#WOTR20 #AuthorSpotlight – Dania Voss

Dania Voss

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Hello! I’m Dania Voss. I was born in Rome, Italy and live in the Chicagoland area. I love everything pink and am a huge fan of 80’s hair bands. I enjoy my Vienna beef hot dogs, deep dish pizza and the Chicago Cubs. I write steamy/erotic contemporary romance – romance with heat and heart. My series, Windy City Nights, takes place in and around Chicago.

When you are writing, what are some go to’s that you needs? IE Foods to eat, noise level, place to sit.

I don’t like too many distractions when I’m writing so I prefer quiet when I’m writing. I’m usually sitting on my comfy leather couch in the family room, wrapped in a cozy blanket with a bottle of water close by. I have a formal office with a wrap around desk, printers, book cases and couch when I need a change of scenery. Sometimes before I get started, I’ve been known to rock out to a few 80’s tunes to get those creative juices flowing.

What are you favorite things about attending signings?

Meeting all the wonderful authors and getting a chance to meet with and chat with the readers face to face.

What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?

I’m looking forward to meeting all the authors on July 18th, of course. I would also love to meet Julia Kent, Bella Andre, Jennifer Probst and Donna Michaels to name a few.

When you are writing, do you have a consistent schedule where you write every day at the same time or are you a sit and go on different days to get it done kinda person?

I do have a full time job in Information Technology, but thankfully I am able to work from home. This allows me to write in the morning before the work day starts, sometimes during the work day if I can sneak in some writing time and after my work day ends. I’m usually able to get some writing time during the weekend as well. Every day is different and there are some days that I’m not able to write at all. A writer’s life, like everyone else’s is challenging. It’s a balancing act.

What is your favorite memory so far as an author?

Receiving the acceptance for my debut On the Ropes. What a thrill. It was a decades long dream come true. It was quite a surprise too since it only took 11 days from manuscript submission to acceptance. I’ll never forget that day.

What are your social links?


What are your buy links? (You can list individual or links to your Amazon/ibooks/Koko/etc Author Home Page.)


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