Tag Archives: JM Walker

#WOTR24 – #Review – Love on the River: A Charity Anthology

A 2024 Writers on the River Charity Anthology with stories from A.D. Ellis, AJ Renee, Amanda Zook, Brandy Slaven, C.A. Harms, Danielle Keil, Darie McCoy, H. D’Agostino, J.M. Walker, Jade Waltz, Jamie K. Schmidt, Jen Talty, Joel Shoemaker, Kate Hawthorne, M.J. Haag, Mellanie Szereto, Miranda Lynn, Molly McLain, Nikki Landis, and Vinni George



Review by Twinsie Kelly

I honestly don’t know where to start with this review. I have many anthologies and I will be the first to admit that I have never read every single story within. Well, I made a decision not to do that again. I read and read and read…..




This is a decision that I do not regret in the slightest! There are so many great stories from all sorts of different genres and tropes. I have read stories from a handful of these authors (Nikki Landis, Miranda Lynn, Darie McCoy, AJ Renee, Brandy Slaven, Mellanie Szereto, JM Walker, and Jade Waltz), but I have not read stories from the remaining. I fell in love again with the writing of the authors mentioned above but boy do I have a bunch more that I am going to have to start stalking…just sayin!

Some of these stories are a bit of a teaser and will continue on and others may only be here for the anthology. However, there is a disclaimer at the beginning of each story so if there is a trope that is a hard no for you or perhaps has a trigger that you feel you should pass up, you have fair warning. I have to say, even with the warnings/disclaimers, I am happy to keep touting that I read every single one!

Now the real problem is that I don’t know which author to read next! There are not enough hours in the day. What a conundrum!

H. D’Agostino – Let Me Love You

A.D. Ellis – Reconstructing His Heart

Vinni George – Isaac and Andre

MJ Haag – Demon Sky

C.A. Harms – Starting Over

Kate Hawthorne – Flip a Coin

Danielle Keil – Between Pages and Hearts

Nikki Landis – My HERO Biker

Miranda Lynn – The Mating Cabin

Darie McCoy – Thrive

Molly McLain – It’s Always Been You

AJ Renee – The Boy Who Left (A St. Fleur Short Story)

Jamie K Schmidt – Beach, Please

Joel Shoemaker – A Mai Tai at the Edge of the Universe

Brandy Slaven – Second Chances

Mellanie Szereto – Mom I’d Love to Marry

Jen Talty – Harper’s Heart

J.M. Walker – Time Will Tell

Jade Waltz – Project: Adapt: Refresh

Amanda Zook – Healing a Gold Star Heart

#WOTR24#CharityAnthology #CoverReveal – Love on the River Anthology

Love on the River: A Charity Anthology

Love on the River is available for pre-order now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPYWFTFL

Brought to you by 20(ish) of your 2024 attending authors, Love on the River is a MASSIVE book with one thing in mind…LOVE. And money for Thistle Farms, of course. 

Our author line up is subject to change, but currently includes stories from: A.D. Ellis, AJ Renee, Amanda Zook, Brandy Slaven, C.A. Harms, Danielle Keil, Darie McCoy, H.D’Agostino, J.M. Walker, Jade Waltz, Jamie K. Schmidt, Jen Talty, Joel Shoemaker, Kate Hawthorne, M.J. Haag, Mellanie Szereto, Miranda Lynn, Molly McLain, Nikki Landis, and Vinni George.

Love on the River will ONLY be available to purchase from April 1 – July 31, 2024 (ebook and paperback). Don’t miss out on this one of a kind collection of stories and be part of Writers on the River history!

Thank you to all of our contributing authors for their time and work, to Eric McKinney for donating a GORGEOUS photo for the cover. But most of all, thank YOU for reserving your copies and helping us raise money to donate to Thistle Farms in 2024.

🕯️Links and Dates:

E-BOOK PRE-ORDER –  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPYWFTFL

PAPERBACK ORDERS – https://forms.gle/oarzp1rzBKB1XjHJ7

RELEASE DATE  April 1, 2024

LAST DAY TO BUY  July 31, 2024

🕯️About the Anthology:

2024 is YEAR 9 for Writers on The River and that feels like a great time to break some donation records. Healing With Words is only $22,000 away from donating over $100,000 dollars to Thistle Farms and we’re hoping this anthology can help get them not just over the $100k hump, but also over HWW’s personal goal of a $25,000 donation. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this anthology will go to the charity. 

🕯️About Healing with Words:

Healing With Words is a 501(c)(3) not for profit established for healing survivors of abuse, addiction, trafficking and prostitution. We feel the best way to spread love is to share the love of reading. Through the written word, persons can find an escape and a form of entertainment. Our mission is to bring together readers, authors, and survivors in a positive manner that affects change and relief from negative influences.

🕯️About Thistle Farms:

Thistle Farms is a nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to helping women survivors recover and heal from prostitution, trafficking, and addiction. We do this by providing a safe place to live, a meaningful job, and a lifelong sisterhood of support.

#WOTR24 #EventBlogger #AttendingAuthor – JM Walker A.K.A. Twinsie JoJo

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

J.M. Walker – I’m a Canadian author and have been publishing since 2013. I write anything from erotica romance to dark romance. I am venturing into other genres. Or I have ideas anyway but I haven’t written them yet. I’m a little scared to but at the same time, I sure do love me a challenge.

When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?

For me, the others after it are the hardest because I suck at keeping track of character names, characteristics and timelines. Just as my editor. Good thing she knows what she’s doing.

When writing a series how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?

Oh gosh. I don”t read a lot of romance anymore, so maybe that helps? Not sure. But I do know that while I’m writing my MC romances, I won’t read MC. I’ve actually only read 3 MC books and that was long before I started writing it. That helps keep things fresh for me. Oh and for my next MC series, I got an idea from a horror movie. That also helps.

Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

Be kind to yourself. If you don’t meet your word count for the day, don’t be hard on yourself. Trust me, as someone who’s currently dealing with burn out, writing thousands of words a day, is not always a good thing.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

Not long at the moment. But I used to spend my mornings writing and then I would work the day job for the afternoon. I miss that but will get back to that in the upcoming months.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

I have 3 – Lucas Crane, Sammy and Cyrus Butcher. Once Lucas started talking to me after 6 years of trying to write his book, his story poured out of me. And with Cyrus and Sammy, they know how to communicate and had no issues telling me exactly what was on their minds. I had so much fun writing both of their books that I can’t wait to write someone like them again. Actually, he’ll be more like Sammy but worse. 😉

What is your definition of success?

Constantly improving. It’s one of the things I love most about this author journey. I’m always learning. With the market changing so often, while sometimes it can be quite challenging to keep up with the times, it’s also fun as well.

Do you have anything you want to share that didn’t fit on one of these questions?

I just want to thank you ladies for inviting me back this year. This really doesn’t go with this spotlight but I’m putting this here anyway. With my current publishing break, a part of me is scared that people will forget about me. It’s a weird feeling. I know. But I want you girls to know that I truly appreciate you for inviting me back each year. It’ll help readers remember my face. Anyway. I am truly a lifer and as long as you’ll have me, I’ll always attend Writers On The River. xx

What are your social links?


What are your buy links? (Provide links to your Amazon/iBook’s/Koko/etc Author Home Page if you have quite a few. Also include audible links if applicable.)

Want tickets to Writers on the River #2024?

They are available starting November 6th at Writersontheriver.com

$75 VIP Plus – 11-12 Lunch with the Authors , 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Limited Quantity expected to sell out first day*

$50 VIP -12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Expected to sell out first day*

$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party. *Expected to sell out opening day*

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.

#WOTR24 #Review SLOTH: Seven Deadly Sins Mafia Romance by J.M. Walker

He taught me everything I knew.
Drugs. Weapons. Money. More.
If it became known that we shared a history before he became the Arlo Rossi, it could cost us both of our lives.
Our destinies were quite different. Especially when I wasn’t part of the family.
After an unexpected meeting, I was reluctant to embrace everything I knew.
Everything he taught me.
When all was said and done, I realized that I may not have a choice.

Lust. Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Wrath. Envy. Pride.
Seven amazing authors are bringing the sins to life! Indulge in guilty pleasure with a mafia world full of deceit, romance, betrayal, and more! All books are standalone!

J.L. Leslie – Lust – January 2023
Crimson Syn – Gluttony – March 2023
Erin Trejo – Greed – May 2023
JM Walker – Sloth – July 2023
Delaney Foster – Wrath – September 2023
Kathy Coopmans – Envy – November 2023
Daphne Loveling – Pride – January 2024


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Knowing that the worst part of your night happened earlier and also knowing that it really wasn’t the worst part of the night yet can weigh extremely heavy on someone. Reader beware, this story flies! It is intense from the absolute beginning clear to the end. You literally cannot blink! Ginny and Arlo’s relationship is difficult because of the different people they are within the mafia. Arlo was her father’s best friend and is more than that to Ginny. However strained their relationship is, they both know they can count on each other. This entire story is wrapped up in one evening (with an epilogue) but is heavy and intense the entire way. This is a better version of Mr. & Mrs. Smith! Gritty, dirty, and exquisite!

Author Logo

J.M. Walker, a Canadian author, is an Amazon bestseller who also hit USA Today with Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. She loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.

“Above all, be the HEROINE of your own life…” ~ Nora Ephron



#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseires Liberate Us(Next Generation 8) by J.M. Walker

He was mean.
Sammy Butcher had an outer layer he showed to the world. But I got the side of him I had been craving since I first met him.
After the first man I had ever loved was taken from me, I didn’t know how to open up and trust again. But Sammy made it his mission to let me see him. The real him.
Kind and gentle, two things I never thought I would get from him. He also showed me that as long as it was with the right person, I could embrace my deepest and darkest fantasies.
I wanted to be his pet but more than that, I wanted to be his. In every sense of the word.
For good.

She was beautiful.
And a brat.
Amber Bishop could very well bring me to my knees just from saying my name alone. With her vibrant red hair and pale skin, I wanted to leave my touch on every inch of her.
She had a hard time trusting. Couldn’t say I blamed her. I wasn’t known to be a nice guy. I wasn’t the hero in a romance book. I said and did whatever I wanted, whatever the outcome.
But I wanted to be better.
For her.
For us.
No matter how long it took, I would show her she could trust me, and I would take care of her.
I would fight for her.
Even if it destroyed us.

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58442026-liberate-us

Amazon https://amzn.to/3iwAMvB

Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Sammy is the big grump of the group and had to recently share his brother as Cyrus had finally found his other half and was completely changed. Now that Sammy had gotten use to sharing his brother he wanted his own pet and happily ever after or his version of it, and he had his eyes set on Amber aka red. Amber has been through a lot of past trauma with her new dead husband who was a part of the same biker club as Sammy just a different chapter, Amber has a lot of trust issues but she loves being a brat and Sammy loves a challenge, these two are absolutely perfect together, he pushed her to find herself more and she test his patience more than he ever thought someone could, but they make it work. But will her past come in between them faster than Amber thought it would and will Sammy really be able to save her from not only herself but from her past club that isn’t fully done with her, or can they overcome everything and be happily in and out of the bedroom. OMG this book was on fire so freaking hot, I love Sammy and Red’s chemistry and the banter between them is the best. Red is so sassy and I’m all for it.

J.M. Walker, a Canadian author, is an Amazon bestseller who also hit USA Today with Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. She loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.

#WOTR23 #Charity #Anthology – Dissent: a Charity Romance Anthology, A Love so Far by JM Walker

JM Walker is the attending author from this anthology.

Dissent: A Charity Romance Anthology by [Brighton Walsh, Nicole French, Kennedy Fox, A.M. Roark, A.R. Hall, Aarti V Raman, Aidy Award, Alexis Anne, Amanda Richardson, Amelia Wilde, Amie Knight, Amy Quinton, Anna Michael, Aria Wyatt, Ashley Lane, Autumn Jones, B. Celeste, Blair Babylon, Brenda St John Brown, Brenna Aubrey, Bri Blackwood, Cara Dee, Carmen Jenner, C.L. Matthews, Cassie Graham, Celia Kyle, Charity Ferrell, Claire Wilder, Dakota Willink, Dani René, Daniela Romero, Dee Garcia, Dee Lagasse, Deidre-Ann Anderson, Donna Grant, Echo Grayce, Elena Aitken, Elle Thorpe, Ellis Leigh, Emily Colin, Emily Goodwin, Erica Alexander, Erin Parisien, Eva Charles, Eva Moore, Evelyn Adams, Glenna Maynard, H.D. Carlton, Haley Jenner, Heidi Mclaughlin, Holly Mortimer, Hope Jones, Ines Johnson, Iris Morland, J. Saman, J. Sterling, J.H. Croix, J.L Beck, J.M. Walker, Jane Blythe, Janet Berry, Jasmin Miller, JD HOLLYFIELD, Jen Stevens, Jenika Snow, Jenna Hartley, Jenna Lynn, Jennifer Sucevic, Jessica Florence, Jillian Liota, Julia Kent, Kait Nolan, Kat Latham, Kat Savage, Kate Canterbary, Kate King, Kate Meader, Kathy Coopmans, K.B. Cinder, K.D. Proctor, Kelly Maher, Kim Loraine, Kym Grosso, Lainey Davis, Laramie Briscoe, Laura Hall, Laura Lee, Lauren Stewart, Lea Coll, Len Webster, Lili Valente, Linnea May, Lisa Shelby, Lissanne Jones, Lucy Lennox, Mary Ann Marlowe, Max Henry, Megan Ryder, Melissa Andrea, Melissa Mario, Melonie Johnson, Mignon Mykel, Molly O'Hare, Morgan Jane Mitchell, Natasha Raulerson, Nicole Blanchard, Nina Levine, Pamela Dumond, Patricia D. Eddy, Persephone Autumn, R.L. Kenderson, Rachel Brookes, Raven James, Rebecca Paula, Rebecca Yarros, Regina Kyle, R. Castro, Roxie Noir, S. Cinders, Sade Rena, Saffron A. Kent, Samantha Lind, Sarah. M. Cradit, Scarlett Cole, S.E. Rose, Shaw Hart, Sydney St. James, S.J. Sylvis, Skye Alder, Stephanie Anne, Suzanne Baltsar, Sylvie Stewart, T.K. Leigh, Tabatha Vargo, Tamara Lush, Taryn Quinn, Tawna Fenske, T. Gephart, Toni Aleo, Tracy Krimmer, Tricia Lynne, Trish Milburn, V.F. Mason, Vanessa Brooke, Vivian Wood, Zoe Ashwood, Zoe York, B.L. Olson, Jessica Wilder, C. Hallman, Crystal Kaswell, Mia Sands]

For National Read a Book day, DISSENT will be releasing in eBook and paperback!

DISSENT is a charity romance anthology with NEW, never before published content from over 150 authors of all romance genres. All proceeds from the eBook and paperbacks will be donated to organizations benefiting reproductive rights in the United States, particularly in areas where people need them more than ever.

DISSENT will only be available for a very limited time, so grab your copy today!

We are not affiliated nor endorsed by any of these charities. We are simply a community bound by a single cause: protecting the basic human right of body autonomy.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this anthology.

I did a happy dance when I realized the short story in this anthology was for one of JM’s beloved characters Lucas and Lily.

Lucas has 2 kids Rowen and Ettie.  This is about Ettie’s quick trip to Europe.  Should be easy right?  Not with Lucas as her daddy.  But when her long-time crush/dad’s tattoo guy overhears she is leaving, Pearson jumps into action to claim his woman.

This is a short and sexy story that any of JM’s fans will love.

AUTHORS INCLUDE: Brighton Walsh, Nicole French, Kennedy Fox, A.M. Roark, A.R. Hall, Aarti V Raman, Aidy Award, Alexis Anne, Amanda Richardson, Amelia Wilde, Amie Knight, Amy Quinton, Anna Michael, Aria Wyatt, Ashley Lane, Autumn Jones Lake, B. Celeste, Blair Babylon, Brenda St John Brown, Brenna Aubrey, Bri Blackwood, Cara Dee, Carmen Jenner, C.L. Matthews, Cassie Graham, Celia Kyle, Charity Ferrell, Claire Wilder, Claudia Burgoa, Dakota Willink, Dani René, Daniela Romero, Dee Garcia, Dee Lagasse, Deidre-Ann Anderson, Donna Grant, Echo Grayce, Elena Aitken, Elle Thorpe, Ellis Leigh, Emily Colin, Emily Goodwin, Erica Alexander, Erin Parisien, Eva Charles, Eva Moore, Evelyn Adams, Glenna Maynard, H.D. Carlton, Haley Jenner, Heidi McLaughlin, Holly Mortimer, Hope Jones, Ines Johnson, Iris Morland, J. Saman, J. Sterling, J.H. Croix, J.L. Beck & C. Hallman, J.M. Walker, Jane Blythe, Janet Berry, Jasmin Miller, JD HOLLYFIELD, Jen Stevens, Jenika Snow, Jenna Hartley, Jenna Lynn, Jennifer Sucevic, Jessica Florence, Jillian Liota, Julia Kent, Kait Nolan, Kat Latham, Kat Savage, Kate Canterbary, Kate King and Jessa Wilder, Kate Meader, Kathy Coopmans, K.B. Cinder, K.D. Proctor, Kelly Maher, Kim Loraine, Kym Grosso, Lainey Davis, Laramie Briscoe, Laura Hall, Laura Lee, Lauren Stewart, Lea Coll, Len Webster, Lili Valente, Linnea May, Lisa Shelby, Lissanne Jones, Lucy Lennox, Mary Ann Marlowe, Max Henry, Megan Ryder, Melissa Andrea, Melissa Marino, Melonie Johnson, Mia Harlan, Mignon Mykel, Molly O’Hare, Monica Corwin, Morgan Jane Mitchell, N.A. Moore, Natasha Raulerson, Nicole Blanchard, Nina Levine, Pamela DuMond, Patricia D. Eddy, Persephone Autumn, R.L. Kenderson, Rachel Brookes, Raven James, Rebecca Paula, Rebecca Yarros, Regina Kyle, R. Castro, Roxie Noir, S. Cinders, Sade Rena, Saffron A. Kent, Samantha Lind, Sarah M. Cradit, Scarlett Cole, S.E. Rose, Shaw Hart, Sydney St. James, S.J. Sylvis, Skye Alder, Stephanie Anne, Suzanne Baltsar, Sylvie Stewart, T.K. Leigh, Tabatha Vargo, Tamara Lush, Taryn Quinn, Tawna Fenske, T. Gephart, Toni Aleo, Tracy Krimmer, Tricia Lynne, Trish Milburn, V.F. Mason, Vanessa Booke, Vivian Wood, Zoe Ashwood, and Zoe York

#WOTR22 #MC #TwinsieOfTheDayPam – Tray by JM Walker

Amazon US – https://tinyurl.com/yb2k68o4

Amazon CA – https://tinyurl.com/ycx3dxrk
Amazon AU – https://tinyurl.com/ybckstof
Amazon UK – https://tinyurl.com/y8m8td6l

#1 – Greyson
Amazon US – https://tinyurl.com/ybynhbe6
Amazon CA – https://tinyurl.com/y8tugk84
Amazon AU – https://tinyurl.com/y8fccszm
Amazon UK – https://tinyurl.com/yaao5mwc

Despair. Hunger. Pain. Need.
It started the moment she bumped into me.
Ecstasy. Danger. Seduction. Terror.
She was off-limits, but it didn’t stop me from wanting her.
My life was empty. My thoughts were dark. My heart was stone.
Feeling unwanted for most of my life, I didn’t know where I belonged or what my purpose was. He was all I had until she came along and brought out emotions I never knew were possible. She was innocent. Pure. Untouched. She was the daughter of a rival club member, but that didn’t stop us. It only heightened the desire, the passion we felt. We were happy…until someone she trusted made a move that no one saw coming…

Review by Pam James

Gut wrenching.

I was pulled into this book with every word written. So many feels. Such a heart wrenching love story. I am hooked. I must read onto the next book… Pam James

J.M. Walker is an Amazon bestselling author who loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.

“Above all, be the HEROINE of your own life…” ~ Nora Ephron

Discussion group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/HellsHarlemClubHouse/

Newsletter – https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/o2i6u2

#HellsHarlem #JMWalker #MCRomance

Twinsie Dee’s Top 5 reads January-June 

Perfect Plan (Mason Creek 14) by Cary Hart



When Joey decides to stay in Mason Creek a little longer than planned, Cole Jackson comes to the rescue and volunteers a room at his place—and his unsolicited advice on how to land the perfect cowboy.

Cole quickly realizes Joey is perfect for him in every way, and he’d much rather be lovers than friends. There is only one way out of this. The perfect plan? Sabotage.

I was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Cole Jackson Mason Creeks biggest playboy around loves to joke and push everyone’s buttons. But he will protect, and give you the shit off his back if you needed it. Joey flew from Georgia to help her sister Charlee when she gave birth to her daughter, being there to pick up all the pieces back home after Charlee’s failed wedding but it lol worked out in the end she got her happily ever after and now it was Joey’s turn. Having a bad day Joey found herself in the bar drinking her dream apartment just fell through, she’s tired of making sure she don’t walk in on her sister loving on her husband again, Cole was there and offered her to move in with him. Thinking it was going to be easy to have a super cute roommate and nothing was going to happen, but it turned out to be a lot harder then either one of them thought. Will these two let their feelings get to them and give into temptation or will it seriously just be a friends living together no strings attached situation. OMG not only do i love Mason Creek and want too live there I’m in love with Cole Jackson, this is an amazing story and i just ugh love it words can’t decide how hilarious it is. 


Rescue Us (The Next Generation 7) by J.M. Walker 




He was kind.



Cyrus Butcher wasn’t like any man I had ever met before. He took his time with me. Opened up new feelings and made me realize that not all men were monsters.

Ripped from my life at a young age, I spent years in a hell I wasn’t sure I would ever survive. But I did. Only to become a shell of the woman I once was.

With him, the dark and handsome stranger who saved me, he helped me find my voice again. While he was gentle, I knew that there was a dominant man in him I needed.

As I opened up to him and gave him my truths, he showed me a passionate side to myself I thought was lost forever.

I was the pet he needed.

He was the Sir I craved.


She was quiet.


A good girl.

Ainsley Cloet was the submissive I had spent years looking for. She was passionate and fierce. The strongest woman I had ever met. But she kept those parts of herself hidden after spending years locked up at the hands of vile human beings.

While we became closer, my brother became moodier. Spending our lives trying to mask the pain of losing our parents at a young age, neither of us thought we could find the happiness we both deserved.

After earning Ainsley’s trust, falling in love, and making promises about our future, someone who had been lurking in the shadows the whole time finally let himself be known.

But no matter the damage that had been caused, I would be there.

At her side.

As her protector.

And as her Dom.

I was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Ainsley went through a ton in her life she was taken and held against her will in a brothel that did the unimaginable to her and causing her to quit talking completely to her it was her safe home and helped her survive. She was now working at the center and was offered to teach American Sign Language, to others since that was her form of speaking, and Ainsley loved it, but she still had to look behind her back and watch out because some of the men that took her escaped and would want to come after her. Cyrus wasn’t one to fall for a women he was just helping the club, fighting when he needed to release some tension and going to the bar with his brother. That was until he saw sweet Ainsley and she as gonna make this biker fall to his knees and he wouldn’t even knew what hit him. Will these two help each other face their demons of their past and help each other trust someone or will the demons get their way and send them into a pit that they will never get out of. Oh this story grabbed my heart and held on i loved these characters and their story is just what you would need.


Into the Deep by Aspen Winters (Author, Publisher), Krys Janae (Narrator)



The Ocean hides many secrets, and my family has uncovered one of them.

My name is Coralee Eldimire and I was dragged into the secrets my family has been keeping from me. The Eldimire Aquarium and Animal Sanctuary, was more than that. It was a testing site.

A testing site for shifters. The place I thought was made by hard work and passion was actually made by torture and the deaths of creatures I never knew existed.

I found this out the hard way that these shifters are more than they seem. They aren’t mindless or monsters…they were something more. The shark shifters that I had gotten to know only want one thing: freedom and I was their way out. Though it seemed they wanted me for more than an escape route.

These shifters wanted to keep me, and I was starting to have a hard time saying no. With my family trying to keep the shifters or kill them, I have my work cut out for me…and I may learn to be a stronger person on the way

I was given this audiobook by the author for an honest review 

Coralee was working in her family business, in the local aquarium. Her mom was a scientist and working on different species of marine life. Her brother helped and Cora was mostly in charge of filing papers and small task to help her mom. But little did Cora know that behind the walls where she worked was a huge family secret that she didn’t know about, that there were shark coming into the aquarium and Cora was terrified of sharks, but that wasn’t all she didn’t know, those sharks where actually shifters. So will Cora ever find out that secret her family is keeping from her or will she be forever in the depths of their secrets. So this was my first shark shifters book and it didn’t disappoint it was soooo good 4 sexy shark shifters how much better can that get.


Perfect Chance (Mason Creek 18) by Molly McLean 



They spent one night together, and then chance brought them back together again. 


I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve lived a privileged life. But I’ve worked hard not to let my good fortune go to my head. I’ve kept myself grounded, and much to the dismay of my mother and my NFL star ex-boyfriend, I want to do something meaningful with my life. Something I can call my own. 

Hooking up with the cute guy at the bar who seemed to figure me out with a single glance? Not exactly that kind of purposeful adventure I had in mind, but I’m living for me now, so what could one night of fun hurt? 


I met the girl of my dreams in a Denver bar. The only problem is I’m not the kind of a guy a lady like Carly thinks about when the night is over. And when she walked out of my hotel room, I thought I’d never see her again. 

Until she showed up on Mason Creek on a mission. 

She didn’t know she’d find me here, and I’ll be damned if I believe our running into each other again is anything less than fate. Chance brought us together once, and I’ve gotta believe there’s a reason it’s brought us back together again, too.

Turns out that reason isn’t what either of us had planned for our lives, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove I’m up to the challenge. 

Only problem is… 

I’m not the only one vying for Carly’s heart.

I was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Carly was born with a sliver spoon in her mouth but she wanted more for herself she didn’t want to depend on her parents or a man for the things she wants in life so when her current boyfriend an NFL star pops the question she turn him down because he wants her to give up on her dreams. A while later Carly and her bestie end up at a bar in Denver to celebrate graduation and while her bestie goes. To flirt with some locals Carly has a handsome cowboy offering to buy her a drink and next thing she knows she was in his hotel room and had a wild night. Kaden cant stop thinking about that night after Carly left him alone in his room with out getting her number or even her last name. Things are about to get crazier for these two when chance and fate have something to do with it and with the possible chance her ex tries to get her back. This story was so good i couldn’t put it down, i was so invested into these characters so much. 


Till Death Do Us Part (Ariel Kimber 7) by Mary Martel 

Goodreads- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60641310-till-death-do-us-part

Amazon- https://amzn.to/37C6e5P

Ariel Kimber and her coven are under imminent threat from the Council. They are monsters, without fangs or horns, who hide behind their mantle of power, and they will do anything to get what they want.

The problem is, they want Ariel. They want her so badly that every other person around her is in danger just by being near her.

The Council forgot one very important fact though—Ariel Kimber is no victim. She’s a survivor, and the Council is stupid to think they can simply take her and destroy everything and everyone she loves.

She will do whatever it takes to keep her coven safe, even if she has to go through hell to do it. They are all more than willing to fight alongside her because she’s finally agreed to spend the rest of her life tied to them in every way possible.

They have a lot to fight for.

The goal is to make it to the other side without losing anyone along the way because they want their happily ever after.

And they want to be able to say till death do us part.

But life for Ariel Kimber is never that easy.

And it never will be

I was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Once again we are back with my favorite coven of witches, Ariel and her coven have fought through a lot to keep their family save and even adding a few members to their family they weren’t expecting to. Well it was finally Ariel’s 18th birthday and the guys and her father were not going to let her not celebrate it after years of not being able to celebrate it. With things finally calming down Ariel couldn’t help but feel like something was going to happen but she just didn’t know when but something bad was coming. The Council was still leaking around ready to strike and when they did it was going to be big, but would they be able to pull it off. Would Ariel and the guys be able to protect their family from everything the Council was trying to take from them, will Quinton get Ariel down the isle, will the salt and pepper twins finally get some naked twister that they deserve there are so many answers that you just need to read to find. OMG Mary did not disappoint with this much awaited book I’m so glad to have this coven and world back I’ve had sooooo many fist pumps to the sky, its about times screamed, and are you serious while reading it. This makes my heart so happy and I’m ready for the next one.

#wotr22 #attendingauthor #partofaseries Rescue Us (The Next Generation 7) by J.M. Walker 


He was kind.



Cyrus Butcher wasn’t like any man I had ever met before. He took his time with me. Opened up new feelings and made me realize that not all men were monsters.

Ripped from my life at a young age, I spent years in a hell I wasn’t sure I would ever survive. But I did. Only to become a shell of the woman I once was.

With him, the dark and handsome stranger who saved me, he helped me find my voice again. While he was gentle, I knew that there was a dominant man in him I needed.

As I opened up to him and gave him my truths, he showed me a passionate side to myself I thought was lost forever.

I was the pet he needed.

He was the Sir I craved.


She was quiet.


A good girl.

Ainsley Cloet was the submissive I had spent years looking for. She was passionate and fierce. The strongest woman I had ever met. But she kept those parts of herself hidden after spending years locked up at the hands of vile human beings.

While we became closer, my brother became moodier. Spending our lives trying to mask the pain of losing our parents at a young age, neither of us thought we could find the happiness we both deserved.

After earning Ainsley’s trust, falling in love, and making promises about our future, someone who had been lurking in the shadows the whole time finally let himself be known.

But no matter the damage that had been caused, I would be there.

At her side.

As her protector.

And as her Dom.

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56318720-rescue-us?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=9H73KK55sg&rank=43

Amazon https://amzn.to/3IiueZe

Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Ainsley went through a ton in her life she was taken and held against her will in a brothel that did the unimaginable to her and causing her to quit talking completely to her it was her safe home and helped her survive. She was now working at the center and was offered to teach American Sign Language, to others since that was her form of speaking, and Ainsley loved it, but she still had to look behind her back and watch out because some of the men that took her escaped and would want to come after her. Cyrus wasn’t one to fall for a women he was just helping the club, fighting when he needed to release some tension and going to the bar with his brother. That was until he saw sweet Ainsley and she as gonna make this biker fall to his knees and he wouldn’t even knew what hit him. Will these two help each other face their demons of their past and help each other trust someone or will the demons get their way and send them into a pit that they will never get out of. Oh this story grabbed my heart and held on i loved these characters and their story is just what you would need.

J.M. Walker is an Amazon bestselling author who hit USA Today with Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. She loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.

#WOTR22 #NewRelease #Erotic – Rescue Us, Next Generation Book 7 by JM Walker

Book Cover


He was kind.
Cyrus Butcher wasn’t like any man I had ever met before. He took his time with me. Opened up new feelings and made me realize that not all men were monsters.
Ripped from my life at a young age, I spent years in a hell I wasn’t sure I would ever survive. But I did. Only to become a shell of the woman I once was.
With him, the dark and handsome stranger who saved me, he helped me find my voice again. While he was gentle, I knew that there was a dominant man in him I needed.
As I opened up to him and gave him my truths, he showed me a passionate side to myself I thought was lost forever.
I was the pet he needed.
He was the Sir I craved.


She was quiet.
A good girl.
Ainsley Cloet was the submissive I had spent years looking for. She was passionate and fierce. The strongest woman I had ever met. But she kept those parts of herself hidden after spending years locked up at the hands of vile human beings.
While we became closer, my brother became moodier. Spending our lives trying to mask the pain of losing our parents at a young age, neither of us thought we could find the happiness we both deserved.
After earning Ainsley’s trust, falling in love, and making promises about our future, someone who had been lurking in the shadows the whole time finally let himself be known.
But no matter the damage that had been caused, I would be there.
At her side.
As her protector.
And as her Dom.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Oh Cyrus.  I may be wanting to claim you for my own.  I have fallen in love with many of JM’s men but since Garrith in her very first series, no one had captured my heart like you have.

Cyrus is patience like I have never known. When he sees Ainsley, he knows she might be what he is looking for.  He realized that whoring around with Sammy and having one-night stands was not doing it for him anymore.  He wants what his parents had.  He wants one woman to make him happy.  He wants the other half to his tormented soul.

Ainsley…what a back story.  She is broken.  She is battered.  She is the shell of her former self.  When she meets Cyrus, she sees a glimmer of “Maybe” with him.  He is kind, loving, sweet, understanding, and everything she needs to overcome her trauma.

The two start to see where things go and work on her trust and comfort.  The main problem is Sammy.  He is so worried about losing his brother he does tend to cause a few issues.  Plus, Ainsley fears she is being stalked.  She knows her past may be catching up with her and doesn’t know what to do to stay safe and keep Cyrus safe.

The two have a powerful dynamic. They both fall for the other hard and fast but the trust and emotional safety they build is amazing.  The chemistry is off the charts for the couple.  I admit I didn’t want the story to end and cant wait to see more of them in Sammy’s book.

J.M. Walker is an Amazon bestselling author who hit USA Today with Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. She loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.

“Above all, be the HEROINE of your own life…” ~ Nora Ephron

Find me: https://linktr.ee/authorjmwalker

Professional Inquiries:

I am represented by SBR Media. For inquiries regarding foreign rights, audio, and other media outlets, please contact Stephanie Phillips.
