Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself and which Twinsie do you know.
My name is Carson Mackenzie. I am a single mother with two grown sons. I live in the South with one son, a Great Dane, and two shelter dogs who think they run the household. I don’t know any of the Twinsies.
When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?
Writing the first books in a series can be hard because it is the book that will either peak a reader’s interest or not. However, to me, the books that follow are the hardest. The first book is fresh, a new idea that brings on the excitement of new characters and building a world around them. With the books that follow, as an author, you want them to be as unique as the first. The main characters in the following books deserve to not to be overshadowed by the mains in the first book and given their own different and engaging storyline. The goal is when the series is completed, readers feel from book one to the last book written had the author’s complete devotion to their characters and story was achieved.
What comes first? The plot or characters?
I start with a basic plot, then once the characters form – I start writing and allow the characters’ personalities to complete the plot as they guide me through telling their story.
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
Nora Roberts – I grew up reading her. Over the years, she is one of the only authors who’s stories and writing has kept me entertained to point I keep coming back for more.
If you could ask that author three questions about their writing, writing process, or books, what would they be?
When did you realize you wanted to be an author? How long did take you gain enough courage to take the plunge into allowing others to see your work? Are you a disciplined writer or do you only write when the mood strikes?
What is harder? The blurb writing, naming the book, or naming the series?
None. I title the book and write blurb before I even start typing the story. If it is to be a series, it is also name prior to working on book.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
My favorite memory is from my first published book. It was a private message from a reader who stated she enjoyed the story and was looking forward to reading more along with watching me grow as an author.
What is your definition of success?
Success can be defined a number of different ways – For me it is knowing people are reading and enjoying my books as much as I enjoyed writing them.
What are your social links?
“Amazon: Facebook: Webpage: Carson’s Crew: Instagram: Goodreads: Allauthor: Bookbub: MeWe: Newsletter: ”
What are your buy links?
“Speed (Book 1) – Universal – Crusher (Book 2) – Universal – Devil (Book 3) – Universal – Ghost (Book 4) – Universal – Jag (Book 5) – Universal – Coast (Book 6) – Universal – Snatched (Book 1) – Universal – Hawk’s Bounty (Book 2) – Universal – Keg’s Revelation (Book 3) – Universal – Her Way or No Way – Universal – Touched by the Music – Universal – ”