – Beach, Please

Joel Shoemaker – A Mai Tai at the Edge of the Universe

Brandy Slaven – Second Chances

Mellanie Szereto – Mom I’d Love to Marry

Jen Talty – Harper’s Heart

J.M. Walker – Time Will Tell

Jade Waltz – Project: Adapt: Refresh

Amanda Zook – Healing a Gold Star Heart

#WOTR24 #NewRelease #ReleaseDay #Shifters #Vampires #fatedMates #Paranormal – Draven: The Vampire King, Black Mountain Pack Book 6 by Miranda Lynn

One Vampire King wanted for his power
One Lynx shifter who is in the way
Two shifter cubs caught in the middle
I am one of the three oldest vampires on earth. When I get the call that vampires are disappearing from my nest in the black mountain pack territory it’s time to take a visit. This simply brings my plan to choose my life partner ahead of schedule. My time for being blessed with a mate has passed by centuries so it’s time to choose a life partner. When I arrive Fate has a change of heart. When my intended learns of my fated jealousy rears it’s ugly head. Now I must find who’s taking my fledglings, help discover who blew up my best friends bar, and keep all those in my nest under control before it costs my my mates life.
My cubs are my life. They may not be mine by blood, but by choice. I have a good job managing The Silver Fox for Sterling and provide everything my little family needs. I don’t need a man or a mate. Life was perfect until fate chose that moment to blow up my bar, send a group of crazy rogue wolves after my kids, and send me a vampire for a mate. His crazy vampire ho can have him I need to get my kids back and find a new job. This damn mate bond won’t make it that easy.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I am a GIANT fan of this series.  I think each of the male characters become my favorites and Draven is no different.

Marla, we know through the series, but you don’t need to know the complete series to read this book.  However, why wouldn’t you!!  Remember I love each character and couplings.  If paranormal is your jam you need these books.  Ok back on track of the review.  Marla is the adoptive momma to a couple of orphan shifter pups.  Her entire world and reason to live is these pups.  She wants to make sure they are loved and feel safe with her.  She never had that with her own mother.  She is healing her childhood trauma with the twins.

Draven is a friend of the pack and had been around.  He is the 2nd oldest vampire ever.  All of a sudden, he feels a weird attachment to Marla…the shifter he has known for a while as she works for his buddy Sterling.  Draven is well past the age to find his Fated Mate but then he gets the “feeling” when he is near Marla. He will do anything to show he is a good, safe man even though he is a vampire.

Draven is the best man and perfect for Marla.  He is calm and willing to wait for her.  Marla is the perfect mate for Draven.  She has so much strength and can handle the coven’s drama for her mate.

This story was soooo good.  I loved the drama of what is happening with Draven’s coven and the pack. Having people come and try to take the twins but having Draven’s coven all out of disarray made for a lot of twists and turns.  I mean every time I thinks something would happen BOOM I was wrong and was like DAYUM!!

The story was such a great read.  I devoured it and would have finished in a day but dang it I had to do adult responsibilities and couldn’t.  However I got it finished in under 2 days.

Mother to two teenage boys, 2 four legged babies, and wife to a loving army veteran who doesn’t mind the extra voices in her head. Miranda grew up on a dairy farm in Illinois, but calls Portland, TN home now. She is an avid reader, coffee addict, wine lover, crafter, and beginning quilter. Though her true passion is in creating her own worlds, characters, and stories for her readers.

Website: www.mirandalynn.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MirandaLynn
Twitter: @MirandaLynnBks
Email: mirandalynnbooks@gmail.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MirandaL…

#WOTR24#CharityAnthology #CoverReveal – Love on the River Anthology

Love on the River: A Charity Anthology

Love on the River is available for pre-order now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPYWFTFL

Brought to you by 20(ish) of your 2024 attending authors, Love on the River is a MASSIVE book with one thing in mind…LOVE. And money for Thistle Farms, of course. 

Our author line up is subject to change, but currently includes stories from: A.D. Ellis, AJ Renee, Amanda Zook, Brandy Slaven, C.A. Harms, Danielle Keil, Darie McCoy, H.D’Agostino, J.M. Walker, Jade Waltz, Jamie K. Schmidt, Jen Talty, Joel Shoemaker, Kate Hawthorne, M.J. Haag, Mellanie Szereto, Miranda Lynn, Molly McLain, Nikki Landis, and Vinni George.

Love on the River will ONLY be available to purchase from April 1 – July 31, 2024 (ebook and paperback). Don’t miss out on this one of a kind collection of stories and be part of Writers on the River history!

Thank you to all of our contributing authors for their time and work, to Eric McKinney for donating a GORGEOUS photo for the cover. But most of all, thank YOU for reserving your copies and helping us raise money to donate to Thistle Farms in 2024.

🕯️Links and Dates:

E-BOOK PRE-ORDER –  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPYWFTFL

PAPERBACK ORDERS – https://forms.gle/oarzp1rzBKB1XjHJ7

RELEASE DATE  April 1, 2024

LAST DAY TO BUY  July 31, 2024

🕯️About the Anthology:

2024 is YEAR 9 for Writers on The River and that feels like a great time to break some donation records. Healing With Words is only $22,000 away from donating over $100,000 dollars to Thistle Farms and we’re hoping this anthology can help get them not just over the $100k hump, but also over HWW’s personal goal of a $25,000 donation. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this anthology will go to the charity. 

🕯️About Healing with Words:

Healing With Words is a 501(c)(3) not for profit established for healing survivors of abuse, addiction, trafficking and prostitution. We feel the best way to spread love is to share the love of reading. Through the written word, persons can find an escape and a form of entertainment. Our mission is to bring together readers, authors, and survivors in a positive manner that affects change and relief from negative influences.

🕯️About Thistle Farms:

Thistle Farms is a nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to helping women survivors recover and heal from prostitution, trafficking, and addiction. We do this by providing a safe place to live, a meaningful job, and a lifelong sisterhood of support.

#WOTR24 #attendingauthor #Authorspotlight #eventsponsor – Miranda Lynn

Miranda Lynn

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Miranda Lynn…and at this point I think you know it all. Nine year signing author, wotr family member, chaotic, unorganized, can’t keep my brain on a singular task these days. Getting my writing mojo back and ready to bring new characters, worlds, genres, and much more to the world. Still looking for a pet dragon, and that ever elusive perfect cup of coffee. (the darker the better baby) My collection of coffee mugs keeps growing and my space for them is getting smaller. Throw in a few grunt style shirts, my favorite lady on my hip, and a hubby who loves going to the range with me and I think that may be a few things that people still might not know about me.

When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?

The first book because I want to share ALL the stuff about ALL the characters at once. oh the first draft of a first in series sucks balls.

When writing a series how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?

sometimes taking a break helps for me anyway. I try to place each couple in a different situation with in the whole set of tropes my readers love. I’ll read a book, watch a few movies, and bounce ideas of fellow writers and hubby. then i’ll jot down notes and what characters they pertain to. When that slows down I know I’m getting close to wrapping a series up. (more to share on that later next year)

Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

Use what you know but take breaks. Get the words out, let it rest, and then revise. Journal about your day, what issue you may have used emotionally in your writing and let the stress of it go as much as possible.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

My goal is 4 hours, currently with everything going on I’m happy to get 1 hr a day. Hopefully by the time you get to read this I’ll be back up to 4 hours.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

I do, but I actually have one in the wings that I like better. She’s a patient, sneaky, and super intelligent character with a past and a secret that could get her killed.

What is your definition of success?

This is hard as for everyone it’s different. I have different levels of success, 1st was people actually reading my books, then those people becoming fans and reading everything, getting recognized in a random elevator like a celebrity. My next major success goal is to not only make this a career of passion but an actual career that can financially support me. Or at least my half of the household. 🙂

Do you have anything you want to share that didn’t fit on one of these questions?

Not really, but it’s almost midnights and my brain stopped working about two hours ago.

What are your social links?


What are your buy links? (Provide links to your Amazon/iBook’s/Koko/etc Author Home Page if you have quite a few. Also include audible links if applicable.)


Want tickets to Writers on the River #2024?

They are available starting November 6th at Writersontheriver.com

$75 VIP Plus – 11-12 Lunch with the Authors , 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Limited Quantity expected to sell out first day*

$50 VIP -12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Expected to sell out first day*

$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party. *Expected to sell out opening day*

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.

#WOTR23 #reread #spinoff #paranormal #MMF – Their Chosen Mate by Miranda Lynn

A dominant mate, a loving submissive, and the woman who steals both their hearts.
Amelia decided a mate wasn’t in her future. However, her panther disagreed the moment he spoke. Their body came to life at Niko’s growly voice. When Miguel’s caring attention caused the same heat to build within her, she rebels against what fate has presented her.
Niko had no time for one mate, let alone two. A night at the club satisfied his needs when he needed to scratch the proverbial itch. He must let go of the stereotypes his prior pride taught him if there was any chance to accept his mates.
Miguel knew immediately that the bond between the three of them was an amazing, unique gift. His panther preened at the realization fate chose him for such a prize. He just needed to get Niko and Amelia to see and accept the connection uniting them.
Can Amelia overcome the scars from her life and accept the gift right in front of her? Can Niko soften enough to accept the gift fate presented him with? Can Miguel’s loving attention bring them all together once and for all?


I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

Amelia, Niko, Miguel are a hot yummy story full of denial, love, acceptance, and full on brattiness.  LOL

When we first met Amelia, she was a mess. She had been bound and set to be sold in to trafficking.  She has been saved but still working on getting back to a more normal self.  She has become very close to Molly who was also with her in the cages.  When Molly gets lost in the jungle and Amelia also gets lost looking for her Niko and Miguel soon realize their change at happiness as a group will be lost.

Niko and Miguel had been “playing” together and both wanted more but were afraid of how they felt.  Miguel knew but Niko fought it.  When they both feel for Amelia, they have to confront their feelings for what the three could have.

Miguel was on board for having both.  Amelia was freaked out and full of her own trauma.  Niko was afraid to admit what he felt for them both.  The three have a lot of work and learning to communicate.  The guys also need to teach Amelia about the lifestyle they love. They need to get her motivated to want to try “things”.

There is a lot to this story between the growing love the group has, the magic being used, the bad dudes making an appearance, and of course people fighting the fates for what they love.  I loved the story and how this books moves the series ARC further. But Diego is still my baby daddy….sorry guys!! LOL

Book 3 Here –

Start the series –

Book 2 –

Escaping reality one book at a time has been Miranda’s motto since she learned to read. As an only child raised on a dairy farm her creative imagination brought words to life. She devoured more books growing up than her little town bookmobile could handle. It was inevitable that she would turn from reading them to writing them. This is her way to help not only herself but others escape the day to day drudge. Her books may take you on a journey through time, give you a look inside a fantasy realm, or delve into the magic of almost anything paranormal. Threading in heart stopping romance and dropping an occasional super sexy scene just to keep you on your toes.

Miranda’s stories are focused around strong female leads and sexy males who appreciate them. She strives to encourage her readers that they can have it all in real life too.

You can find her most days either subbing at the local high school or tucked away in her office working on the next story with a cup of java in her hand. She loves connecting with her readers online as well as in real life so make sure to find her on Facebook and check out where she will be signing throughout the year on her website.




#WOTR23 #Attendingauthor – Miranda Lynn

Miranda Lynn

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Miranda Lynn I have always been a voracious reader and created worlds in my head ever since I can remember. Being inspired by two of my English teachers and a high school creative writing teacher put the writing bug into my head and it slowly grew until the advice of a fellow writer hit home. I still use that same advice when talking to other aspiring writers. “Write the story you want to read”

I am a military wife, a proud mother to two amazing, now adult,sons, a fur baby lover and am excited as each new chapter in my life unfolds even with the bumps and bruises that may come with it. I love connecting with fellow authors, readers, and fans.

When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?

The others after it. I am horrible at keeping series bibles so I always have to go back to verify places, names, descriptions. I still make mistakes, but thanks to my amazing alpha readers usually get all of them fixed before publication.

When writing a series how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?

I like to throw in new and different characters. I also pull from the real world. Trauma’s, experiences, headline news, etc. I try to keep each book as fresh as possible while still doing the series justice.

Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

Take a break when you need. It’s ok to cry through a scene. It’s ok to blush through them too. But most of all take time to refill that emotional cup even if it’s simply a glass of wine, a bath, and a good book.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

Not as much as I would like. This past year has been difficult for me to get into any type of routine. A lot of real life stresses have taken over my brain and the characters have been quiet. Ideally I would like to get to an hr each day as I still work a full time job on top of my writing career.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

I hate to admit it but my favorite so far is Diego from Her Chosen Mate (book 2 in the night shift series) Working through his trauma and having to return to an identity he had buried to save his mate. He has my heart right now.

If any of your books were to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it? What book and who?

His One True Mate. I see David Boreanaz as Leo and Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts as Kat for the main characters. I haven’t thought about the rest of the crew but now I think I need to create some pinterest boards.

What is your definition of success?

That definition changes as I grow. Loyal and dedicated fans who love my characters as much as I do is a big part of it, but as I grow my career bettering each book and gaining consistent sales is another.

Do you have anything you want to share that didn’t fit on one of these questions?

Always be open to learning and growing in your career and don’t get upset if you fail. Every failure leads closer to success.

What are your social links?


What are your buy links? (Provide links to your Amazon/iBook’s/Koko/etc Author Home Page if you have quite a few. Also include audible links if applicable.)


Want tickets to Writers on the River #2023?

They are available starting November 4th at Writersontheriver.com

$45 VIP sell out quickly – 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included.

$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party.

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.

#wotr22 #ReleaseDay #ARC #Paranormal #MFM #series #Spinoff #99cents- Their Chosen Mate, The Night Shift book 3 by Miranda Lynn

A dominant mate, a loving submissive, and the woman who steals both their hearts.
Amelia decided a mate wasn’t in her future. However, her panther disagreed the moment he spoke. Their body came to life at Niko’s growly voice. When Miguel’s caring attention caused the same heat to build within her, she rebels against what fate has presented her.
Niko had no time for one mate, let alone two. A night at the club satisfied his needs when he needed to scratch the proverbial itch. He must let go of the stereotypes his prior pride taught him if there was any chance to accept his mates.
Miguel knew immediately that the bond between the three of them was an amazing, unique gift. His panther preened at the realization fate chose him for such a prize. He just needed to get Niko and Amelia to see and accept the connection uniting them.
Can Amelia overcome the scars from her life and accept the gift right in front of her? Can Niko soften enough to accept the gift fate presented him with? Can Miguel’s loving attention bring them all together once and for all?


I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

Amelia, Niko, Miguel are a hot yummy story full of denial, love, acceptance, and full on brattiness.  LOL

When we first met Amelia, she was a mess. She had been bound and set to be sold in to trafficking.  She has been saved but still working on getting back to a more normal self.  She has become very close to Molly who was also with her in the cages.  When Molly gets lost in the jungle and Amelia also gets lost looking for her Niko and Miguel soon realize their change at happiness as a group will be lost.

Niko and Miguel had been “playing” together and both wanted more but were afraid of how they felt.  Miguel knew but Niko fought it.  When they both feel for Amelia, they have to confront their feelings for what the three could have.

Miguel was on board for having both.  Amelia was freaked out and full of her own trauma.  Niko was afraid to admit what he felt for them both.  The three have a lot of work and learning to communicate.  The guys also need to teach Amelia about the lifestyle they love. They need to get her motivated to want to try “things”.

There is a lot to this story between the growing love the group has, the magic being used, the bad dudes making an appearance, and of course people fighting the fates for what they love.  I loved the story and how this books moves the series ARC further. But Diego is still my baby daddy….sorry guys!! LOL

Book 3 Here –

Start the series –

Book 2 –

Escaping reality one book at a time has been Miranda’s motto since she learned to read. As an only child raised on a dairy farm her creative imagination brought words to life. She devoured more books growing up than her little town bookmobile could handle. It was inevitable that she would turn from reading them to writing them. This is her way to help not only herself but others escape the day to day drudge. Her books may take you on a journey through time, give you a look inside a fantasy realm, or delve into the magic of almost anything paranormal. Threading in heart stopping romance and dropping an occasional super sexy scene just to keep you on your toes.

Miranda’s stories are focused around strong female leads and sexy males who appreciate them. She strives to encourage her readers that they can have it all in real life too.

You can find her most days either subbing at the local high school or tucked away in her office working on the next story with a cup of java in her hand. She loves connecting with her readers online as well as in real life so make sure to find her on Facebook and check out where she will be signing throughout the year on her website.




#WOTR22 #Audio #Series Starter – Mack:The Alpha’s Mate, Black Mountain Pack book 1 by Miranda Lynn narration by Brian Callahan

Mack: Black Mountain Pack, Book 1

Mating instincts are hell…

Casey hasn’t had an easy life. On her eighteenth birthday, she learns why she’s always felt so different. She’s a shifter. Hiding behind a diner for shelter now that she’s been kicked out of the last in a long line of foster homes, she’s shocked when a man approaches her offering help.

Mack is still searching for the cub his father took in even years after her kidnapping. He had no idea he’d find his mate, and the girl he’s been searching for, Casey, when he offers to help a woman outside of a local favorite diner.


Audio Book

Kindle Book

Review by Twinsie Angie

I received this book from the author for an honest review.  I purchased the audio book.

The narration of the story was perfect.  Brian did a great job bringing the characters to life for me!!

Shifter? CHECK
New to me Author? CHECK
Needing to read more of this series? CHECK…DOUBLE CHECK EVEN
Ok so there is no need to try and deny it. I am a shifter girl. I love paranormal and vampires are awesome but shifters….uhm…yeah…HAWT!!
So our girl Casey has had a hard life. She has bounced around and never had a home. She has one true friend, Jake, who cares for her now that she has aged outta the foster system. One night when Casey is going to visit him for some much-needed food, she gets a whiff of some strange men. Two of them scare her but one…well yeah…her gets her a little warm and fuzzy.
As Casey is dealing with some news about Mr. Tall Dark and Uberly Handsome, she is thrust into a crazy reality. She finds out that what she knows isn’t the truth and the truth is off the charts crazy!! Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome, Mack, is the Alpha’s son and he gets her girlie parts a tingling!!!
As her reality is starting to sink in, even more shifter reality is thrust in to her. She must pick a mate or her father who is not a nice man at all will come claim him for his pack. Good thing those girlie parts were already tingling and her shifter cat already claimed Mack as her mate.
The story line was different in what happens during the great war. The idea of co-mingling shifter species was also awesome. I haven’t read books with different shifters all living under one alpha before so I enjoyed a new spin on my favorite genre.

Mother to two boys, 3 four legged babies, and wife to a loving husband who doesn’t mind the extra voices in her head. Miranda grew up on a dairy farm in Illinois, but calls Portland, TN home now. She is an avid reader, coffee addict, and loves her day job working at the local public library. Though her true passion is in creating her own worlds, characters, and stories for her readers.

#WOTR22 #TwinsieOfTheDayPam #Review – Love Letters Lost by Miranda Lynn

Book Cover


Being back in my small hometown for Gran’s funeral sent me into a full-blown panic attack, and at that moment, a handsome stranger swooped in, becoming my salvation. From first glance, Brian made me weak in the knees with his commanding disposition and firm yet gentle touch. He pulled me in.

I took a chance on him…and all hell broke loose. Caught in the crosshairs of a mob war, I’m kidnapped for the sole purpose of being used as collateral in a power struggle I can’t begin to comprehend. I believed he would save me though. I needed to trust Brian to get me out of there and to introduce me to the enticing world of BDSM. Now, my life is in his hands as we battle against the clock to ensure my survival.


Visiting Illinois to catch up with an old friend was an ideal weekend…made far more delectable when I saw her. Genni was a damsel in distress who awoke my Dom side with a desperate need to protect her..to care for her..to guide her into my world.

But there is evil out there I can’t shield her from, and it ensnares her in its ominous web. With my family’s background in high-stakes security, I call them in to help me track down her kidnappers. One way or another, I will get her back alive, and I will never let her go again.

*Love Letters Lost is part of Samantha A. Cole’s Suspenseful Seduction World


Review by Pam

Great Suspenseful Seduction.

So good! ML did a great job, joining the SSW. Just the right amount of suspense. Brian and Genni meet in sad circumstances. Right from the beginning, they are attracted to each other. Genni has only had vanilla relationships. Brian is a Dom in the BDSM world. Love the suspenseful seduction. I have read the Trident series books. Loved seeing old friends. I really want to see a book about Jason. To see if T Carter can straighten him out. From a True Fan…Pam James

Mother to two teenage boys, 2 four legged babies, and wife to a loving army veteran who doesn’t mind the extra voices in her head. Miranda grew up on a dairy farm in Illinois, but calls Portland, TN home now. She is an avid reader, coffee addict, wine lover, crafter, and beginning quilter. Though her true passion is in creating her own worlds, characters, and stories for her readers.

Website: www.mirandalynn.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MirandaLynn
Twitter: @MirandaLynnBks
Email: mirandalynnbooks@gmail.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MirandaL…

#WOTR22 #CoverReveal #MFM #MirandaLynnBooks #NightShiftSeries #bookstagram #steamy #hot #paranormalromance – Their Chosen Mate, The Night Shift Series Book 3 by Miranda Lynn

Their Chosen Mate will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions as Amelia, Miguel, and Niko learn to accept their unique situation and look past their ingrained beliefs to find happiness.
Sometimes it takes almost losing someone you didn’t realize you had to embrace and love them as they deserve.


Start the series –

Book 2 –

Escaping reality one book at a time has been Miranda’s motto since she learned to read. As an only child raised on a dairy farm her creative imagination brought words to life. She devoured more books growing up than her little town bookmobile could handle. It was inevitable that she would turn from reading them to writing them. This is her way to help not only herself but others escape the day to day drudge. Her books may take you on a journey through time, give you a look inside a fantasy realm, or delve into the magic of almost anything paranormal. Threading in heart stopping romance and dropping an occasional super sexy scene just to keep you on your toes.

Miranda’s stories are focused around strong female leads and sexy males who appreciate them. She strives to encourage her readers that they can have it all in real life too.

You can find her most days either subbing at the local high school or tucked away in her office working on the next story with a cup of java in her hand. She loves connecting with her readers online as well as in real life so make sure to find her on Facebook and check out where she will be signing throughout the year on her website.


