Tag Archives: Jodi Cox

#PNR #twinsiefortheday – Nether After by Jodi Cox

Between life and death lies the eternal twilight of the Nether After. A realm ruled by an aristocracy of necromancers who collect the souls of the dead and use the last moments of human life to fuel their magic spells. Fifteen-year-old Faust Thaed is only a necromancer in training, but he bears the burden of harvesting ghosts for his family. When his mother is mysteriously declared insane and is abducted by the secret police, Faust sets out on a dangerous mission to find her in the unforgiving netherworld. A Dark Fantasy written by Jodi L. Cox.



Review by Brandy

I received this book for an honest review.

This book is a lot more than what I thought it was going to be based off the description. It has layers of
different things mixed in for a complex teenage adventure. It has a dash of a twist on the Frankenstein
story, a dash of supernatural magic, and a dash of a few other things all mixed in to make an intriguing
With the loss of his mother Faust has become the one taking on most of the responsibilities at home.
While the description calls him a necromancer but I’m not sure that is exactly the right word for what he
does. He has more care for ghosts than others in his world and it puts him at odds with the way others
think. His frustration with is situation at home is at a boiling point when he gets a letter from his
grandfather asking him to visit to talk about something important.
Responding to that letter brings Faust right into the middle of trouble. Upper class and lower class are
starting to clash where his grandfather lives bringing danger and mysteries into Faust’s life. He finds out
that his grandfather is in trouble because he is planning to do something that will change their entire
society if it actually works and Faust doesn’t know what to do about it. Many people are against his
grandfather for various reasons causing Faust to make a choice: his family or what is right.
I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would. From the description I expected a lot more horror
but it is a complex and well thought out storyline that while involving death and ghosts is not a horror
story. There is some world building but it doesn’t dominate the story so I hope to see more to this series
as I believe this is a complex world that could give us a lot of interesting characters. I would like to say I
recommend ages 13 and up but I’m thinking unless they are comfortable with ghosts and death we may
want to go with ages 15 and up.

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