#Review #UglyCry #TopFav Full Tilt by: Emma Scott

I would love you forever, if I only had the chance…

Kacey Dawson has always lived life on the edge–impulsively, sometimes recklessly. And now, as lead guitarist for a hot up-and-coming band, she is poised at the brink of fame and fortune. But she is torn between wanting to be a serious musician, and the demons that lure her down the glittering, but alcohol-soaked path of rock stardom. A wrecked concert in Las Vegas threatens to ruin her career entirely. She wakes up with the hangover from hell and no memory of the night before, or how she ended up on her limo driver’s couch…

Jonah Fletcher is running out of time. He knows his situation is hopeless, and he’s vowed to make the most of the handful of months he has left to him. His plans include seeing the opening of his glass installation at a prestigious art gallery…they do not include falling in love with a wild, tempestuous rock musician who wound up passed out on his couch.

Jonah sees that Kacey is on a path to self-destruction. He lets her crash with him for a few days to dry out and get her head on straight. But neither of them expected the deep connection they felt, or how that connection could grow so fast from friendship into something more. Something deep and pure and life-changing…something as fragile as glass, that they both know will shatter in the end no matter how hard they try to hold on to it.

Full Tilt is a story about what it means to love with your whole heart, to sacrifice, to experience terrible grief and soaring joy. To live life with all its beauty, and all its pain, and in the end to be able to smile through tears and know you wouldn’t have changed a thing.

All In (Full Tilt #2) available here: http://amzn.to/2cBvM26

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30372977-full-tilt?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=O5XcTk3hto&rank=2

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Full-Tilt-Emma-Scott-ebook/dp/B01GQFEF0S/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3NLJT5HZ6SHRW&dchild=1&keywords=full+tilt+by+emma+scott&qid=1588095954&sprefix=Full+tilt+by+%2Caps%2C221&sr=8-2

Review by Tenise

My heart hurts. It has been quite a while since I’ve read a book this thought provoking. Soul crushing. All consuming. No review I write can do this beautifully written masterpiece justice. Masterpiece. That’s definitely not a word I throw around. Full Tilt definitely earned its spot in that category in my book.

This story is about doing what’s right for you and not worrying about what others think. Living life to its fullest. And finding love when you definitely weren’t looking, even if that deviates from the plan.

Jonah was THE PERFECT Hero. I loved him from the first page. He is one of those characters I will NEVER forget. His time is limited but he is making the most of it. He has his routines and does not stray from them. That is, until he crosses paths with a beautiful guitarist from an all girls rock band.

Kasey was lost and troubled. She needed to find her way in life. She was a hot mess and longed for, I guess you could say, a normal life. Never could she have known how much her life would change after waking up one morning on a strangers couch.

I will say no more. Full Tilt is one of those books that you need to experience for yourself and I would hate to ruin that experience for anyone. I’m throwing the usual rating system out the window and giving this book 5 stars times 2! If you haven’t read this one yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. Just make sure you have plenty of tissues handy.

Emma Scott is a USA Today and Wall St. Journal bestselling author whose books have been translated in five languages and featured in Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, New York Daily News and USA Today’s Happy Ever After. She writes emotional, character-driven romances in which art and love intertwine to heal, and in which love always wins. If you enjoy emotionally-charged stories that rip your heart out and put it back together again, with diverse characters and kind-hearted heroes, you will enjoy her novels. Visit www.emmascottwrites.com

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