Welcome to Creepy, Louisiana, Population 1.
Sissy outlasted the Zombiepidemic, but when other survivors arrive, she finds herself with another dilemma, too many men to choose from. Sounds like a good problem to have if it weren’t that a parish over, her ex has become the king of a gang of savages called the Stayers. Dillon is hell bent on making her his. Can her new suitors save her from an old one or can she really have them all?
Review by Twinsie Kelly
There were many different aspects of this book that I thoroughly enjoyed. Sissy lives in Creepy and is the only resident. She has a routine for scavenging, stock piling, and keeping safe. Her ex has assured her that no one will mess with her but he has to give him some ‘Miss Mary’ in return. They have quite a past and the way he changed really has her messed up inside because she doesn’t understand it. She keeps him sated so he will keep his thugs away from her. Then one day, a new neighbor comes to town. But this neighbor is hawt! Then another! All of a sudden, it’s a party, LOL! There is a lot of tension and angst that is built up throughout the book with a good storyline. It really makes you think about what you would do if you were in the same situation and how you would handle it. I imagine that I would be a lot like Sissy. She is a great female lead for this story. The push and pull between her and her men is delicate but just blooming too. There is a lot more to develop on this level and I imagine it will explode. Now, I generally use books as my escape so I must say that the only thing I didn’t care for is that the handling of the Zombie pandemic was very similar to the handling of the Covid pandemic, and I am sort of over it. Other than that point (and it was not dwelled on long) the story was great and has me looking forward to the next in the series.